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39 Cards in this Set

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What are the ssx of varicella?

1.  Crops of lesions progress rapidly from:
2.  Red macules-->papules-->pustules-->crusts

1. Crops of lesions progress rapidly from:

2. Red macules-->papules-->pustules-->crusts

What is the MCC of varicella?

1. HHV-3--- VZV

What are the complications associated with chickenpox?

1. Reye's syndrome

2. Zoster--- shingles

How do you tx chickenpox?

1. Acyclovir


What is the vaccine for VZV?

1. Varivax

What are the ssx of HFM disease?

1.  Small, fragile vesicles with red areolae on palms/soles and other surfaces
2.  Fever, malaise, arthralgias

1. Small, fragile vesicles with red areolae on palms/soles and other surfaces

2. Fever, malaise, arthralgias

What are the MCC of HFM disease?

1. Coxsackie A

2. Enterovirus 71

How do you tx HFM disease?

1. Supportive

What are the ssx of herpangina?

1.  Few grayish papules-vesicles with erythematous areolae on tonsils, soft palate, uvula, and tongue

1. Few grayish papules-vesicles with erythematous areolae on tonsils, soft palate, uvula, and tongue

How do you tx herpangina?

1. Symptomatic/supportive

What are the ssx of herpes zoster?

1.  Vesicles on red, edematous, tender plaques
2.  Dermatomal distribution

1. Vesicles on red, edematous, tender plaques

2. Dermatomal distribution

How do you tx herpes zoster?

1. Valacyclovir

2. Famciclovir

3. Acyclovir

What are the ssx of smallpox?

1.  Centrifugal macular rash---> papules--> vesicles---> pustules
2.  Rash starts at head and moves to trunk

1. Centrifugal macular rash---> papules--> vesicles---> pustules

2. Rash starts at head and moves to trunk

What is the MCC of smallpox?

1.  Variola virus: dsDNA, brick-shaped

1. Variola virus: dsDNA, brick-shaped

How do you dx smallpox?

1. Guarineri bodies

How do you tx smallpox?

1. Cidovir

2. Smallpox vaccine

What are the ssx of rickettsialpox?

1.  Herald lesion at bite site
2.  Black eschar
3.  Rash that is evenly distributed EXCEPT for palms, soles, and mucous membranes

1. Herald lesion at bite site

2. Black eschar

3. Rash that is evenly distributed EXCEPT for palms, soles, and mucous membranes

What is the MCC of rickettsialpox?

1. R. akari

1. R. akari--- pleomorphic obligate intracellular bacterium

What are the ssx of disseminated Vibrio vulnificus infection?

1. Erythematous pathces---> ecchymoses---> vesicles---> bullae

2. GI ssx

3. Malaise, chills, fever

What is the morphology of Vibrio vulnificus?

1. Curved gram negative rods

How do you tx disseminated Vibrio vulnificus infection?

1. Doxycycline + ceftazadmie

2. Symptomatic/supportive

What are the ssx of ecthyma infectiosum?

1.  Red-to-purple tender papule--> umbilicated pustule

1. Red-to-purple tender papule--> umbilicated pustule

What is the MCC of ecthyma infectiosum?

1.  Orf virus--- sheep poxvirus

1. Orf virus--- sheep poxvirus

How do you tx ecthyma infectiosum?

1. Symptomatic/supportive

2. Avoid infected sheep

What are the ssx of molluscum contagiosum?

1.  Translucent, pink or flesh-colored, dome-shaped papule with central depression

1. Translucent, pink or flesh-colored, dome-shaped papule with central depression

What is the MCC of molluscum contagiosum?

1. Molluscum contagiosum virus--- dsDNA

How do you tx molluscum contagiosum?

1. Crytotx

2. Curettage

What happens when you press on the center of a molluscum contagiosum lesion?

1. Cheese-like material comes out

2. Molloscum bodies on giemsa stain

What are the ssx of SSS?

1. Tender, scarlatiniform rash

2. Impetigo-like

3. Flaccid, clear bull

What is the MCC of SSS?

1. S. aureus

What are the degenerate bacteria?

1. Rickettsia

2. Chlamydia

3. Mycoplasma

How do you tx SSS?

1. Usually self-limited

2. Oxacillin, nafcillin

What is the MCC of toxic epidermal necrolysis?

1. Drug tx--- sulfonamides, barbiturates, NSAIDs, phenytoin, allopurinol, penicillin

What are the ssx of meningococcemia?

1.  Erythematous macules, petechiae, purpura, ecchymoses
2.  Possible Waterhouse-Friderichsen

1. Erythematous macules, petechiae, purpura, ecchymoses

2. Possible Waterhouse-Friderichsen

How do you tx meningococcemia?

1. Penicillin G

2. Ceftriaxone

What are the ssx of Kawasaki syndrome?

1. Red and swollen palms

2. Prominent rash on trunk---desquamation

3. Fever

4. Strawberry tongue

5. Cervical LAD

What are the MCC of Kawasaki syndrome?

1. Rickettsia

2. EBV

3. Retroviruses

4. S. viridans

5. Staph

How do you tx Kawasaki syndrome?

1. IgG + aspirin