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28 Cards in this Set

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Viral infection of the skin is divided into 2

● Viral disease that cause maculopapular rash

● Viral disease that cause vesicular rash

Viral diseases that cause maculopapular rash include

Mnemonic: R.E.Maculopapular rash



Erythema infectiosum (slapped cheek/5th disease caused by Parvovirus B12)

Exanthem subitum (roseola infantum/6th disease cause by HHV-6)

Rubella is also called

German measles

Characteristics of measles

How is measles transmitted

Via Respiratory droplets

Incubation period of measles virus

10-14 days

Measles affects what age group

Children (it is general knowledge)

Clinical signs and symptoms of measles

Do patients usually recover from measles

Yes, Recovery is usual (out of 1000 people with measles, only 1 or 2 die)

What eventually happens to the maculopapular rash in measles

After about 4-5 days, the rash regresses leaving brownish discolouration on the skin and desquamation.

To prevent measles, what vaccine is given? What category of vaccine is it?

MMR vaccine [for Measles, Mumps and Rubella]

Live Attenuated vaccine (hence shouldn't be given to immunocompromised persons and pregnant women)

Laboratory diagnosis of measles

Presence of IgM against measles

Classification and features of Rubella

Family: Togaviridae

● Genus: Rubivirus

● Positive sense, enveloped,

● ssRNA, helical shape.

How is rubella transmitted

By respiratory droplets (just like measles, hence its name "German measles")

The target population of this virus is

Children (just like measles)

Incubation period of rubella

14-21 days

Clinical features/Signs and symptoms of Rubella

It presents almost the same way as Measles save the Koplik's spot

Mention the difference between the maculopapular rash of measles and rubella

Measles: Rash is red and "confluent"

Rubella: Rash is red and "discrete"

DR. MC (Discrete in Rubella, Confluent in Measles)

Mention one distinguishing features of Rubella infection

Enlargement of "post-auricular and sub-occipital" lymph nodes.

Are rashes always present in Rubella infection

No, they are usually ABSENT in almost 50% of the infection

Prevention, treatment and diagnosis of Rubella

Viruses that cause vesicular rash include

● Herpes Simplex virus 1 (HSV 1)

● HSV 2

● Varicella Zoster virus (Chickenpox)

● Herpangina (Coxsackie virus)

● Hand-foot and mouth syndrome (Coxsackie virus)

How is varicella zoster virus transmitted

● "Via respiratory droplets or direct contact with skin lesions" of infected person.

Difference between primary and recurrent infection of varicella zoster virus (VZV)

Primary(1st) infection of VZV is called Chickenpox/Varicella.

Recurrent Infection of VZV is called Shingles/Zoster.

Clinical features of Chikenpox

Where does vesicular rash in chickenpox start

It starts from the trunk and spreads to face and limbs (this is unlike maculopapular rash that starts from the face and spreads)

Mnemonic: FM TV (Face⇒Maculopapular; Trunk⇒Vesicular)

Prevention of varicella zoster virus infection

● Vaccination (live attenuated vaccine)

● Administered as 1 dose (bcos it is live)

● For Children 1-12 years, teenagers and adults

What drug therapy can be used for varicella

Acyclovir (though it is given to only immunocompromised children. Immunocompetent children don't need it)