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94 Cards in this Set

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Domestic system
Cotton woven into cloth in homes (inefficient, pre-industral)
John Kay
Flying shuttle: replaced domestic system, speeding up weaving process
Spinning Jenny
John Hargreaves invention; able to spin vast amounts of thread
Ely Whitney
Cotton gin
Root of industrial revolution was in...
textiles (at first, in Britain)
Thomas Newcomer
Invented the steam engine (James Watt improved)
Who invented steam engine?
NOT James Watt (he improved it); Thomas Newcomer
Robert Fulton
Built first steamship
George Stephenson
First steam-powered locomotive
Samuel Morse
Alexander Graham Bell
Internal Combustion Engine
Gottlieb Daimler (Daimler Chrysler, anyone?)
Marconi Gugliemlo
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Charles Darwin
Natural selection
Interchangeable parts
Eli Whitney
Assembly line
Henry Ford
Charles Dickens
Wrote on the despair of daily life as a factory worker
Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations; concept of private ownership: CAPITALISM
Laissez-faire capitalism
When governments completely remove themselves from the economy ("pure" capitalism)
Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto (wrote it with Friedrich Engels)
European workers who destroyed equip in factories in middle of the night
Factory Act of 1883
British parliament; restricted children in factories, required cleaner conditions, and limited daily work hours
Social mobility
Ability to move amongst classes
What caused emergence of middle class in Industrial Revolution?
Factory Act of 1883, labor unions, and the realization that happy laborers are productive laborers
Women's suffrage movement
1928, got women the right to vote
2 negative impacts on environment from IR
Pollution, over-exploitation of natural resources
European justification for colonization
We are better than them we're helping them!
Rudyard Kipling
"White Man's Burden"
VERY strong fiber used for ropes (from India)
Robert Clive
Conquered modern Bangladesh for the British East India Company (yes, a CORPORATION)
Indians who worked for the British (mostly as soldiers)
Effect of the sepoy rebellion?
British parliament steps in, destroys Mughal empire, and Queen Victoria made Empress of India
What started Sepoy rebellion?
British weren't nice to sepoys, and the bullet cartridges were greased with pork fat (oops)
Opium War
British wage war on China for banning opium; Treaty of Nanjing signed
Treaty of Nanjing
China signed this after losing Opium War; gave British a lot of rights to trade w/ China
White Lotus Rebellions
Led by Buddhists who were frustrated over taxes and gov corruption
Taiping Rebellion
Almost caused fall of Chinese gov
Sino-French War
French take Vietnam from China and make it a colony
Sino-Japanese War
Forced signing of Treaty of Shimonoseki; China hands over Taiwan & Korea
Treaty of Shimonoeski
Conclusion of Sino-Japanese War; China hands over Taiwan & Korea
Spheres of influence
Not quite colonies, but Europeans invested heavily, built military bases, set up business, trans, and comm operations, etc.
Open Door Policy
U.S. pledged to support sovereignty of Chinese gov and announced equal trading privileges
Boxer Protocol
Manchu gov had to pay Europeans for the cost of them quelling the Boxer Rebellion and formally apologize
Commodore Matthew Perry
Arrived in Japan w/ steamboat, amazed Japanese, they realized they needed to get out of isolation
Treaty of Kanagawa
Allowed European (and U.S.) powers more influence in Japan
Meiji Restoration
Restored emperor to power; westernized and industrialized the country
Russo-Japanese War
Japanese oust Russia from the region
The Dutch of S Africa
Boer War
S African Boers discovered gold, British come and fight them for access
African National Congress
British colonists only allowed white men to vote, this gave power to everyone
Muhammad Ali
Gained control of Egypt in 1805; began industrialization
Abbas I
Egypt; constructed Suez Canal
Berlin Conference
Discussed colonialism in Africa, drawing boundary lines between nations
French and Indian War is also called...
7 Years' War
Seven Years' War
Fought between Engalnd & France (England wins) in both Europe and N America
Thomas Paine
"Common Sense" (pamphlet): supported American independence movement
General Cornwallis
Led British army against US
3 Estates
1: Clergy
2: Nobles
3: Everyone else
National Assembly
Created by Third Assembly after they were just fed up with the Estates General system
The Declaration of the Rights of Man
Based on American Declaration of Ind and writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; declaration by National Assembly in France
What was wrong with the National Assembly's constituion?
It created a constitutional monarchy (not a democracy), so the Convention was created
Abolished the National Assembly's monarchy and created republic
Who led the convention?
Committee of Public Safety
Appointed Maximilien Robespierre; murdered tens of thousands
Who came first: Robespierre or Bonaparte?
Robespierre -> Bonaparte
Napoleon overthrew this
Napoleonic Codes
Recognized equality of French citizens (men)
Napoleon's decline?
He invaded Russia and his army began to die out in the winter
Napoleon removed from gov, then he came back for one last fight--Waterloo--and lost.
Congress of Vienna
Napoleon is gone, what do we do with France and all of its land?
Pierre Toussaint L'Ouverture
Haiti slave, led revolt against French; Dessalines succeeds
Jacques Dessalines
Succeeds Ouverture (Haiti); makes the state first ind nations in Latin America!
Simon Bolivar
Revolutionary in Venezuela; ind from Spain
Jose de San Martin
Spaniard who helped the rebels win independence in Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc etc (worked with Bolivar)
Son of John VI (Portuguese king)that declared Brazilian independence (ironically)
Miguel Hidalgo
Led revolt against Spain in Mexico; his effort failed and he was executed
Jose Morelos
After Hidalgo, continued revolutionary movement against Mexico; killed by elites b/c he was going to redistro land to poor
Emmanuel & Cavour
Leader & PM in Italy; led unification efforts
Italian nationalist, began volunteer army
Otto Von Bismarck
Germany; helped to unify the country militarily (e.g. took over Austria)
Franco-Prussian War
France vs Prussia; consolidated French control of Germanic regions
Emancipation Edict
Issued by Alexander II of Russia; abolished serfdom (didn't really work)
The People's Will
Group in Russia; assassinated Alexander II
Everyone in the region expected to learn language and convert to Russian Orthodoxy
Nicholas II
Bloody Sunday guy, failed Japan attack, created Duma, etc.
Bloody Sunday
Nicholas II (Russia) opens fire on peaceful protesters
Russian body intended to represent Russian people
Why didn't Britain/France want the Ottoman empire to fall?
Russians would take over the territory
Monroe Doctrine
Intended to keep Europeans out of recolonizing the U.S. (Britain supports)
Roosevelt Corollary
US will intervene in financial disputes between Europe & Latin America if it will maintain peace
How did Latin America see Monroe Doctrine/Roosevelt Corollary?
They saw it as the U.S.'s own brand of imperialism
Spanish-American War
Launched by U.S. against Spain in order to free Cuba and Puerto Rico