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100 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between classic and operant conditioning?
In classic an OLD response (salivating) happening to a new stimulus (bell). Operant is an NEW response to an old stimulus (Food producing an aversion). Requires reinforcement.
What is extinction
discontinuing reinforcement that maintains an undesired behavior (eg a time out)
What are the three steps of systematic desensitization?
1) hierarchy, 2) muscle relaxation 3) relax in each level of the heirarchy
What does APGAR stand for?
Activity (tone), Pulse, Grimace (reflexes), Appearance (color), Resp
What happens to HGH, prolactin, dopamine, serotonin, cortisol, TSH during sleep?
up, up, down, up, up, down.
What stage of sleep is sleepwalking?
What stage of sleep is enuresis?
Delta (3 and 4)
What is bruxism?
teeth grinding
What is narcolepsy? What do you use to tx?
quick REM latency. Modafinil (non-amphetamine stimulant)
What stage of sleep do night terrors happen versus nightmares?
delta vs REM
what do you use to tx delerium tremens
thiamine. sedative hypnotics, anit-adrenergics to fix the hyperadrenergic state (clonipin and propanolol), lorazepam for seizires.
what does cocaine do to neurotransmitters?
blocks DA NE 5ht reuptake
what do amphetamines do to neurotransmitters?
release da ne 5ht and weak maoi
how do you tx cocaine and amphetamine overdose?
Which channel to BZs and Barbs work on?
BZs increase frequency of gaba A opening, barbs increase duration of opening.
How do you treat BZ overdose?
what receptors do opioids stimulate
mu kappa delta. mu is most important.
what do you give for opioid overdose
naloxone (short t1/2) or naltrexone
What receptors does thc bind?
CB1 and 2
What drug mimics thc and is used as antiemetic
what receptor do hallucinogens bind
what drug is similar to PCP
what treats tourettes
what are the three DA pathways in brain
nigrostriatal, mesolimbic/mesocortical, tuberoinfundibular
two common ADEs of antipsychotics
extrapyramidal effects, hyperprolactinemia
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome and rx
really severe rxn to antipsychotic meds... mm rigidity, hyperthermia, autonomic instability. rx dantroline or DA agonists.
restlessness and twitching
tardive dyskinesia
involuntary repetitive motions of lips, face, tongue, limbs.
Major clozipine ADE
sleep changes in depression
increased REM, early AM wakening, less stage 4 sleep
bipolar 2 v bipolar 1
1 is more manic, 2 is more depressive and hypomanic
rx for bipolar
lithium, olanzapine, arirprazole, fluphenazine, valproate
which three benzos are not metabolized in liver
Out The Liver: Oxazepam, Temazepam, Lorazepam
what meds can reduce vaginal lubrication?
antihistamines, anticholinergics
TP/(TP+FN) true positives/everyone with the disease
TN/ (TN+FP) true negatives/ everyone without the disease
TP/ All positives
TP/All negatives
TP plus TN/ total group
do you use odds ratio or rr for a case-control study?
Type 2 Beta error
saying there is NOT a difference when there is
type 1 alpha error
saying there is a difference when there is not
power of a study
capacity to detect if there is a difference (1-beta)
do you use RR or OR for a cohort study?
late look bias
info gathered at an innappropriate time
standard error of the mean
standard deviation over the square root of N
psychological stress effects
induces FFA production, 17OK corticoids (immunosuppression), chol/lipids, catecolamines, gastrocolic reflex/mucosal irritation
Sleep eeg waveforms for awake, drowsy, 1, 2, 3-4, REM in that order
BATS Drink Blood
Beta (high freq low amp)
Sleep spindles and K
Delta (low frequency high aplitude)
Beta again
what part of brain controls circadian rhythm and what does it control (X4)?
suprachiasmatic nucleus in hypothal. Acth, prolactin, melatonin, NE at night

