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44 Cards in this Set

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Stressors for a child

Beginning school

Establishing peer relationshipns

Coping with peer competition

Stressors for adolescent

Accepting changing physique

Developing relationships involving sexual attraction

Achieving Independence

Choosing a career

Stressors for Young adult

Getting married

Leaving home

Managing a home

Getting Started in an occupation

Continuing one's education

Rearing children

Stressors for Middle adult

Accepting the physical changes of aging

Maintainign social status and standard of living

Helping teenage children to become independent

Adjusting to aging parents

Stressors for Older adult

Accepting decreasing physical abilities and health

Accepting changes in residence

Adjusting to retirement and reduced income

Adjusting to death of spouse and friends

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .

What are the 6 main responses?

1. *Increased rate and stroke volume of heart contraction*

2. *Constriction of vessels in blood reservoirs (skin, kidneys, most viscera)*

3. *Dilation of vessels in skeletal muscles*

4. *Decreased secretion by digestive glands; decreased peristalsis*

5. *Rapid marked increase of secretion by adrenal medulla*

6. *Increased liver glycogenolysis*

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .

*Increased rate and stroke volume of heart contraction* leads to what?

-Increased cardiac output-

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .

-Increased systolic blood pressure, increased volume blood circulating per minute; blood redistributed from less to more active organs- is caused by what 3 responses?

1. Increased rate and stroke volume of heart contraction

2. Constriction of vessels in blood reservoirs (skin, kidneys, most viscera)

3. Dilation of vessels in skeletal muscles

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .

*Decreased secretion by digestive glands; decreased peristalsis* leads to what?

Decreased digestion

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .
*Rapid marked increase of secretion by adrenal medulla* leads to what?

-increased epinephrine in blood-

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .

-increased epinephrine in blood- leads to what?

(increased in prolonged sympathetic responses)

During an increased sympathetic activity. . .

*increased liver glycogenolysis* leads to what?

-increased blood glucose; hyperglycemia-

According Selye's adaptation to stress model. . .

A stressor leads to what?

Alarm reaction

According Selye's adaptation to stress model. . .

The Alarm reaction leads to _____ which includes what three hormones?

Shock phase

1. Epineprhine

2. Norepinephrine

3. Cortisone

What is Epinephrine responsible for?


Mycardial contractility

Bronchial dilation

Blood clotting


What is norepinephrine responsible for?

Blood to kidney


What is cortisone responsible for?


Catabolism Gluconeogenesis

According Selye's adaptation to stress model. . .

The shock phase leads to. . .

Countershock phase

According Selye's adaptation to stress model. . .

The countershock phase leads to what stage?

Stage of resistance

According Selye's adaptation to stress model. . .

What are the two components of the stage of resistance?


Stage of Exhaustion (rest and death)

What neurochemical links is sent from CNS to the Endocrine system and the immune system?


What neurochemical links is sent from the immune system to CNS and the Endocrine system?


What neurochemical links is sent from the Endocrine system to the immune system and the central nervous system?

Endocrine hormones

Describe how the following reacts to acute stress response?




Mental: react quickly, hinders ability to analyze event

Physical: more oxygen to muscles, heart, lungs, brain

Relaxation: hormones to normal once threat has passed

What are the main characteristics of chronic stress response?

-Suppresses urge to act

-Fatigues body's stress response. Increases susceptibility to disease

Types of cellular injury?


-nutritional imbalance

-temperature extremes

-radiation and electrical shock

-mechanical trauma

-chemical agents

-infectious agents

What is the cellular response to injury?

-inflammatory response

What is the purpose of inflammatory response?

-neutralize, control, eliminate offending agent

-prepare site for repair

What are sings of inflammation?





-loss of function

What is the three main steps of cellular healing?

-begins with inflammation



What are some negative effects of chronic stress?

-Pysciological- high serotonin levels, hypothalmaic-pituitary-adrenal axis can be altered

-Stress and illness- increases vulnerability to almost an illness

Who are risk factors for stress?
-Working mothers
-Divorced or widowed individuals
-isolated individuals
-targets of discrimination
-Those lacking health insurance
-city dwellers

Nursing process in stress management. . .



-signs and symptoms of stress

-number of stressor, duration, patient's perception of them

-diagnostic tests, laboratory data

Nursing process in stress management. . .


-Emotional responses to stress

-Interruption of activities of daily living

-coping-stress-tolerance-level: coping, effective or ineffective

Nursing process in stress management. . .

outcomes and evaluation parameters

-stress management

-adaptive coping strategies

Nursing process in stress management. . .


-Plans with patients, family, member of health team

-tailored to individual

-crises intervention


-enhancing social support

-social therapy groups

Nursing process in stress management. . .


-If outcomes not achieved, nurse and patient explore reasons

-revise intervetions

What is the definition of the following terms?

Allopathic medicine




Integrative Care

Allopathic medicine- traditional medical care

Complementary- therapy used in addition to traditional medicine

Alternative- therapies used in place of conventional

Holism- connection and interactions between parts of the whole, mind body and spirit

Integrative care-combination of allopathic and complementary and alternative modalities

Categories of CAM? (Mind Body)



-Guided Imagery


-Humor Therapy


Define meditation

mindfulness-based stress reduction

Define Humor therapy

Improved immune response

Define aromatherapy

Effect on the amygdala of the limbic system

The purpose of acupuncture?

Changes the energy flow to promote healing

What are the common alternative treatments for nausea?

-Ginger: ginger ale, raw ginger in cooking, tea

-Peppermint, ingested and/or with aromatherapy

-Acupuncture: changes the flow of energy, goal maintain a balance