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95 Cards in this Set

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As Compared With Paleolithic and Neolithic societies, the agriculture of civilizations
Changed man’s physical environment
The period of the Neolithic Revolutions and river valley civilizations ended when
Various civilizations first established contacts between regions
The first truly revolutionary transformation of human society was
The Agricultural Revolution
In most ancient and classical civilizations and societies, priests developed considerable social power and influence because they
Interpreted the god’s wishes and placated the deities
Which of these is an example of patriarchal society in the classical world:
After marriage, a woman moved to the residence of her husband’s family
Periodic nomadic invasions in the early history of Eurasia
Caused disruptions, but facilitated innovations and prompted synthesis
Unlike Sumer and Egypt, the Indus Valley or Harappan civilization
Had a system of writing that has never been translated
Compared with river valley cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia, civilizations in China
Probably developed after civilizations in the Nile Valley and Southwest Asia
Classical China and the post-classical Muslim world are similar in that unity and cultural identity were provided by
Commonalities of the spoken or written language
In order to counterbalance feudalism and its tendency to decentralize ruling power, and in order to maintain their influence, leaders in Japan, China, and Western Europe
Created strong national armies capable of suppressing aristocratic independence
Peasants in Zhou China, serfs in Medieval Europe, or slaves in Aryan India
Were burdened by obligations to the rulers and local nobles
Classical differed from river valley civilizations in all of these ways EXCEPT:
Classic religions were largely monotheistic or atheistic
Historically, pastoral nomads
Lived on grassy plains of the continents where sedentary agriculture was very difficult
In comparison to women in sedentary societies, women in nomadic, pastoral societies
Belonged to paternalistic societies as strong as any sedentary society
All these actions and responses typified contact between sedentary and nomadic peoples EXCEPT:
Acceptance of each other and each other’s ways of life.
Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, as well as Buddhism
Originated as responses to societal problems during times of disruption
Although they varied greatly in wealth and social status in the classical world
The commoners, especially the peasants, remained the largest group
Women in most Classical Age societies
At all class levels, were legally subordinated to fathers and husbands.
Rural population pressures in classical societies such as China, India, and Rome
Were avoided by infanticide, high death rates, and selling children into slavery
Despite their material success and increased wealth, in China and Rome
Merchants often ranked below peasants and had little societal influence
The major impact of Alexander the Great’s conquest was
The spread of Greek culture throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, Southwest Asia, and into India
In comparison to the Hindus, Persians, and Jews, religiously, the Greeks
Never developed a major religion
Much of what is called classical Greek and Chinese Philosophy taced its origins to
Cultural crisis and intellectual uncertainty that followed prolonged periods of war
Unlike Qin legalist philosophy, Roman imperial law
Was intolerant of innovation
What sentence BEST describes both Roman and Chinese gender relations
While subordinate, Roman women were considerably freer than their Chinese counterpart
Far more than classical Greece, India, or China, slavery in Rome
Dominated the labor markets – Rome became dependant on slavery
With regard to merchants, classical civilizations in Rome Greece, China, and India
Were ambivalent towards merchants despite the vital roles in commerce
The major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism was
Buddhism denied the need for castes, rites, and sacrifice to achieve nirvana
Although the Mayas developed similarly to other civilizations, they never
Progressed much past Neolithic technologies
When the Bantu migrated, they
Spread agriculture, crops, and Iron technologies across much of Africa
Contacts in China introduced all of these to Japan EXCEPT:
Patriarchal and patrilineal family relationships
All of these must generally occur for a new period in world history to begin EXCEPT:
Nomadic peoples must overrun sedentary civilizations
At the end of the Classical Age
There was a religious upsurge as a result of social and economic problems
In comparison with the end of the classical civilizations in China and India, the collapse of the Empire was
More severe and extensive than elsewhere
In contrast to Mahayana Buddhism, as Christianity evolved and spread, it
Was intolerant of other faiths
All of these developments characterize the Post-classical age EXCEPT the:
Domination of the Atlantic and Mediterranean by Christian Europeans
The leading civilization during the Post-classical Era (450-1450 C.E.) was
One of the strengths of Islam that made it a successful universalizing faith similar to Christianity and Buddhism was its
Egalitarianism that transcended previous loyalties, ethnicities, or allegiances
The pillar of Islam that helped create the first trans-regional civilization was
The pilgrimage by the faithful to Mecca
Initially, Islam, with regard to women and gender roles
Greatly strengthened the position of women
Unlike merchants in classical civilizations, Muslim traders
Acquired great wealth and were protected and encouraged by Muslim states
Acquired great wealth and were protected and encouraged by Muslim states
Were Turkish-speaking slave armies used by Muslims
The Seljuks
Settled in the lands of modern Turkey and became the Abbasids’ protector
The impact of the Crusades
Was greater on the Europeans because it brought Europe into contact with Muslim civilizations and their accomplishments
Contacts between Hindus and Muslims led to
The absorption by the Muslims of many Hindu social practices
Unlike the Americas, sub-Saharan Africa
Was never totally isolated from other civilizations
Sub-Saharan African societies are similar to Latin American Indian societies in that both
Are so numerous that it is impossible to generalize about them
Prior to the 15th century C.E., Islam spread through West and East Africa and Southeast Asia by
