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194 Cards in this Set

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Monroe Doctrine
directed at Europe
anti colonization
"corrupt bargain"
deal between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams
Oldest political party
"spoils system"
refers to giving out government jobs as political rewards
in the doctrine of nullification, Calhoun argued that:
the federal government was a creation of the state AND that states, not the courts or Congress, should decide the constitutionality of federal laws
the major goal of the United States policy toward Indians in the early 1800's
to acquire for white society the land occupied by native tribes
Taney's supreme court ruling in Charles River bridge vs Warren Bridge reflect what ideal
the Jacksonian ideal that a democracy required expanded economic opportunity
Who were leading Whigs at some point in their career
Webster, Clay, and Calhoun
the overwhelming majority of immigrants who arrived in the US during the three decades before the Civil war came from
Ireland and Germany
"Know-Nothings" movement was aimed at reducing the influence of
Irish Catholics
Prior to its admission to the Union, Texas was what
an independent republic
What was the "immediate" cause of the war with Mexico
a border dispute
within the pre-civil war south, economic power shifted how
from the upper south to the lower south
Southern white lower-class resentment of the cottonocracy was most likely to be found
in the mountainous regions
the "peculiar institution" refers to what
southern slavery
to manumit means
to free
what was the name given by whites and blacks to help runaway slaves escape to canada?
underground railroad
the American Colonization Society helped to transport blacks from the United States to
Houston Texas was named after
Sam Houston, the hero of the battle of San Jacinto
the american general who captured Mexico City
Winfield Scott
The Compromise of 1850 was a result of a request by ___ to enter the Union as a free state
the Republican party in 1860 supported
free soil, a pacific railroad, a homestead act...
Congressman Brooks
nephew of Senator Butler
How did Lincoln win the race of 1860
most electoral votes
Battle of Bull Run
the south won because reinforcements arrived from Winchester
the American System
advocated by Henry Clay:
1. inernal improvements
2. Bank of the United States
3. a protective tariff
Missouri Compromise
the work of Henry Clay, a united states senator
The House of Representative chose this man to be President in 1824
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson's secretary of state
Van Buren
Columbia Convention
nullified the Tariff of 1832 in South Carolina
Two points of Jackson's in his veto of the bank re-charter bill
1. many govt men are indebted to the bank (like Webster)
2. it is too large and undemocratic
First whig president of the United States
William Henry Harrison
lost to polk
the Black Hawk tribe
Led the Sac and Fox Indians agains whites in Illinois
negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
more than 70% of american cotton was exported to
this iron works was located in richmond va in 1850
Tradegar Iron works]
wrote the LIBERATOR
author of "Resistance to Civil Government"
founder of mormon church
harriet beecher stowe
Three giants of the senate who voted for the compromise of 1850
1. Clay
2. Calhoun
3. Webster
Ostend Manifesto
claimed that we had the right to take Cuba from spain
Kansas-Nebraska Act
negotiating of Douglas, an illinois senator
In this case, Taney decided the issue of popular sovereignty
Dred scott
two participants in the Lincoln-Douglas debate
Lincoln and Douglas
Harper's Ferry
John Brown attacked this federal arsenal in 1859 trying to start slave rebellion
Millard Fillmore
became president after the attack of Zachary Taylor
three advantages enjoyed by the north at the beginning of the civil war
1. a greater population
2. better transportation (rivers...)
3. better supplies (arms, uniforms) from closer industry
majority of army officers from ___
Two armies that fought for four years in nova theater of the civil war
Potomac and Virginia
Two republicans represented in the radical position on slavery in the US congress
Thaddeus Stevens and Sumner
this kind of Democrat opposed all measures in support of war
"southern democrats"
San Jacinto
the american warship, stopped by the british ship - Trent- and took slidell and mason off the ship, also took 2 envoys.
