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187 Cards in this Set

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When did America help France withdraw from Vietnam?


When were the first American ground units deployed?


Why did America invade Vietnam?

The domino effect

What was the domino effect?

The belief that if one country fell to communism it would lead to other, bigger powers also becoming communist.

Who was the puppet leader for the Americans in South Vietnam?

Ngo Dinh Diem

Describe Diem? (4 things)

1. He was a corrupt

2. Leader of Vietnam from 1955 - 1963

3. Catholic

4. Supported the Rich - lost the support of the peasents

Describe strategic hamlets?

1) Troops burnt down villages

2) Made the villagers build and live in 'strategic hamlets'

3) This meant the Vietcong could not access them to find shelter or food

Why did President Johnson replace Kennedy?


What did President Johnson say he was going to create and why did this fail?

He was going to create a Great Society to free America from poverty however the money needed was going into the Vietnam war

What gave President Johnson the excuse to deploy troops in North Vietnam?

The Gulf of Tonkin incidents in which American ships were 'attacked'

Who were American originally at war with?

The communists in the south

When was Operation Rolling Thunder began?


Why were none of the main northern cities of Vietnam bombed?

Because of possible USSR interferance

During ORT what did the Americans have to be careful of?

Not dropping bombs into Laos, Cambodia and China encase a larger war was sparked, which could possibly involve nukes

What was the aim of ORT?

The Americans thought that the Vietnamese would back down after experiencing the power of the USA

What did ORT loose?

The hearts and minds of civilians and Americans

Describe the progression of bombing in ORT?

Changed from 'surgical bombing' particular targets to 'blanket bombing' across Northern Vietnam

Name the big bombers that Mr Cope likes.

B-52's against a third world country

How did the Vietcong defend against ORT?

Using USSR supplies such as SAM's (a misile)

Why were Russia helping the Vietnamese? (three things)

1) To show off their military power

2) To indirectly fight the Americans

3) To test their misiles

When was the American used of Chemical Warfare used?


Name three types of chemicals used by the Americans

1. Agent Orange

2. Agent Blue

3. Napalm

Describe why ORT was unsuccessful against Vietnam?

Because it is less industrial and easier to cope and rebuild

What was Agent Orange and what was its effect?

A defoliant used to destroy the 4 million acres of jungle, it caused deformities (due to getting in the water supply) which was still evident many decades later

How much Agent Orange was used?

20 million tons

What was Agent blue?

It was a chemical used to destroy plants and food resources such as rice

What was napalm?

Napalm was an inflammable liquid

Describe the disadvantages of chemical warfare?

1. Seen to be inhumane and lost hearts and minds

2. Inflicts burns and wounds but doesn't necessarily kill - unacceptable

3. Images changed perception of America

4. Effects years later with cancer and deformities in both Americans and the Vietnamese

What was one movement against the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam Veterans against the war

When was the Tet Offensive?

1968 January - Februrary

What was the Tet Offensive?

It was a series of surprise military and civilian attacks against the Americans by the VC, it was the largest military operation so far in the war

When did Nixon become president?


How did the Vietcong win the support of the people and why was this important?

By following the code of conduct so that they could have a place to hide and resources

Give three points from the Vietnamese code of conduct

1. Do not damage crops

2. Be polite

3. Be fair

How did the Vietcong like to, and not like to fight?

They avoided face to face combat and preferred tactics on a small scale, through ambushing American patrols this was called 'hit and run'

Describe the Vietcong tunnels?

The VC formed an elaborate tunnel system to remain safe from the Americans. They were difficult to find and booby trapped with rooms for medical attention and places to sleep

What was the American response to VC tunnels?

Tunnel rats were sent down the tunnels so find documents and useful information. The Americans would also leave explosives down them so after coming back to the surface would blow them up

Give three examples of VC booby traps?

1. Snakes, pinned to trees and in pits

2. Pressure sensitive flags (trophy's)

3. Explosive lighters

Describe the American response to VC booby traps? (2 things)

1. Fear - the VC were constantly all around them

2. Creating exploding rifles and leaving them at 'battle scenes'

What was the American Response to the hit and run tactics of the VC?

Search and Destroy

Describe Search and Destroy?

