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43 Cards in this Set

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What 2 electrolyte abnormality causes hyperactive deep tendon reflexes?

Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia

Electrolyte disturbance after surgery w/ transfusions?




hypoalbuminemia and volume expansion

hyperactive DTRs, muscle cramps, convulsions

Electrolyte disorder from prolonged NGT?


Other things that cause this?


-hyperactive DTRS, muscle cramps

-alcholism, diarrhea, diuretic use

EKG w/ narrow QRS, different P wave morphologies, variable PR segments, and RR intervals = ?


1st step?


Multifocal Atrial Tach (MAT) = 3 or more P waves

-hypoxia, COPD, emphysemia, CHF, meds (theophylline, isoproteronlo), hypoK, hypoMg

-check O2 sat

-Treat underlying problem, Give Oxygen first, then diltiazem,

patient worryig about random symptoms, everything normal = ?

Dx reqs?

How manage?

Somatic Sypmtom disorder

- >1somatic sx for >6mos causing social/occupation impairment

-arrange regular visits (monthly)w/ one physician to gain rapport

Pt w/ discrete smooth circular area hair loss scalp (no scaling or inflammation)?

will it regrow?


Will it happen again?


Alopecia Areata


-unclear, autoimmune T-cell infiltration hair folllicles associated with other autoimmune

-yes, in 1/3 pts

-intralesional corticosteroid

Patient has multiple syncopal events associated with emotional stressors?

next test?

vasovagal syncope


patient w/ hgb 19 - problem?

most likely cause?

best initial test?

dx based on results?

polycythemia (>16.5 female or 18.5 male)

-chronic hypoxia from heart or lung dz(smoker)

-first rpt, then serum eyrthopoietin level

-if high ->chronic hypoxia (check nocturnal O2 sat and carboxyhemoglovin levels), extra hi - > tumor secretion like RCC, low->polycythemia vera (chronic myeloproliferative disorder)

Patient with chronic headache - 1st dx step?

headache occurs multiple times daily lasting 30min to 3 hours, one side, retrooribtal, conjuctival injection, rhinorrhea, sweating, over one month =?

Preventative tmt?

Acute tmt?

headache diary for one week

-Cluster headache (can have horner sx)

-Verapamil (can titrate up to 4 times over starting dose, but check EKG b4 to r/o heart block or brady)

-100% O2

band-like headache = ?

tension headache

Effects of warfarin in pregnancy?

What to do about anticoag in pregnancy?


Teratogenic (nasal and limb hypoplasia, fetal bleedng)

-switch to LMWH for 1st trimester and few weeks before delivery (stop all anticoagulation at onset labor)

-warfarin doesn't go to breastmilk

Patient with normal TSH, High T4, low T3, w/ palpitations, paroxysmal Afib last 3 months, on atenolol, amiodarone, aspirin



-next step

Amiodarone induced thyroid dysfunction (hi iodine content)

-3 mechs: slows peripheral conversion T4 to T3, inhibitis thyroid hormonse synthesis, thyrotoxicosis w/ hi thyroid hromone and low T4

-rpt thyroid levles in few weeks (levels normalize after 3 months tmt)

Steps to diagnosing dementia?


-r/o thyroid, B12 deficiency

-Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (donepezile/ Tacrine)

Pt with intrauterine preganancy with crescent-shaped hypoechoic area suggestive hematoma raound gestational sac = ?

Next step?

most likely complication?

Subchorionic hematoma

-rpt u/s in one week (no therapeutic intervention)

-spont abortion

How long does it take for viral load to decrease <200 when starting HAART?

6 months (logarithmic drop)

Tetanus rules:

clean/minor wound w/ >=3tetanus toxoid doses?

Clean/minor wound w/ uncertain or <3?

Dirty/severe wound w/ >=3 tet toxoid doses?

dirty/severe wound w/ uncertain or <3?

How often regularly get tet toxoid vaccine?

-tet Toxoid vaccine only if last dose >=10 yrs ago

-tet toxoid vaccine only

-tet toxoid vaccine only if given >=5yrs ago

-tet toxoid PLUS Tet immunoglobulin (TIG)=provides passive immediate temporary immunity

-every 10 years

Patient walks with slow speed, barely raises feet, small steps, appears hesitant and "freezes" when approaching objects = what sx?

-most likely dx?

-Shuffling Gait


Describe senile gait of aging?

Spastic pararesis gait?

Gait in cerebellar ataxia?

Gait in distal lower motor neuron dz?

-walking on ice, feet wide apart like expect to fall down, cautious gait

-"scissoring gait" circular leg moovements dragging legs forward each step, no knee flexion

-"drunken sailor gait", jerky, zigzag, irregular

-steppage gait with foot drop and excess elevation legs

Patient with SLE w/ cardiac arrest in ED after having substernal chest pain. Why?

