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48 Cards in this Set

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Name the 2 diseases caused by Canine Adenovirus 1 and 2
CAV-1: Infectious Canine Hepatitis
CAV-2: Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis
What is the pathogenesis of CAV-1 infection?
Virus in URINE (major), feces, saliva (minor)->replicates in lymphoid system ->viremia-> lytic infection of endothelial cells ->systemic including hepatic necrosis
Describe the systemic Dz clinical features in the peracute, acute, and 'mild-dz' form of CAV-1 infection
Peracute: puppies die of massive liver necrosis
Actue:fever, depression, anorexia, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, jaundice, DIC
Mild Dz: vaccine virus, "Blue Eye" (corneal edema).
How is CAV-1 Diagnosed?
Intranuclear inclusion bodies
How is CAV-1 controlled?
Vaccines for CAV-2 cross protect.
In what dz is Equine Adenvirus infection often fatal?
SCID Arabian Foals
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
EAV causes pneumonia in these horses
Name the 2 poultry dz caused by adenvirus infections
Egg Drop Syndrome
Hemmorrhagic Enteritis of Turkeys
Describe the basic mechanism of papillomavirus replication
species specific viruses with tropism for squamous epithelial cells
Virus replication is in sequence with cell differentiation and maturation.
Different cell enzymes are expressed at different stages.
Latent ->early gene products cause papillom formation ->late gene products cause bountyful DNA replication and cell lysis
In horses:
What virus causes warts?
What virus causes sarcoids?
1. Warts = Equine Papillomavirus
2. Sarcoids = Bovine Papillomavirus
How are papillomaviruses spread?
Contaminated fomites, contact
Enters through skin abrasions
T or F:
Equine and Canine Warts are a problem in young animals with developing immune systems. These lesions will usually resolve.
Name the Polyomavirus that is used in hammsters to study virus replication?
SV40 "Simian Vacuolating Virus 40"
What are the 2 pathways polyomaviruses can use to cause dz?
Lytic pathway: new viruses produced, intranuclear inclusion bodies, and lysis
Non-Lytic pathway: non-permissive cells ->transformation (tumor)
What type of virus causes Budgerigar Fledgling Dz? Discribe the spread and clinical appearance.
polyomavirus dz of Psittacines.
Hightly contageous, spread in excretions and feathers
Clinical: depression, regurgitation, diarrhea, feather loss, subQ hemorrhage, abnormal feathering (differential is circovirus PBFD)
Vaccine available.
Name some key features of Herpes Virus infection
Narrow host range (cause mild dz in natural host, severe dz in closely-related sp.)
Replication in nucleus (intranuclear inclusion bodies)
Low mutation rate
Latent Infections with recrudesence during stress
T or F: Herpes Viruses can spread by fusion to form syncytia.
What does the generic primary lesion caused by Herpes look like?
Pustule forms from infected cells, debris ->erosion when pustule bursts.
Pustule is source of cytokines and virus particles for viremia
Name the 5 Generic Herpes Virus Disease syndromes.
1. Rhinotracheitis
2. Disseminated Fatal Dz of neonates
3. Abortions
4. Genital Lesions
5. Encephalitis
Describe the generic pathogenesis of Herpes Virus infection.
very rapid replication in ep. cells, viremia, systemic effects (eg. abortion, encephalitis) or latency.
How can Herpes Viruses be diagnosed?
PCR (limited)
How can Herpes Virus infections be prevented/controlled?
management, biosecurity, avoid close contact between horses
Vaccination to reduce dz severity, not prevent infection
Name the respiratory dz caused by BHV-1
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
Part of the Shipping Fever complex
What is the EHV type that causes respiratory dz, abortions, and neurological signs?
Equine Herpes Virus 1
Describe the features of EHV-1 and EHV-4 respiratory infection.
Short incubation (2-10days)
Biphasic Fever
Primary infection of young horses
serous nasal discharge
Name the EHV type that causes abortions and describe the pathogenesis
Late gestation, following resp. outbreak
viremia ->vasculitis ->placental infarcts(no virus in fetus) OR few placental infarcts (virus kills fetus directly)
Name the distinctive lesion of EHV-1 infection in an aborted fetus
multifocal hepatic necrosis
T or F:
EHV-1 Myeloencephalopathy is caused by infections of the neurons
The neuropathic strains cause a severe vasculitis, thrombosis and hemorrhage in the CNS, including brainstem.
Name the disease caused by Porcine Herpesvirus 1
Name the disease caused by Feline Herpes Virus
Feline Rhinotracheitis
Clinically, how can FHV be differentiated from Feline Calicivirus?
FHV: frothy salivation and corneal ulcers
Calicivirus: oral ulcers
What predisposes puppies to Canine Herpes Virus systemic dz?
Hypothermia favours virus replication
Which viruses have a role in the Canine Kennel Cough Complex (Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis)?
Canine Herpes Virus
What causes Infectious Laryngotracheitis aka Fowl Diphteria?
Describe the Dz.
Gallid Herpes Virus
Necrotizing tracheitis in young chickens
Clinically: respiratory signs
Describe the lesions of Marek's Dz Virus
Lymphoproliferative (neoplasia), neurological signs (paralysis, ataxia) b/c neoplastic T-cells invade nerves, eye
Why should primate pets be discouraged (from a virus point of view)?
Simian Herpes Virus is zoonotic and has mortality in people
Name the important veterinary disease caused by a Gamma Herpesvirus
Malignant Catarrhal Fever
What is the natural host of Malignant Catarrhal Fever Virus?
What species does it cause dz in?
Sheep and wildebeasts
Cattle/Bison develop a fatal dz
Describe the clinical presentation of Malignant Catarrhal Fever.
fever, diarrhea, serous nasal discharge, corneal edema, quick death
Describe the lesions of Malignant Catarrhal Fever.
lymphoproliferative vasculitis (of GIT and Resp. Tract)
Enlarge lymph nodes
What is the relationship between Herpes Virus vaccination and immunity?
Vaccines give good protection, BUT only short term! Frequent vaccination is necessary for optimal immunity.
Vaccines decrease dz, but don't prevent infection
Where do poxviruses replicate? What enzyme do they carry prepackedage in viron and why?
viral DNA dependent RNA Polymerase
-needed right away because of the cytoplasmic replication (can't use the cell's own replicaiton machinery b/c in nucleus)
What do poxvirus infected cells look like?
Bollinger Bodies (intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies from 'virus factories')
What is the natural host of Monkey Pox virus? Why is it a concern in NA?
small mammals in Africa
Infected golphers as pets (zoonosis!)
Severe rashes and pn'a in people +/- secondary infection
Name the virus used to control the rabbit population of Australia. What virus can be used to vaccinate for above?
Fibroma virus can be used as a vaccine for Myxovirus infections
Describe the 2 forms of Fowlpox virus dz.
1. Localized to combs/waddles, legs, and cloaca
2. Diptheric in mouth, larynx, trachea
Describe Orf
Contagious Pustular Dermatitis
papules, pustules, crusts on muzzel, lips, tongue, eyelid, teats, feet.
How is African Swine Fever spread? What are the clinical signs?
fever, diarrhea, dyspnea, hemorrhage, high mortality
What are the 2 patterns of African Swine Fever epidemiology?
1. Sylvatic: endemic in warthogs (pigletts are viremic->pass to tick)
2. Domestic: symptomatic infection of domestic swine from garbage feeding, meat products, and ticks.