1. Americans created bases

2. Americans leave bases

3. Americans go to VC

4. Americans attack

5. Americans retreat

Name one US helicopter


Name one US bomber


What were search and Destroy also know as and why?

Zippo raids because the Americans burnt down villages to destroy resources using Zippo lighters

What did search and destroy cause the Americans to loose?

Hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people as they were slaughtering innocent civilians

Why was search and destroy unsuccessful?

Because the Americans didn't hit the main VC bases

When did the first infantry unit arrive in Vietnam?


Describe American air power in search and destroy?

The Americans used divisions of 500 helicopters and heavy bombing, after finding a large group of VC the air power would attack

What was a main event in search and destroy gone wrong?

The My Lai Massacre

When was the My Lai Massacre?


Describe the American perception of themselves?

The Americans thought they were the good guys protecting innocent civilians and the world against communism

Describe what happened in the My Lai Massacre?

1. Three platoons of soldiers landed in My Lai

2. Lt. Calley calimed the group supported the VC

3. The execution of 500 unarmed old men, women and children occured

Describe the brutality of My Lai?

1. Some victims were raped, beaten and tortured

2. Some dead bodies were mutilated

Describe the cover up of My Lai?

My Lai was covered up for a year until a journalist exposed it. Many soldiers who knew about it did nothing.

Describe the effect of My Lai

1. Americans could not be trusted - might not have been the only massacre

2. Lost world faith in America

3. Colour TV and images were shown of the brutality

What did Nixon describe the tragedy as?

Inexcusable and terrible

What was the name of the captain above Lt. Calley?

Captain Medina

What was Medina's reasoning for killing the innocent civilians anyway?

They would at least be communist sympathisers

Describe how the blame was placed after My Lai?

Lt. Calley was used as 'the escape goat' and was the only person prosecuted

Describe Media in Vietnam

1. The Americans had footage uncensored

2. TV and images were often in colour

3. Horrific images caused American actions to be doubted

Describe how the Vietnamese used tactics? (4 ways)

1. Guerrilla Tactics

2. Weapons from Russia and China

3. Used the Ho Chi Minh trail through Laos and Cambodia

4. "hanging onto the belts"of the Americans

Describe the way the Americans used tactics?

1. High Tech war (bombers and chemicals)

2. Strategic hamlets

3. Patrols with air support

4. Search and Destroy

Where did Americans lure the VC?

Ia Drang

When was the event at Ia Drang?


Who was Ia Drang under?

General Westmoreland

What happened atIa Drang?

Lured the VC to attack American force then destroyed them with massive air force

When was Operation Phoenix started?


What Operation did the CIA launch?


What did Operation Phoenix do?

Arresting, interrogating and killing suspected Vietcong activists.

What is the NVA?

The 'North Vietnamese army' or the 'Peoples Army'

How many men did the NVA loose in the Tet Offensive?

45,000 men

Who won the Tet offensive?

The Americans, however it made them realise that they could not defeat the VC

What did the Tet Offesnive show the VC

That they could not defeat the Americans with direct attack

Describe how the Americans' tactics merely helped them to lose."

Used to a militaristic, business like high tech approach. This was not effective on the VC as they could cope with casualties and destruction of towns and resources as they were not industrial. The Americans attempted to play to the VC's tactics in the end, whilst still using their power to their advantage however they did not adapt quick enough to VC tactics.

What is the quote that describes the Americans VS the VC's tactics

"The Vietcong's tactics helped them to defeat the Americans; the Americans' tactics merely helped them to lose."

Describe the basic principle of Guerliia tactics used by the VC during the period of time they were occupied by the french?

Hit and run using suprise at night time

Who did the VC kill as part of Guerliia tactics to gain support of the locals?

Tax collectors and the police

How did the VC used Guerliia tactics to infaltrate the americans?

The VC got into the US camp[s for soilders dissgused as civillians who did simple tasks such as washing and cleaning

Why did Guerilla tactics make it difficult for the enemy?

1. They didn't get to know their enemy

2. They were always unprepared

3. They couldn't easily fight back

Who did the VC used Guerilla tactics to attack american patrols?

1. Booby traps on known routes of enemy patrol

2. Plant bombs on known routes of enemy patrol

Describe some features of the VC tunnels?