paper money not backed by gold, issued by north during civil war to help finance the war
abe lincoln sent a congressman from ohio to the confederacy because of his anti-Union views... named:
Lincoln's inaugural address granted what
Free Soil
two forts that were the only federal properties after the south seceded from the north
Fort Sumter and Fort Pickens
city and state capital of the CSA or Confederate States of America
Montgomery, Alabama
reasons the south did not like the north very much and chose to secede
1. south saw lincoln as an evil abolitionist
2. thought he planned a direct hit on slavery
3. thought they would be overwhelmed by people of the north, thought north was becoming an international giant
Advantages of the North
industrial strength
navy control
(could replace men, guns, supplies, etc)
Advantages of the South
Robert E Lee, good leadership
strongly defensive
"cotton weapon"
results of the emancipation proclamation
1. an increase of racial prejudices: the idea of equality with blacks was not a popular one
- people thought they would make disease more possible, wages would lover, etc
"Massachussetts 54"
black division of the union army wh proved themselves when they won/ won respect from many whites
Fort Pillow
massacre on the mississippi
Presidential election of 1864 in the middle of the war
republican: lincoln
democrat: mclellan
Lincoln wins
Age of Reconstruction
started by Lincoln to bring all areas back to the union with little punishment
how the president and the congress disagreed during the age of reconstruction
argued over how to get the south back into the union
how had (and does) Lincoln discuss the succession
pretends it never happened
Lincoln's 10% plan:
1. General Amnesty to white southerners (except davis and stevens)
2. had to end slavery
3. when 10% voters to an oath to the union, the state could estsblish a government
Lincoln's platform as a Republican candidate
high tariff
free soil
Missouri Compromise
Anti Immigrant
Homestead Act
Free Kansas
Internal Improvements
Confederate States Association, led by Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stevens in Montgomery Alabama
war-opposing, extreme Democrats
Trent Affair
the Union ship, San Jacinto intercepted a British ship, the Trent, and took Confederate soldiers from it
The alabama
a ship made as a "commerce raider" and disguised as a neutrality vessel by the british
Emancipation Proclamation
Freedom of slaves in any CSA state that did not join the Union
the 1864 Union Party
(National Union Party)
an alliance of Republicans and northern Democrats
supposedly what Lincoln was part of in his reelection
Homestead Act
An applicant would be allowed to buy 160 acres of land in uncharted territory
Pacific Railroad Act
secured and aided the construction of the Pacific Railroad (as federal property)
National Banking Reform act of 1863
issuance of paper money
bank supervision
"Prompt redemption of paper money"
Wade Davis Bill
a radical plan
-president to appoint a provisional governor for each state
-a majority of white males pledge allegiance to union (state convention)
- delegates to be people who have not fought against the union
(repudiate slavery, new anti-slavery constitution, disinfranchise confederate leaders)
Andrew Johnson
Lincoln's VP who took his place as president when lincoln was killed
-hated the "planter Aristocracy"
-a war democrat
-self made man
Johnson's Plan
general Amnesty(forgiveness)
-Wade-Davis Bill
-renounce ordinanace of secession
-certain things must be met by the south, but no punishment
-abolish slavery
-ratify 13th amendment
-repudiate southern debt
13th amendment
abolish slavery
14th amendment
Civil Rights Amendment
15th Amendment
Black men have the right to vote
Chair of the "Joint Committee on Reconstruction"
Thaddeus Stevens
the first Civil Rights Bill
-all blacks are citizens of the US
-the Federal govt has the right to intervene in a state to protect black's rights
the 14th Amendment
-equal protection
-born or naturalized*
-repudiate the debt
-if ratified, state would be put back into the union
Which state ratifies the 14th amendment first?
Martial Laws
Military districts, military imposition
who decides impeachment
House judiciary committee
Tenure of Office Act
helped Edwin Staunton, didn't allow for the president to "fire" anyone who held tenure in their office
Ben Wade
president "protempt", he was the temporary head of Senate
Army Appropriation Act
limitted the president's power to control the military
some courageous republicans who vothe 10th act that stated the president had not treated Congress with respect
Edmond Ross and Lymond Trumbo

in the reconstruction period, how were civil rights unique
Black men would have more rights then than they would have until the 60's -- after the late 1870's, black men were again almost slaves
northerners who came south to reconstruct it
southerners who joined with carpetbaggers
freed blacks
idea of "Black Reconstruction" which was the idea that blacks were in control and "inferior" but did some good
how did the south get money to rebuild itself after the civil war
borrowed money from the north, the north had high interest rates
problems in the south during reconstruction
the south did not have power in proportion to their numbers
HOWEVER, some blacks had some success.
most people (blacks and whites) dealt with the crop lien system...
Crop Lien system
-local country store would supply needs but would have absurdly high interest rates, so basically if you had capital, you would survive. If you didnt, you would not.
all servants would live on land in return for working with the crop, but still everyone ends up owing the rich guy of the town money
Mexico, during and after civil war
French took advantage of them, Johnson sent French troops to Mexico, throne of Mexico to maximilian (US was anti, but napolean backed him up)
Paul Sheridan
sent to the border of Mexico when Napoleon drew troops and Maximilian was shot
William Seward
against Lincoln for the republican candidacy before the Civil war
-came up with "Seward's Icebox" as a name for Alaska
-bought Alaska
-was very interested in expansion
Horatio Seymour
Democrat opponent to Ulysses S. Grant(a republican) in the Election of 1868
-believed in Civil Rights as state decision
Republican Platform during 1868 election (Grant)
1.GAR grand army of the republic (Union Army veterans to keep in touch...)
