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48 Cards in this Set

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How long did it last
300 years
Why Italy
Because England and France were waged in an 100 year war
What does it mean
Worldly rather than spiritual and concerned with the here and now
An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
Printing Press
Johan Gutenberg made block printing faster by technology. He engraved letters into a wooden block then put ink on the block, then stamped it onto paper to make books faster and more easier.
Patrons of the Arts
Church leaders during the renaissance that beautified Rome and other cities by spending a lot of money on art
Renaissance Man Characteristic
Charming, witty, educated, dance, sing, play music, poetry, rider, wrestler, swordsman and self control
Three dimensions on a flat surface
Leonardo Da Vinci
Painted common subjects, portraits, madonna, biblical scenes, plants, animals, fossils, humans, accurate anatomy
Gloomy and restless, ceiling of the sistine chapel in Rome, inspiration= old testament, wanted to be known as a sculptor, biblical david with slingshot, monumental images
Sculpted David in bronze, first sculpture of a nude man
From urbino, subjects are young, attractive, women/children
Van Eyck
Used oil to create layering with subtle colors, realistic detail with personality
Used rich colors and vivid details to portray large numbers of people in everyday actions such as weddings, dances, and harvests. Illustrated proverbs and morals of peasant life, painted Peasant Wedding
Wrote Hamlet, A Midnight Summers Dream, Romeo and Juliet, tragedies and comedies about human emotion
Wrote novels called the Inferno and Divine Comedy in the vernacular his native language of Italian
More, Utopia
Described and imaginary land filled with peace-loving people. Expressed the ideal nature of human potential
Wrote the Prince, a political guidebook that said in the real world of power and politics, leaders must sometimes mislead the people and lie to his opponents
Movement for religious reform. lead to founding of christian churches that did not accept the popes authority.
Martin Luther
Wrote an angry letter saying pope shouldn’t be apart of the church and the pope threatened excommunication and luther didn’t take anything back so he was excommunicated
Pope Leo X
Found luther a threat, issued excommunication to luther because he didn’t take back his statements.
Charles V
Didn’t like Luther, summoned him to the town of worms and put him on trial. Issued an imperial order saying no one can give Luther food or shelter
Peace of Augsburg
Ordered all princes to gather together and decide if they were catholic or protestant
Henry 7
Catholic, hated Luther, “Defender of faith”, needed male heir but only had a daughter, wanted to divorce wife (Catherine) but church didn’t let him divorce her, wanted an annul (Set aside of marriage) pope didn’t want to offend catherine's nephew charles V, made a law that he could divorce his wife and then he married Anne Boyle and they had a daughter so he charged her for treason and burned her at the stake, then he married another woman Jane Seymour, they had a son named Edward and Jane died during childbirth, married 3 more times
Act of Supremacy
Called on people to take an oath recognizing the divorce and accepting Henry, not the pope, as the official head of England’s Church
Queen Elizabeth
Setup anglican church, a mix between protestant and catholic, allowed priests to marry, had money money problems, catholics wanted to overthrow
Anglican Church
The church of england that had Elizabeth as it’s head
John Calvin
Wrote “Institute of the christian religion”-------> ideas about faith: men and women sinful by nature, god chooses who he’ll save- elect, many protestant churches were traced back to him and followers were huguenots
List with the names of elected people
Controlled by religious leaders, strict leaders, no bright clothing, no card games, imprisoned or excommunicated if you broke the rules
John Knox
Put calvin's ideas to work, governed by elders/ presbyters
Only baptized men/women who were old enough to decide that they were christian church separate from state, refused to fight, shared possessions, catholics and protestants persecuted them, amish
Founded new religions and 2 popes, injured in war, daily devotion to cleanse the soul, wrote “Spiritual exercises” a day by day plan to study, pray and meditate
Religious order: 1.) Founded schools with good teachers 2.) Convert non-christians to become catholic and sent out missionaries 3.) Stop spread of protestantism
Pope Paul 3
Directed council of cardinals to investigate indulgence selling and other abuses in the church, approved jesuit, used inquisition to seek out hershey in papal territory
Council of Trent
1.) Church’s interpretation of the Bible was final any christian who interpreted their own understanding of the bible was considered a heretic 2.) Christians needed faith and good works for salvation, not saved by faith alone 3.) Bible and Church authority were equal in the christian faith 4.) Indulgences were valid in faith false selling was banned
Pope Paul 6
Had officials draw up a list of books considered dangerous to the christian faith and called the the index of forbidden books and had them burned
Nicolaus Copernicus
Other planets revolve around the sun-------> heliocentric theory-----> would be rejected because it went against the church's teachings----> On the revolution of the heavenly bodies
Believed the earth was immobile in center of the universe
Other planets revolve around the sun
Tycho Brahe
Studied locations of everything----> a lot of information
Johannes Kepler
Built his own telescope, “Starry Messenger”
Galileo Galilei
Built his own telescope, “Starry Messenger”, Jupiter has 4 moons, the moons surface is rough not smooth, sun has dark spots, Laws of motion,frightened leaders b/c he went against the churches teachings and authority, “Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems”, summoned to trial in rome, house arrest for whole life
Scientific Method
1.) Problem or question from observation 2.) Hypothesis 3.) Hypothesis tested in experiment 4.) Analyze data 5.) Conclude
Isaac Newton
Studied math and physics at cambridge university, laws of motion, “Mathematical principles of natural philosophy”
Rene Descartes
Developed geometry,math and logic, everything should be doubted unless proved to be true
Francis Bacon
English statesman and writer, scientists generate knowledge to improve lives, attacked medieval scholars for relying too heavily on Aristotle, experiments----> empiricism