1. Weapon Stores

2. Sleeping areas

3. Kitches

4. Hospitals

Describe the defnece of the VC tunnels?

1. Trip wired all the way through

2. Difficult to find - landscape

3. Booby trapped

Describe what the VC tunnels showed?

The level of organistaion and determination of the VC

What did the Anericans claim the VC tunnels showed?

Bombing was working

How did the North Vietnamese get their weapons and supply?

Ho Chi Minh Trail:

1. Over 600 miles long

2, Elaborate - more than one route

3. In some places over 50 miles wide

4. Open 24 hrs

5. Had dummy routes

Describe what Guerllias needed to continue using their tactics?

The 'hearts and minds' of the people

Whjat does the term 'hanging onto the belt' of the americans means?

Staying so close to the Americans so they could not use air or artillery backup without killing their own men.

Why did placing Diem as leader cause America to loose the war?

It made the citizens resent America because they believed that all Americans were like Diem. The peasants hated him as he ruled in favor of Rich Catholics and so turned to the communists

What is the ARVN?

Army of the Republic of Vietnam (Army of the South)

What is the RVN?

The Republic of the South

What can the Vietnam War be described as and why?

Asymmetric Warfare because the military power and tactis differed greatley between the two powers

What was the VC and when was it created?

It was a military arm of the National Liberation Front (NLF) and NVA. Created in 1960 as an attempt to combat the struggle in South Vietnam.

What was the NVA?

1. The People's Army of Vietnam

2. Development of the Viet Minh

Where did the VC originate from?

Many of the members from the Viet Minh joined the VC

What was the NFL?

1. The National liberation front

2. Formed in 1960

3. Political Organisation that wanted to reunite the North and the South - the VC was the army arm of the NFL

What where peope in the NVA called?


Describe the Tet Offensive and Media

1. It was a military failure for North Vietnam, but the media reported told a contrary story.

2. The media missed the winning story of the big picture.

3. The public misled by the media viewed the offensive as a triumph for the communists and quickly changed their opinions against the war.

Describe Media after the Tet Offensive?

1. Media coverage of the war was negative.

2. Images of both civilian and military casualties were increasingly televised.

3. Iconic pictures of the war: 'The Execution of a Vietcong Guerilla' or 'The Napalm Girl' exerted a negative and lasting influence on the public feeling. As the war became uglier on screen, its public support also declined significantly.

Give the order of Presidents of the united states and their election dates?

1. Eisenhower 1953 - 1961

2. JF. Kennedy 1961 - 1963

3. LB. Johnson 1963 - 1969

4. Richard Nixon 1969 - 1974

5. G. Ford 1974-1977

Give one disadvantage of the South Vietnamese goverment after the assassination of Diem?

There was a period of instabiliyt, which in turn lead to instabiliyt in South Vietnam. There was no direct leader.

What was the US cost of the war?

In the entire war, the United States spent about $140 billion which is worth around $950 billion in 2011 dollars

How were the Communists and South seperated after the first Indo-Chia war?

The 17 th parallel North which divided the country into two

Why did America loose the war because of Censor ship?

1. Heart and Minds

2. Colours

3. No restrictions

4. Censorship in Vietnam

Describe America Tour of Duty?

The US troops served One year. Then they would return home. This meant that by the time the new people were less 'green' and had become accustomed to fighting they were shipped out and replaced with further 'green' people.

What type of Wrafare was America planining to use - describe it!

Conventional warfare is a form of warfare conducted by usingconventional weapons and battlefield tactics between two or more states in open confrontation. The forces on each side are well-defined, and fight using weapons that primarily target the opponent's military.

Describe the aid JFK and LBJ recieved during the war?

McNamera worked as the Sercutary of Defense from 1961 - 1968 and he played a major role in escalating the United States involvement in the Vietnam War.

Other than Gureilla Warfare what other form of warfrae did the VC use?

The basic concept behind Protracted war/People's War is to maintain the support of the population. (Hearts and Minds) The strategy of people's war was used heavily by the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War.

Describe the attitude of the VC?

Determined. They were not going to give in easily and were willing o take the casualties if it meant using up the Americans bullets.