SCN senses light, releases NE, goes to pineal gland, produces melatonin.
how do you calculate IQ?
stanford binet or wechsler adult intel. scale
rx for adhd
methylphenedrate and dexedrine (amphetamine)
motor and vocal tics, associated with OCD, begins in chidhood, rx with antipsychotics
rett's disorder
Xlinked, seen in girls (boys die in utero), loss of devt, verbal, ataxia, MR
childhood degenerative disorder
regressed functioning after 2 years of normal det. (loss of language, bladder control, etc around age 3 or 4)
neurotransmitters and anxiety
ne up, gaba down, se down
neurotransmitters and deoression
ne down, se down, da down
neurotransmitters and altzheimers
ach down
neurotransmitters and huntingtons
gaba down ach down
neurotransmitters and schizophrenia
DA up
neurotransmitters and parkinsons
DA down, ach up
anteretrograde amnesia secondary to thiamine deficiency. associated with confabulation. destruction of mamillary bodies. often in etohics
dissociative identity disorder
like multiple personality disorder (new name). Rz w antipsychotics
what is early morning awakening a sign of?
conversion disorder
motor or sensory symptopms (like blindness) following an acute stressor (la belle indifference)
which psych med is contraindicated in anorexia because of seizures
What is a sensitive serum marker for etoh use
gama glutamyl transferase (ggt)
does cocaine dilate or constrict pupils? opioids?
dilate (and constrict for opioids)
what is characteristic of pcp intoxication
beligerance. may reoccur as the drug moves to alkaline duodenum after acidic stomach
thiamine deficiency.. confusion, opthalmoplegia, ataxia. may progress to korsikoff psychosis. tx B1 (thiamine)
mallory-weiss syndrome
longitudinal lacerations on GE jxn caused by vomiting. seen in bulemia and etoh etc. PAIN (unlike esoph varicies)
three "mood stabilizers"
valproic acid
which antidepressant/GAD tx causes an increase in BP
venlafaxine for GAD
What is trazadone used for?
What is unique about mirtazapine as an antidepressant
alpha 2 antagonist as well as 5ht. use for depression w insomnia
what combination of medications can cause serotonin storm
ssri plus MAOI
what are the major SEs of TCAs
convulsion, coma, cardiotox. and anticholinergic (tachy, urinary retention)
what do you use to treat toxicity from tcas?
naHCO3 for cv toxicity
major difference between MDD and dysthymia?
remittance and recurrance in MDD
difference between schizoid and avoidant?
schizoids like being withdrawn
characteristics of disorganized schisophrenia
disorganized speech, child-like behavior
Is clozipine an atypical or typical? what is the major SE? what does this cause?
atypical. agranulocytosis. sore throat and fever.
which psych med causes diabetes insipidus
what do you use to treat acute dystonia in antipsychotic use (4 hrs). How about tardive dyskinesia (4 mo).
anticholinergic to treat acute dystonia. Dopamine agonists to treat tardive dyskinesia and EPS. will not work on short-term dystonia. switch patient to an atypical antipsychotic, too.
What are the four stages of EPSyx in response to antipsychotic meds
acute dystonia 4h, akinesia 4d, akasthesia 4 wks, tardive dyskinesia 4 mo
epistaxis, hypopigmented skin lesions on extremities and buttocks, loss of eyebrows, childhood history of asthma and atopic dermatitis.

What local cytokine would you use to treat it?
mycobacterium leprae. Intracellular, infects macrophages. severe lepromatous disease happens when cd4 type 1 differentiate into type 2

ifn gamma is secreted by th1 cells and activates macrophages, helps kill the disease
where is rocky mountain spotty fever most common?
southeastern USA
how do you define direct v indirect hernia. Which has less of a chance of strangulation?
through the abdominal wall vs through the internal ring (patent procesus vaginalis, more common). both can exit the external ring. Direct strangulates less.
what is the peak incidence for osteosarcoma? how can you differentiate from mets?
teenage males. No nodular lesions in osteosarcoma. also sytemic syx.
red tender subq nodules on lower leg, panniculitis, accompanied by fever and malaise. And five things it is associated with.
inflamation of sub q fat called erythema nodosum. associated with IBD, sarcoid, OCPs/sulfas, some infections and malignancies.
is osteoarthritis more common in weight bearing joints or small joints?
weight bearing
what innervates the adductor policis? and what else in the hand does this innervate? what hand do you get when this doesn't work?
ulnar. also other hypothenar mms and some lumbricals and most interosseii. get an ulnar claw= popes blessing on extension.
do lateral pterygoids open or close jaw?
medial munch, lateral lower
drug induced lupus: what kind of antibodies are present?
antihistone abs.
bowing v buckle v greenstick v spiral fracture
deformed b/c pediatric bone has greater compiance, budging or buckling of periosteum from compression, perioisteum on convex part is torn due to accidents. spiral fracture caused by twisting= abuse?
sicca v sjogrens?
sjogrens happens with arthritis, skin stuff, other ct or autoimmune disorder. sicca is just dry eyes and mouth
what does crest stand for?
calcinosis, raynauds, esoph dysfxn, sclerodactyle, telangectasias. some skin involvement compared with diffuse scleroderma, but less.
rachitic rosary
vit d deficiency.
is alk phos up or down in vit d deficiency?
up. trying to make bone but cant.
what kind of Ig is RF?
IgG. Though both IgG and IgM are elevated.
what kind of hypersensitivity is RA?
type 3 immune complex.