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64 Cards in this Set

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According to Wenham, what is at the heart of the debates about Genesis 1-11?
What is a possible source for the Genesis flood story?
Babylonia Antrahasis epic
What is the relationship between Genesis 1-11 and the Sumerian Flood Story?
they tell creation
similar genre
common understanding of the beginning of human history
How does the Sumerian King List resemble Genesis 5-11?
presents history in list form
claims the king's reign longer before flood
has same 3 phases: pre flood, flood, post flood
What is Baylis' metaphor for Egypt while Israel lived there?
According to Baylis, when will the reasons for present pains become clear in God's purposes?
sometimes generations later
On what basis does God get ready to deliver Israel from Egypt?
Egypt's opression of Israel made them God's enemies.
Why does Yahweh test Israel in the desert of Sinai?
To cause increasing recognition of his ways.
How is Exodus imagery used in the Bible?
Paul sees Christian baptism as passing through the red sea.

John and Paul see Jesus as the passover lamb.Dying for us.

Tabernacle image.
What in the tabernacle's design pointed to a restoration of peace between humanity and God that was lost in the fall?
Priestly jewels, cherubim, gold, tree of life, entrance from the east
what is the fundamental idea embodied by the tabernacle?
God's earthly dwelling place
What is the nature of casuistic laws?
they are a selection of case laws that do not express ideals but only deal with problems of the day
what genre is exodus?
narrative and law
what semitic dynasty ruled from about 1648 BC to 1540 BC?
Hyksos dynasty
why was there a certain justice to the death of the first born of Egypt?
the Israelites' first borns were thrown into the river
What concept is Moses introduced to at the burning bush?
God's holiness
What do the plagues prove about Pharoah?
He is not Pharoah (a god) he is not in control of things like God at all, not divine, can not protect his people.
What might it mean when it says that God hardens Pharoah's heart?
He is refusing to change his mind despite the evidence, vivid way of saying that everything that happens is under God's control, God punishes Pharoah's obstinacy with more obstinacy
As far as the OT is concerned, what is the most important festival of the religious calendar?
Why did the Israelites head for the Red Sea instead of taking the shortest route to Canaan?
to avoid Egyptian outposts
What three episodes follow the crossing of the Red Sea?
What points can be made about the nature of the Sinai covenant?
this covenant is based on God's idea on saving intimacy for those who are obedient. obedience is rewarded with greater intimacy with God
do other ancient cultures have a weekly day of rest?
Why did the Israelites head for the Red Sea instead of taking the shortest route to Canaan?
to avoid Egyptian outposts
What three episodes follow the crossing of the Red Sea?
What points can be made about the nature of the Sinai covenant?
this covenant is based on God's idea on saving intimacy for those who are obedient. obedience is rewarded with greater intimacy with God
do other ancient cultures have a weekly day of rest?
According to Wenham, what is at the heart of the debates about Genesis 1-11?
What is a possible source for the Genesis flood story?
Babylonia Antrahasis epic
How does Thorkild Jacobsen believe the Sumerian and biblical texts should be classified?
mytho- historical accounts
How must the stories about Abraham and his descendants have been understood?
detailed historical accounts
According to Wenham, what are some possible ways of describing the narratives of Genesis 1-11?
protohistory, origin story
What is the relationship between Genesis and the traditional origin stories?
major theological interpretation
In what way does Genesis 1:2-3 stand outside the structure of Genesis?
look up p.19
How does Genesis 1 describe God?
power and order, absolutely sovereign
Apart from the Genesis world view, who did oriental people believe were made in the divine image?
What are some of the writers of Genesis fundamental principles?
unity and power of God

God's concern for human welfare

the lifestyle that is best for human beings
What is the relationship of animals and humans in Genesis 2?
companions for Adam
What are some of the consequences of the fall?
painful separation, work = toil, harmony between man and animals is destroyed
What is Wenham's suggestion for understanding Genesis 6:1-4 about the sons of God marrying the daughters of men?
5 options:
1- kings with harems
2- sons of Seth
3- sons of Cain
4- spirits/angels/demons who married human women
5- attack on fertility cults (Mesopotamian fertility cults)
the eleven divisions of Genesis are introduced by what Hebrew word?
According to Baylis, how is God's special care for humanity demonstrated in Genesis 2?
by providing paradise, providing a counterpart (woman), trees as sources of food with the minor restriction
what kind of tree was prohibited in Genesis 2?
the tree of knowledge of good and evil
unlike Genesis 1 in Genesis 2:4-25, what name is used for God?
Yahweh Elohim- the Lord God
in Genesis 2-3 the woman is created as Adam's helper which in Biblical context implies what?
they were equals, allies
what are some of Satan's strategies seen in the temptation of Eve?
Gods standards are made to seem as unreasonable restrictions


people won't reap what they sow
what similarities may be seen between Genesis 2-3 and Revelation 21:1-22:5
creation in Genesis and going back to God's original plan in creation in Revelation
How is Noah seen in Genesis 6:9- 9:29?
the second Adam
according to Wenham, in the flood story was does the "earth" refer to?
all land visible from some point in the middle east
according to Genesis, why did God send the flood?
1- perversity of human thought
2- violence of all creatures
after the flood, what is permissible to eat?
animals with out eating the blood and plants
from which of Noah's sons did Israel's traditional enemies descend?
the Tower of Babel story is an attack on the pretensions of what city?
unlike the preceding chapters, what is the focus of Genesis 12- 50?
descendants of Abraham, focus is now on just one family
which elements do the stories of Abraham, Jacob and Esau, and Joseph have in common?
divine revelation

the principle actor has to leave home

burial at ancestral grave
according to Claus Westermann, what is the genre of Genesis 12-50?
family history over 3 generations
What argument do some OT scholars make for seeing the patriarchal stories as theological fiction?
too illusory or too general or too general to prove a date

written hundred of years after the patriarchs lived

there is an omniscient narrator- not the work of a human historian
what argument do OT scholars make in responding to the idea that the patriarchal stories are theological fiction?
longer era of oral traditions

names, adoption customs, and lifestyle fit the second millenium better than other eras

God being able to show the author about it
what does God promise Abraham?
land, descendants, blessings (he will blessed and is a blessing to the nations)
in Genesis 15 what does the Lord promise Abraham?
offspring as numerous as the stars
how is the sacrifice of Isaac seen in the NT?
it is the type of Christ's death on the cross
what is the point of the story of Cain's sacrifice?
he didn't repent and correct his failure
how is the prevasivesness of the movement away from the Creator's blessing in the ancient world shown in Genesis?
a movement of failure in a family to failure in a society
how does the NT describe a reversal of the effects of the judgement of Babel?
all humanity will come together with the holy spirit, speaking in tongues like before Babel

Jesus death will make unity

Revelation 7- the great multitude