Describe the treatment of Buddhists (what portion of the population where they?) by the South Government?

1. 80% of people were Buddhists

2. Restricted, large meetings and flags

3. Protests and clashes

Describe the main form of Buddhist protest covered by the media?

The Vietnamese Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road in 1963 - showed the world America was doing something wrong

After the WW2 what happened in Indo - China?

1. France collaborates with Japanese aggression and occupy bases in Vietnam while France rules

2. Japan gains direct role and recognises Vietnam independence

3. British and US assist France to regain colonial control in Vietnam

When does the first Indo-China war begin?


What was Ho Chi Minh associated with?

Communism and Nationalism

What was the 'silent majority' in Americans?

Those who supported U.S action in Vietnam

What term was used by Nixon to describe the majority of the people in the USA

'Silent Majority'

What was the Nixon Doctrine? When was it?

Nixon Doctrine

The policy declared by President Nixon in 1969 that the U.S. would supply arms but not military forces to its allies in Asia and elsewhere.

What signaled the beginning of the porcess of Vietnamistaion?

The Nixon Doctrine

What did Vietnam become officially called in 1976?

The socialist Republic of Vietnam

What was the killing of US superior officers by soilders so not to be sent on combat missions called?


What was Johnsons quote about the Domino theory that he was famous for?

The bully at the porch quote - "he'll rape your wife in your own bed"

Who worked out the peace agreement with North Vietnam in 1972?


When was peace between north vietnam and the US made?


As the NVA conquered Vietnam, how did they treat the south?

The offered a choice for reformation

Who were the 'boat people', during what period did they exist?

South Vietnam Refugees who left Vietnam by boat after the war and into the 1990's

How mnay US soilders died in the Vietnam war?


How many Vietnam Veterens were said to suffered physchological after effects?


How were the US soilders depicted badly by the media?

1. Full Uniform

2. Holding Guns

3. Expensive technology against a third world country

What did the media allow the war in Vietnam to become?

The first 'living room' war.

How were the Americans shown the horro of the war through media?

1. Daily news

2. Colour TV - more lifelike

3. Protests - Kent State, 1971 Veterans March

Which events shown through media weaken the Americna reputation? Give their occurrence dates.

1. My Lai Massacre 1968

2. The Tet Offensive 1968

3. Operation Rolling Thunder 1965 - 1970

Describe how Media was used through amagazines to broadcast dissaporavl of the war?

1. Life Magazine published editions with images of the dead

2. NBC News reported situation as Chaotic

How did media depicted to reflect the war?

Biased, anti US and pro Vietnam to increase support against the fighting

Describe the type of training the VC and NVA had?

Farmers with little training

Who made up the majority of Americna troops/

Poor black Americans - doubted why they were fighting, seemed no cause

Describe how the ARVN aided the North?

Many were not comitted to fighting with the US and acted as spies for the VC

From where did the North have support?

1. China


3. North Korea

From where did America have support?

1. South Vietnam

2. South Korea

3. Australia

How mnay from the NVA died?


How mnay from the ARVN died?


How many US troops were deployed in 1965?


When did French orignally take control of Vietnam?


When was the ICP formed?


What was the ICP?

IndoChineseCommunist Party formed by Ho Chi Minh

When did Japan invade Vietnam?


When does Vietnam have independence and why?

in 1945, Because the Vietnamese defeat the Japanese

When does the coldwar begin?


What is the policy committed to by the USA in 1948? Give its definition?

Policy of Containment

Communist governments will eventually fall apart as long as they are prevented from expanding their influence.

When is Dien Bien Phu?


When is Vietnam split?


What does Diem cancel? When does he cancel it? And what was it's set date?

1. Elections

2. 1955

3. 1965

When is Diem oerthrown and assassinated?


When was the Golf of Tonkin incident?


When was the Tet Offensive?


When was the My Lai Massacre?


When does Ho Chi Minh die?


What were the pentagon papers?

The Pentagon Papers was the name given to a secret Department of Defense study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967

How was the pentagon papers leaked?

Daniel Ellsberg secretly photocopied the report and in March 1971 gave the copy to The New York Times,

Who leaked the Pentagon papers?

