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49 Cards in this Set

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who has the power to make things happen
images/messages that are over produced

Process by which culturally different groups subordinate differences, expand similarities, become fused; one set of trait is relinquished and a new set is acquired

Body image

The subjective/mental picture of one's own body

Conspicuous Consumption

buying to prove that you can buy, flashy purchasing nonsense just so that people can see you have a lot of stuff and money with which to buy it


Cultural Appropriation
dominant culture takes aspects of a marginalized one, these things are considered bad for the marginalized culture, but considered cool, interesting, trendy or beautiful for the dominant one

Emphasized femininity
subordination of women in every way, soft, demure, sexually open but not promiscuous, etc.
Enlightened sexism

when people believe that we are past sexism and that since that is the case, blatant sexist behavior or words are no longer harmful


a method used in reality tv where clips are mashed together, sometimes filmed days, weeks or months apart, to make a person seem like they are saying something

socially constructed traits of masculinity and femininity; is situational and not fixed

Hegemonic Masculinity

the dominant masculinity, characterized by aggression, empowerment of men, a masculine perspective, gender stereotypes and heteronormativity

belief that people fall into distinct and complementary genders, emphasis on heterosexuality as the only way; instituations, sturctures and belief systems that privilege heterosexuality, while making it appear normal and inevitable
Heterosexual Privilege
The privilege the people get just for being attracted to the opposite gender

The fear/hatred of homosexuals

How women are often portrayed in the media, with and emphasis on sexuality above all else


treat someone as a child


looking at the intersection of race, class, gender, ability, age, etc.


Not having representation or having so little and of only one stereotype that there is basically no representation

Male Gaze
How advertisements and whatnot are shown to us through how a male would see, particularly women are viewed how men view them

Media literacy

being literate about media, knowing what you are seeing and how you are seeing it, including the methods used to edit the material

Media logic
the degree to which users fail to realize how media influences them


a system based on worth and how well you do is directly related to how hard you work, not the system in America; ignores the system of oppression


the hatred of women


treating someone like a something, disregarding humanity, emotions, personal choice

Oppositional Reading

A text that offers an opposing view to the traditional ways of things; ex: Lela in Teen Beach, she shows that women can be strong and independent and still be happy

Parasocial relationship theory
one-sided relationship where one party know a great deal but the other does not


Using the guilt of breast cancer to get people to buy products that have nothing to with/do not support breast cancer research


Having more than one wife

Pop Culture
everyday objects, actions, events that show society what is good/bad, appropriate/innapropriate

Preferred Reading

A text that reinforced stereotypes already in place

Princess Narrative

The story line that goes: beautiful, white woman is helpless, is saved by strong, white, rich prince, they fall in love at first sight and marry quickly, which is the happiest day of the princess's life


Queer Theory
Examines sexual identities and activities that hegemony labels "normal";Identities are not fixed and we are more than our bodies/orientations


When images/ideas are not shown at all or shown very little

Refracted gaze
Looking at yourself as others see you, in a flawed surveillance way


How people/groups of people are displayed to the rest of society

taking pleasure in the misfortune of others
Sexual Object

The person becomes literally on object to be consumed

Sexual Subject

The person has agency and make decisions/has input in the relationship

Social Learning Theory
People learn by observing others


being placed below someone/something else


constant watching and judging of a subject, reality tv related

Laura Mulvey; women in media possess this, while viewers and men get to be the ones looking

Visual Pleasure Theory

Laura Mulvey; the ideas of the male gaze, "to-be-looked-at-ness"

Wage Gap

White, middle class women women make 78 cents for every dollar men make.

White Gaze
Looking at the world through a white person's eyes, taking in all of the privilege they have and ignoring all of the marginalized experiences of others