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14 Cards in this Set

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What are the main Arguments in Bell Hooks Feminism?

1) She argues for intersectional feminism, to see the diversity and the complexity of the female experience

2)Feminism must exist apart from and as part of the larger struggle to eradicate domination in all forms.

McIntosh: White Privilege and Male Privilege

Also arguing for intersectional feminism McIntosh highlights the intersecting hierarchies in feminism by showing that though she faces oppression as a woman she still has privilege as white person and claims it is an unearned advantage

Koyama Transfeminist manifesto

Koyama highlights cis gender priveledge abd asks us to consider cis gender its own gender category.

Michael Kimmel: Men and Women's studies

American men have come t see themselves as genderless We need to make both race and gender visible for the majority -Once it is made visible it opens up the opportunity for dialogue

Pateman: Feminist critiques of public/ Private Dichotomy.

-Critiques the public and private spheres and claims that modern liberalism is patriarchal liberalism

Scott: Gender and the politics of the body

Scott argues that gender is simply a social category imposed on a sexed body, and is a way of differentiating sexual practice from assigned roles to men and women

Oudshroon: Sex and the Body

Oudshroon shows that knowledge about gender changes with time and place, for example in ancient Egypt woman was understood as a men turned inside out (one sex model), then in the 18th century everything about men and women differed, showing women to be inferior.

Crenshaw: Intersectionality, identity politics

The concept of generalized "essential" gender identity does not address differences among women based on race or culture. She proposes the idea of intersectional identities to acknowledge the complexity of belonging simultaneously to several groups.

Pettman: Women Gender and the state

The modern state is a masculine construct, that relies on the exclusion of women from the public sphere and political life to function, as well as women's unpaid labour. This however, is not a homogenous structure as it differs from place to place

Yuval Davis: Gendered Nation

Women's citizenship is of dual nature. Women are both included within the general bounds of the state and separated out of it. Women are denied rights and yet are used to symbolically represent the nation state.

Weeks: Power and the state

The study of sexuality in relation to gender, race, ethnicity and class aids our understanding of domination and subordination by the modern state. Just as the modern nation state produces tensions between public and private that influences ideas of gender differences, the same dynamic affects the way that sexual difference is produced.

Enole: On the beach

Tourism is an industry that relies heavily on traditional and dominant ideas about gender, (like a woman should not travel alone) this is how you understand the effects of globalization on women (Western women get to travel and pass judgment on other cultures)

Excerpts from Mankiller

Hall: From Routes to Roots

Diaspora--> the movements of groups of people to many other locations, and the connection formed between these communities

These cut across traditional boundaries and borders and provide a new way to think about identity.