2. High Tariff
3. Hard money, not greenbacks (favored by democrats)
who called Grant a very honest man?
Hamilton Fish
Horace Greeley
founder of the Liberal Republican Party, a reformer, editor of leading newspaper a "bad candidate"
Credit Mobilier
issued in the Lincoln presidency, congressment were bribed during the Johnson presidency too, and the scandal was discovered during Grants presidency
-had to do with the Union Pacific Railroad and Credit Mobilier stock distribution
Whiskey Ring
John MacDonald and other IRS officials were taking bribes from Whiskey distillers, ripped off the public
John macDonald
appointed by Grant, was head of the Internal Revenue office of the midwest, led in taking bribes in the "Whiskey Ring"
who "let no guilty man escape" but let his friend "go" when he was in on something bad
Black Friday Affair
an attempt to corner the Gold Market by Jim Fiske and J. Gould
in the Black Friday affair, how would one "corner the Gold Market"
-control all gold produced in the US
- charge whatever you wanted to make a profit
how did Gould and Fiske try to corner the gold market with Grant in charge?
-tried to convince Grant that gold was undervalued
-wanted to raise its value
-were successful in these things^
Salary Grab
an example of low public morals
-a bill was passed for a 25,000 pay raise for each member of the (congress*)
-passed BUT repealed
William Shepherd
showed the low morals of the time at a city level:
-took 1 million dollars and went to Europe
William "Boss" Tweed
controlled new York City for about 4 yrs, behind the scenes, and stole more than 65 million dollars...
Thomas Nast
an early and influential cartoonist
-Harper's Weekly, for example

was eventually prosecuted, sent to jail, but got himself out and went to Europe
The Panic of 1873
Failure of J Cook and Company
-was an investment bank firm
- greenbacks* by the federal govt
Grant and most republicans wanted a sound currency based on gold, but what was the problem
hundreds of millions of greenbacks were still circulating
who belonged to the greenback party
Farmers and Creditors
"I don't give a damn about a greenback dollar"
Kingston Trio
Hamilton Fish
part of Grant's administration: started the consulate system which made sure people were qualified for their jobs
Treaty of Washington
Made after issues from "the alabama"
- end of reconstruction
-north cost interest*
what was the deal between Democrats and Republicans at the end of Reconstruction?
Hayes would be supported as a President!
-share of federal patronage (or jobs)
-at least one southerner in Hayes' cabinet
-money for southern internal improvements-withdrawal of federal troops in the south
the legacy of reconstruction
-a redistribution of Income and property
-blacks formed and carved out societies of their own
-southern white elites were again back in control...
-the US fails in dealing with the race problem ^this is evidence of that
The conservative "Oligarchy"
small group of people in the south, sort of defined "solid south", called "redeemers" or "bourbons"
-took control of the south
-were bankers, Merchants, industrialists, the owners of factories, etc
what was the "platform" of the oligarchy. what was their mindset?
should reduce state services: schools, hospitals, etc
the rich should not be taxed
Henry Grady
wrote for the Atlanta Constitution
-believed in progress, industrialization for the white race
-textile, steel progress
what Grady called the "Pittsburgh of the South"
Birmingham alabama
Booker T Washington
believed the way of getting ahead for the black community was education
-founded Tuskegee institute, attended "Hampton Institute"
-felt that blacks should forget political rights and seek individual improvement
Atlanta Compromise
Where Booker T Washington met with white leaders
W.E.B. Du Bois
argued for complete equality for his race immediately
there were a series of civil rights cases put before the supreme court. how were many of them ruled?
-state govts could not discriminate because of race, but this did NOT prevent or restrict private organizations of people from doing so (KKK)
started by Nathan B Forrest who was a confederate general
-Fort Pillow Massacre
-basically was formed to intimidate blacks and whites who would support Republican rule
States still in the hands of Republicans
Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana
In the election of 1876, the democrat candidate was
Sam Tilden
In the election of 1876, the republican candidate was
Rutherford B Hayes
At the election of 1876, what was the division in the republican party?
Stalwarts and Halfbreeds
Leader of the Halfbreeds
Leader of the Stalwarts
In the election of 1876, explain the majorities of the house and senate
Senate: Republican majority
House: Democratic majority
The Electoral Commission
this body of people (and its act) served to solve the dispute of the election of 1876 and who won.
-an independent republican was chosen, but he resigned, so a republican voted and voted in favor of the republican ticket. so Hayes wins (he did not win initially)
David Davis
the original man who was to break the tie, who resigned right before voting
-was an independent republican
Joseph Brady
was the deciding vote, in place of David Davis
Plessy vs Ferguson
ruled blacks as "Separate but equal"
Cummings vs County
unequal school opportunities for blacks
who controlled the south and the vote?
the movement by poor whites and poor blacks to vote out the "redeemers" or the conservative oligarchy.