Daniel Ellsberg (who had worked on the study) came to oppose the war, and decided that the information contained in the Pentagon Papers should be more widely available to the American public.

Describe the quantity of the material in the pentagon papers?

It contained 3,000 pages of narrative along with 4,000 pages of supporting documents.

Who commissioned the Pentagon papers to be created?

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

Who were the pentagon papers given to, and when?

The New York times in 1971, the Times published a series of daily articles based on the information contained in the Pentagon Papers

What impact did the Pentagon Papers have?

1. Government was shown as dishonest

2. Citizens of America had little faith in their government

3. World image of America changed

What did the full bright hearings investigate and who lead them?

In 1971 a committee led by William Fulbright investigated the Vietnam War hoping to giving advice on how to end US involvement there.

As the Fulbright hearings developed what was uncovered?

As people gave evidence, more emerged about the inhumane behaviour of US troops in Vietnam. My Lai was not just an isolated incident. Such behaviour had been encouraged by the military leadership. The effect of these hearings was to raise questions at an official Government level about the purpose of US involvement in Vietnam.

Who and how many people gave evidence at the Fulbright hearings?

22 senators and politicians

What, was the most damning statement in the Fulbright Hearings and who gave it?

John Kerry who represented Vietnam Veterans against the war. He gave info on the Winter Slider Investigation which revelled information about atrocities and war crimes with the approval of the officers

What did the Fulbright hearings result in?

1. Further Protests against Vietnam

2. Proved that My Lai was not an isolated incident

3. It became apparent the USA would have to seek peace in vietnam

When was the Geneva Conference?


What was the Geneva Conference?

The sorting of peace in Indo-china following the defeat of France at Dien Bien Phu

Why did France loose Dien Bien Phu?

1. Viet Minh had Chicness and Russian

2. End of Korean War allowed for China's and Russias greater focus on Vietnam

3. Giap was willing to accept large losses

4. Lack of American military support

5. Valley - bad location

6. French were heavily outnumbered

Who was Giap?

Giap was a General in the Vietnam People's Army and a politician. Giap is considered one of the greatest military strategists of all time.

What was the boat that was theoretically threatened by the North Vietnamese boats?

The maddox

What did the Gulf of Tonkin give Johnson?

The excuse to increase US military intervention in Vietnam

What was the capital of North Vietnam?


What was the capital of South Vietnam?


What was the North Vietnam claimed body count?

North Vietnam claimed 1.1 million soldiers and noncombatants died

What is a credibility gap?

An apparent difference between what is said or promised and what happens or is true.

How can the phrase credibility gap be applied to the Vietnam war?

It was used to describe the credibility of Lyndon B. Johnson statements and policies on the Vietnam war

What were counterinsurgency forces?

Military or political action taken against the activities of guerrillas or revolutionaries.

What were the VC strengths that resulted in US defeat?

1. Guerilla Wrafare

2. Tunnels

3. Hearts and Minds

4. Ho Chi Minh Trail

5. Assistance from China and the USSR

6. Propaganda - portraying the Americans as foreigners interfering in the south

What were the US weaknesses which resulted in US defeat?

1. Tactis that lacked clear planning

2. Unenthusiastic soldiers

3. The capability to respond to Guerilla Warfare

4. Lacking support of many South civilians

5. Coping with the conditions in South Vietnam

What was the importance of public opinion relating to the faliure of the US in vietnam?

1. Influcenced Nixons policy of Vietnamisation

2. Affected the morale of troops who did not understand US reasons for involvement

What three reasons made the US become involved in Vietnam before the Gulf of Tonkin inciddent?

1. Containament

2. ARVN's Weakness and South withdrawal

3. Domino theory

How were the US initially involved in Vietnam?

Simply as advisors who sort to help the people out there. However this escaulated after the attack on the Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin Incident

What was Johnsons quote about being involved in only South Vietnam?

Johnson became convinced that action in South Vietnam alone would never win the war: "We are swatting flies when we should be going after the manure pile."

What did US advisors suggest should occur to defeat tge VC?

US advisers believed that good government and an efficient, large-scale war would defeat the Vietcong.

After sending money and addvisors to Diem, what was the next step in the escalation of the war?

In 1963, the US supported a military coup, which murdered Diem and put a military government in South Vietnam.