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64 Cards in this Set

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repetitive and stereotypical headache, and not related to other diseases, such as migraine, cluster headache, tension headache, etc.
idiopathic headache
headache is caused by many systemic diseases, or disorders in other organs, such as hypertension, epilepsy, sinusitis, acute glaucoma, and skull injury, etc.
sumptomatic headache
a pain of sensory nerve in the head area, the characteristics are electric, burning, stinging, or cutting. the common sample is trigeminal neuralgia
neuralgia in the head region
an episodic, usually unilateral, puslating headache, and mostly seen in women. the episode is commonly related to the menstruation, headache is often accompanied with anorexia, nausea, and occasionally vomiting, intolerant of light, or sound, or odors, with or without aura.
a vasculo-nervous headache that is 4 times more common in males, the pain is usually intensive, steady, non-throbbing, and located retro-orbitally on one side of the head, accompanied with congestion of nasal mucosa and conjunctiva on the side of pain, episodes are usually frequent in 1-2 weeks and happen during sleep
cluster headache
caused by stress, depression, and muscle spasm of head, neck and shoulder, and more commonly occurs in women, headache is uaully not unilateral and may be frontal, occipital, or generalized.
tension headache
necessary for any patient with headache
blood pressure measurement
usually presents with severe headache, vomiting, even coma, which occurs in several hours or several days after injury
intracranial hematoma
includes spondylotic radiculopathy and myelopathy, and usually results from compression of nerve root caused by degenerative changes of cervical vertebrae or discs. the neck pain and stifness radiating to one or occassionaly two arms and hands that accompanied with numb or weak. some cases involved on blood supply of spinal arteries may present dizziness
cervical spondylosis
most cases are caused by trauma or degeneration and occur unilaterally. the C7 root is affected in 70% of cases. the symptoms are pain in the neck, shoulder blade, medial axilla, and pectoral area, which radiates into the posterolateral uper arm, dorsal forearm, index and middle fingers. xray and mri can make differential diagnosis
intervertebral disc herniation
acute rupture in the lumbar disc is much more prevelant than that in cervical disc, severe low back pain develops within a few hours of the injury and it is aggravated by activity. usually, the pain radiates into the lower extremity in a sciatic nerve distribution, and leg-rasing sign is positive, which is called sciatica
intervertebral disc herniation
repeated acute lowback pain caused by hyperextension injuries. the pain is usually felt in the low back and buttocks area, sign of tenderness appears on the lumbosacral junction and the pravertebral muscles may be in spasm
lumbosacral strain
it usually occurs after the age of 50 years and it is the results of multiple levels of spondylotic narrowing that sometimes superimposed upon congenital factor. pain develops in the buttocks, thighs, and legs when standing or walking, some patients have variable lower extremity numbness
lumbar spinal stenosis
area of acute abdominal pain for acute gastritis
epigastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for acute pancreatis
epigastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for acute cholecystitis and gallstone
right epigastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for acute hepatitis
right epigastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for liver abscess
right epigastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for small instestinal disease like acute enteritis, dysentery
umbilical area
area of acute abdominal pain for acute appendicitis
right hypogastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for acute cystitis
middle hypogastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for pelvic imflammation
middle hypogastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for pelvic inflammation
middle hypogastric area
area of acute abdominal pain for rapture of ectopic pregnancy
middle hypogastric area
area of chronic abdominal pain for chronic diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gallbladder or biliary ducts
epigastric area
area of chronic abdominal pain for chronic ulcerative cholitits and chronic pelvic inflammation
hypogastric area
area of chronic abdominal pain for chronic appendicitis
right hypogastric area
area of chronic abdominal pain for chrohns disease
right hypogastric area
area of chronic abdominal pain for irritable bowel syndrome
left hypogastric area
area of chronic abdominal pain for diverticulitis
left hypogastric area
induced factors for cholecystitis and gallstone
fatty foods
induced factors for pancreatitis
induced factors for machanical intestinal obstruction
abdominal surgery
induced factors for ectopic pregnancy
stopping menstruation
shock resulting from accidentally injury may indicate rapture of organs like _____ or _____
spleen or liver
nausea and vomiting accompanied with diarrhea may be seen in (2)
acute gastroenteritis and bacterial fod poisoning
vomiting large amount of food may indicate _____obstruction or _____ obstruction
pyloric obstruction or intestinal obstruction
vomiting with fever, chills, and jaundice may suggest inflammation or stones in ______
projectile vomiting with headache may reveal intracranial ______ or _______
intracrainial hypertension or acute glaucoma
nausea and vomiting with dizziness and nystamus may result from vestibular diseases like _____ and _____
menieres syndrome and motion sickness
vomiting with epidsode of hysteria or GI neurosis may be ___ or ____ vomiting
hysteric or nervous vomiting
type of hemorrhage showing hematemesis (vomiting of coffee colored matter, or fresh red in big amount of bleeding) and melena (tarry stool)
upper GI hemorrhage
type of hemorrhage showing bleeding from intestinal tract below duodenum usually presents blood in feces, the color from dark to fresh blood
lower GI hemorhage
alarm symtoms for colorectal carcinoma (3)
-change of habit in bowel movement
-chronic rectal bleeding
(angina or AMI)
coronary ischemia
(angina or AMI)
coronary obstruction
(angina or AMI)
chest pain <15 minutes
(angina or AMI)
chest pain >30 minutes
(angina or AMI)
nitro glycerin relives pain
(angina or AMI)
nitroglycerin does not relieve pain
(angina or AMI)
ECG shows ischemia ST-T change
(angina or AMI)
ECG shows AMI Q ST-T change
(angina or AMI)
serum CK-MB is normal
(angina or AMI)
serum CK-MB is increased
(angina or AMI)
no complications
(angina or AMI)
severe complications
what kind of sputum in asthma?
what kind of sputum in bronchitis?
what kind of sputum in pulmonary abscess?
what kind of sputum in lobar pneumonia?
what kind of sputum in bronchiectasis?
fresh blood
what kind of sputum in lung cancer ?
fresh blood
what kind of sputum in tuberculosis?
fresh blood
what kind of sputum in tuberculosis?
fresh blood