Tom Watson
a populist who was almost successful, but the redeemers were more successful in convincing many that the "black man would steal opportunities from the white people"
Williams vs Mississippi
about literacy tests
Poll Test
must PAY to VOTE
"Grandfather Tax"
if grandfather could vote, you could vote...
Ida B Wells
black woman from Memphis, a Journalist, who led crusade against lynchings
(they decreased into the 20th cent.)
Wabash Case
-Granger Laws
-limited states rights in interstate commerce (to make it a federal thing)
Interstate Commerce Act
-Federal government tried to protect people against big corporations
-much like the "Sherman antitrust act
-prevented pooling and rebates
Agrarian revolt
as part of reform and the Populist party, the "Farmer's Alliance" would try to fix the adverse effects of the crop-lien system
Ocala Demands
a platform for economic reform used by the Populist Party
-crops as collateral to borrow money from govt
-sub-treasuries, so farmers could deposit crops to govt owned warehouses
-abolition of national banks (National banking act* was passed, helped govt, greenbacks)
-direct election of senators
-recall and referendum
-govt ownership of telephone telegraph
-graduated income tax
Graduated Income Tax
the idea that the more you make, the more you pay
-the 16th amendment
17th amendment
direct senator election
Why were banks the enemy?
loans were bad for the farmers
banks took over the farm.
the silver question
silver becomes more valuable
govt is pressured to mint silver
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
requires the govt to buy silver with gold in it, but not coin
REPEALED BY Cleveland & his administration, who thought this was a drain on gold
The Election of 1896
McKinley (and campaign manager mark hanna) wins
McKinley's platform
1. High Tariff
2. Full Diner Pail
3. Gold Standard
the split between regions and parties:
Conservative Democrats to the east, Populists to the south and west
Platform/thoughts of William Jennings Bryan
1. free silver
2. tariff reduction
3. income tax
4. trust and railroad control
Argument against expansion
not take in people of alien race and traditions
-stay away from foreign entanglements
Conservatives were mainly what sectarian?
factors of party loyalty
1. region
2. religion
3. ethnic difference
what did the national govt do in the late 19th century:
1. delivered mail
2. national military (what was of it)
3. foreign policy
4. collected taxis and tariffs
5. pension system for the union civil war vets & their widows, to end when the generation died out
-politicians were not concerned with ISSUES but with WINNING OFFICE
all about govt jobs & controlling patronage
"Lemonade Lucy"
Hayes wife who would not serve liquor in the white house
Election of 1880: Republican ticket
Garfield (a halfbreed) and Arthur (a stalwart) as prez and vp respectively with Blaine (halfbreed) as a sec of state
Election of 1880: Democrat ticket
General Winfield Scott
Garfield wins, but is shot by
Guiteau who wants Arthur to be prez, because arthur is a stalwart
Pendleton Act
an act for civil service reform
-competitive exams for positions in the "classified services"
Election of 1884:
Blaine and Cleveland
-blaine said "burn this letter"
-clevelend had a jingle about blaine's affair
"party of rum romanism and rebellion"
Democratic party
labelled by Samuel Burchard, a protestant
Why do Irish in NY vote for cleveland
blaine is against the irish
Cleveland is the first Democratic president since
What does the Democratic Party do while in power (and while angering the Grand army of the republic) to try to put the country back together
-return captured confederate flags
-confederates back in the cabinet
"a vote for Cleveland is a vote for England"
Lionell Sackville-west, an english ambassador, wrote in a letter
-Harrison wins electoral
-Cleveland wins popular vote
-Harrison wins presidency
needed federal law to back them up
-states were passing laws agains them, but corporations were finding states to get them incorporated in *
the Sherman Antitrust act
very symbolic in the late 19th century
-was against the abuses of big business
-against labor unions
ICC- Interstate Commerce Commission
regulated trade barriers, the railroad, and other labor unions
-protected the people supposedly from these big businesses
signed by Grover Cleveland
McKinley Tariff
high "republican tariff"
-angered voters
caused Cleveland to win agains harrison in the election of 1892
"split tongue"*
People's Party, Populist Party led by
-for economic reform
-socialistic system
Cleveland made what tariff that was the first reduction since the Civil war
Wilson-Gorman Tariff
Railroad reforms
1. Granger Laws
2. Wabash Case
3. ICC
American System
an economic plan embraced by Hamilton, Fist, Clay
high tariff for internal improvements
a strong national bank to handle the economy
defense against "dumping of cheap foreign goods"