What other increased risks do they have?

-50-fold increased risk premature CAD(atheosclerosis)

-pericarditis, non-hodgkin large B cell (rapidly enlarging mass neck or abdomen present wth airway compromise)

Pt w/ h/o HTN, HLD, recent URI presents with bilateral pedal edema, fatigue, Cr 5.2 (baseline 1.2), U/A w/ 4+ptn, 0RBC, 20WBC, few granular casts

Most likely cause? why not others/

-Analgesic induced nephropathy (when have nephrotic range ptnuria, NSAIDS cause reversible decrease renal blood flow and GFR from inhibit vasodilatory prostaglandin)

-Not poststrep glomerulonephritis since no blood in u/a

-not uncontrolled HTN since takes years

Pt w/ joint pain/swelling <=4 joints


Joint aspiration-if inflammatory (>2000wbc, 75% PMN)->crystal = gout vs pseudogout, ->+culture = infectious, ->sterile = RA vs. lyme vs SLE vs sarcoid vs. spondylarthropathy

Patient w/ R knee and ankle pain 2 weeks, bilateral eye pain, blurry vision, burning n urination, had diarrhea a month ago from restaurant, tener swollen R knee = ?

Other findings?

Associated marker?

Most likely findings on joint?


Reactive Arthritis/Reiters=ASYMMETRIC arthritis, h/o urethritis or GI infxn (chlamydia vs. salmonella/shigella/yersinia/campy), uveitis/conjunctivitis, Keratoderma blenorrhagicum (skin peeling feet/dry), circinate balanitis (genital lesion head penis), achilles enthesitis (pain at ligament/tendon insertion site), sacroiliac joint involvement

-HLA B27 (only seen in 20% patients)

-elevated WBC in synovial fluid, NEGATIVE bacterial cx


36yo M has back stiffness, worse at night, diminished chest expansion = ?

Dx test?

other findings?


Ankylosing Spondylitis

-MRI of SI joint (more sensative than XR)

-kyphosis, pain worse at night relieved by leaning forward, uveitis, restrictive lung dz, aortitis (rarely)

-NSAIDS, infliximab or adalimumab, sulfasalazine (NOT STEROIDS)

Pt with h/o scaly lesions knee, low back pain, sausage shape digits =?

Other findings?

Dx test?


Psoriatic Arthritis

-sacroiliitis, h/o psoriasis, nail pitting, DIP involvmeent, dactylitis (sausage fingers), enthesitis (tenderness at tendon insertion sites)

-No Dx test

-NSAIDS first, methotrexate if resistant, infliximab last

Pt w/ enlarged liver, feber, salmon colored rash, multiple painful joints =?

Other findings?

Dx test?


Juvenile Rheum Arthritis (adult onset Still's dz)

-fever, salmon color rash, polyarthritis, lymphaden, hepatosplenomeg, elevated LFTs,

-none, hi ferritin, elevated WBC, negative RA and ANA (have to get to r/o SLE)

-NSAIDS, steroids if fail

When to give HPV vaccine?

Different vaccines to types?

Patient is already sexually active = do what?

Patient had HPV = do what?

Patient has hypersensitivity to yeast = do what?

Patient is pregnant = do what?

9-26yr , start 11-12, 3 doses in 6 months(but can always start where you left off)

Types 6,11 = genital warts, 16,18=anogen cancer (higher number = ca)

-bivalent vaccine = against 16/18

-quadva=against all

-9 valent = all + 5 more

-can give

-can give



Patient unconscious, irrigate R ear canal w/ cold water causes slow R deviation w/ saccadic correction midline = ?

Psychogenic Coma (all other coma / true causes will suppress caloric response since it cannot be voluntarily suppressed)

What type of heredity goes via mother to offspring?


Patient w/ multiple hand lesions scaly pink/white/gray spots slowly increasing in size, spends time at beach = ?

Increased risk?


Actinic Keratosis

-squamous cell carcinoma

-individual lesions = liquid nitrogen/cryosurgery or curretage

-field therapy (5-FU cream, topical diclofenac, imiquimod ) if numerous

27yo M w/ several days joint pain one joint, smokes, does marijuana, sex active w/ 2 partners, condoms occasionally, joint swollen w/ limited ROM, arthrocentesis shows turbid yellow fluid = MLDx?

-best test to confirm?

-other common findings?

Gonococcal Arthritis (think of it in patients with mono or oligo arthritis young w/ unprotected sex)

-culture joint fluid/rectum/urethra/oral cavity

-tenosynovitis (painful tendons ankle/toe joints), pustular or vesicular skin rash transient

irregular shaped areas of hair loss =?

trichotillomania =psych impus control dz

Patient being treated for MRSA from central line infxn begins complaining of severe low back pain

Next step?

Most likely cause?