Prior to the 15th century C.E., Islam spread through West and East Africa and Southeast Asia by
The slave trade from West Africa to the Muslim world
Preferred male slaves for administration and military occupations
As had Hammurabi’s Code (Mesopotamia), Justinian’s Code (Byzantine)
Became the basic unified law code for states, which existed after its original creator
Within the Byzantine state, as had been the case with government in most of the dynasties of China, the chief power and influence was
Emperors and their trained bureaucrats
Unlike monarchs in western Europe, but like the caliphs, the Byzantine emperors
Headed both church and state; there was no separation of power
When scholars began to study Greek classics, most early Western Euro intellectuals
Found the Greek notion of reason troubling because it questions faith
Manorialism in Medieval Europe was characterized by all of these conditions EXCEPT:
Manors and peasants depended on merchants for most necessities
European serfs differed from slaves in that
They could not be bought or sold and owned some of the land they farmed
As happened in the Fertile Crescent, India, and China, the fall of civilizations in the Americans was often due to
Migrating nomadic invaders
Emphasized tradition, authority, and harmony, at the expense of innovation
Both foot binding in China and the harem and veil in Islam
Symbolized the increasing subordination of women to men
Taug military expansion into central Asia
Taug military expansion into central Asia
The only indigenous aspect of Japanese culture during the Heian era was
The group that most directly challenged Chinese influences in Japan and Vietnam during the Post-Classical era was
Aristocrats and local provincial administrators
The usual pattern for relations among China and its neighbors in the post-classical periods was
For states to acknowledge Chinese superiority, pay tribute, but remain independent
Although the Mongols were often brutal, they were
Tolerant of religious differences and supportive of trade
Pastoral nomads from the Central Asian steppe who has threatened sedentary civilizations throughout world history included all of these EXCEPT:
The greatest long-term demographic impact of Mongol unification of Central Eurasia was the
Spread of the Black Death from China to Europe and the Muslim world
The transformation that most immediately weakened the power and influence of pastoral nomads over sedentary Civilization was due to
Newer technologies, especially weapons, used by the sedentary civilizations
Besides the Italian city-states, the geographic region or state in West Europe MOST supportive of change at the end of the post-classical era was
The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal)
The major barrier to West European expansion prior to the 15th century C.E. was the
Low level of European technology
The Ming Chinese naval expeditions of the early 15th century C.E.
Ended because they challenged Confucian values and typical expenditures
All of these events led to the weakening or end of Medieval west European institutions EXCEPT:
The Ottoman Turk invasion of Western Europe
A major feature of the early modern globalization of international trade was the
Unequal commercial relationships and the dependence of many states on Europe
Unequal commercial relationships and the dependence of many states on Europe
The first truly global world trade network
Fundamental to the European acquisition of colonies between 1450 and 1750 was
European naval and maritime technologies
All world labor systems during the Early Modern period can be characterized as
Largely unfree
The Columbian exchanges involved all of these global movements EXCEPT:
Indian populations were resettled to the pacific Islands and African lands
The Renaissance was largely influenced and financed by
The urban environment and commercial economy
Renaissance humanism would be most comfortable with which belief system’s values & ideas
The fragmentation of Christianity during the Reformations into the Catholic and Protestant sects most closely resembles
Sunni-Shia divisions within Islam over political leadership of the Muslim community
West European monarchs employed all of these methods to win control of their states EXCEPT:
Allowing representative assemblies to make and pass laws
The main reason European conquerors and navigators were able to sail and continue to explore, and the reason the Ming Chinese fleets in the Indian Ocean failed, was
European governments supported and encouraged overseas expeditions; the Ming didn’t
European nations acquired their first colonies in the Americas
Following the conquests by military, gold-seeking adventurers
In Africa during the Early Modern period, Europeans
Had to negotiate with African kings, who controlled the slave trade
All of Russia’s reforms under Peter the Great were largely attempts to
Modernize the state and strengthen the army in order to conquer desired lands
Modernization and westernization in Russia under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great did not include
Liberalizing state policies and tolerating democratic ideas
In comparison with American slaves, Russian serfs
Could neither be owned nor sold
The greatest source of social unrest in early modern Russia was
The lack of real reform, especially rights for the serfs
These Iberian traits influenced Spain & Portugal colonial pattern & society in Americas EXCEPT:
Local political and religious autonomy
The Spanish assimilation of the American peoples and the replacement of Indian by Spanish cultures were facilitated by
The demographic decline of Indian population caused by European diseases
The export of silver from the Americas led to all of these EXCEPT:
The discouragement of foreign rivals and pirates
Within the Spanish American Empire, the Roman Catholic Church
Supported the state, influenced cultural life, and defended Indian rights
Under the doctrine of mercantilism, Spain & Portugal encouraged their Latin American colonies to
Buy manufactured goods only from the mother country
What event was most directly responsible for the rise of the gunpowder empires in Turkey, Iran, and India and similar states in Tsarist Russia and Ming China
The Mongol Empire and its khanates collapsed
The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires possessed all of these EXCEPT:
All ruled predominantly Muslim populations
All ruled predominantly Muslim populations
Ignored and looked down upon all things European, which later hurt them
Which of these statements about women in India during the Mughal Empire is TRUE:
The birth of girls was seen as an unlucky event