MRI lumbosacral spine

-vertebral osteomyelitis vs. diskitis (common in MRSA from line infxn) - may need f/u CT guided bx to confirm that lesion is infected

Patient w/ fever, hypotn, swelling, erythema leg w/ very painful palpation more than expected = ?

Most common organism?

What if crepitus?


Nec Fasc

-Group A strep pyogenes

-then closridium perfringens or b fragilis

-immediate surgery, debridement, resusc, broad spec abx (pip/taz vs. carbopenem for GAS, vanco for mrsa, clinda for strep/staph toxin)

Name how to score probability of HIT?


First step if suspected?

How long off heparin?

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

4Ts = thrombocytopenia (plt drop >50%=2pt, 30-50% =1), timing (5-10day=2, after 10=1), thrombosis (skin necrosis, systemic rxn=2, rando skin lesions=1), other (none=2, possible =1), 6-8 = hi probability

-caused by immune mediated antibodys to platelet factor 4 (PF4)

-Stop heparin and start direct thrombin inhibitor (not warfarin)=argatroban or bivalirudin

-off for life

67yo F presents w/ severe weakness, nonbloody diarrhea. H/o controlled DM2, asthma, smoker, on glyburide, metformin, albuterol, Cr 2.5 (baseline 1.7), Na 142, K 4.5, bicarb 12, Chloride 105, Amylase 80

Next Step?

Most likely Dx?

-administer IVF, check ketones, lactate, ABG

-High Anion Gap Metab Acidosis (Na-(Cl+bicarb) 10-14) MUDPILES (methanol, uremia, DKA, paraldehdye, isoniazid/iron, lactic acidosis, ethylene glycol/antifreeze, salicylates/aspirin), metformin can cause diarrhea and lactic acid buildup

21yo F pregnant 30wks w/ bp 150/95, enlarged liver, 2+edema, HR 100, plt 50000, schistocytes on blood smeer, u/a w/ 2+ptn, AST/ALT elevated = ?

-first step?

-BP medication?

-differentiate from other htn preg dz

HELLP (hemolytic anemia, elevated LFTs, low plt)

-mag sulfate (prevent seizure

-dont treat preg htn unless >160/100 (decrease utero placental blood flow)

-Chronic HTN if b4 preg or b4 20wks = >140/90, gestational HTN if after 20 wks, preeclampsia if proteinuria and/or warning signs (vision change, edema, HA, epigastric pain), w/ HTN (if ptn 1-2+ or 500mg in 24hr urine -MILD) (if ptn 3-4+ or 5g in 24hr w/ BP >160/110= severe)

-treat BP >160/100 with methyldopa or labetalol, nifedipine 2nd line (hydralazine or labetalol if acutely high)

tmt of substernal chest pain, ekg sinus tach, just took cocain prior?

What if hypertensive?

-IV lorazepam (benzo tto decrease anxity and agitation as chest pain may be neuropsych effects)

-IV phentolamine (alternative are nitro, nitroprusside)

Management of anti-epileptics during pregnancy

Dont change antiepileptic drugs for pregnancy except for valproate (should change prior). However, dont change any DURING pregnancy. Start folate supplement. Early detect fetal anomalies w/ alpha fetoprotein screening, u/s, or amniocentesis.

Can breastfeed on drugs (may cause baby to be a little sleepy or irritable but thats it)

TMT c.diff?

If recurs?

if mild (wbc<15, cr<1.5x baseline)->po flagyl

if sever (>15, >1.5x, albumin <2.5)->po vanco (add iv flagyl and do rectal vanco if ileus)

if toxic megacolon/severe ileus/lactate>2.2->subtotal colectomy

-same tmt if recurs, pulse taper po vanco x6-7wks if 2nd recurrence, transplant on 3rd or more

Patient w/ excessive sleepiness, sudden falling asleep=?

First Dx step?

Best initial tmt?

Narcolepsy (napping mult times in same day, cataplexy, rapid eye movement sleep latency)

-sleep study

-Modafinil (daytime simulant)

-if cataplexy ->start SNRI/SSRI (venlafaxine)

Initial tmt for Raynaud Phenomenon?

What if sx don't improve w/ tmt and have joint pain

-calcium channel blockers (nifedipine/amlodipine) or diltiazem

-Check ANA and RF (since suggestive of sysemic dz and Raynoud can be associated with other connective tissue dz)

Most important tmt to reduce carpal tunnel sx?

occupational rehab (special keyboards don't help)

Name drugs that induce pancreatitis?

1. diuretics-furosemide/thiazide

2. IBD tmt-sulfasalazine, 5-ASA

3. immunosuppresive-azathioprine, L-asparaginase

4. seizure/bipolar tmt - valproate

5. AIDS tmt- didanosine/pentamidine

6. Abx - flagyl/tetracyclines