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20 Cards in this Set

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Describe the pathway by which light affects melatonin secretion?
Driven by suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus, it controls ACTH, prolactin, melatonin, nocturnal NE release.
SCN --> NE release --> Pineal gland --> melatonin
What factors are considered when determining the loading dose and maintanance dose of a medication?
Loading dose: Cp x Vd/F

Maintainance does: Cp x Cl/F
What 2 drugs are given to those with organophosphate poisoning?
atropin (muscarinic antag)

Pralidoxine (chem antag used to regenerate active cholinesterase)
What are the 3 symptoms of Pellagra? What are the causes?
diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia (death)

deficiency of Vit B3. mild = glossitis. Severe = Pellagra

Can be caused by Hartnup's (decrease tryptophan absorption), Malignant carcinoid syndrome (increase tryptophan metab), INH (decrease Vit B6)
What structures give rise to glomerular filtration barrier? Which disease results from a loss of negative charge glomerular filtration barrier?
fenestrated capillary endothelium (size barrier)

fused BM with heparan sulfate (neg charge barrier)

epithelial layer consisting of podocyte foot processes

dz: nephrotic syndrome
What are the common causes of eosinophilia?
Allergic processes
Collagen Vasc Disease
What is the cause of cysteinuria? Tx?
Hereditary defect of renal tubular AA transporter for Cysteine, Ornithine, Lyseine, Arginine in PCT of kidney

Tx: Acetazolamide to alaklanize urine
What antibiotics have the following MOA?

Block DNA topoisomerase
Block peptidoglycan synthesis
Block nucleotide synthesis
Block mRNA synthesis
DNA topoisomerase - Quinolones
Peptidoglycan - Vancomycin, Bacitracin
Nucleotide - Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim
mRNA - Rifampin
What is the WAGR complex?
Wilms Tumor
GU abnormalities
Retardation (mental motor)
What are the 2 types of DI? What is the cause of each?
Central and Nephrogenic

Central: pituitary tumor, trauma, surgery, histiocytosis X
Nephrogenic: lack of renal response to ADH. Hereditary or secondary to hypercalcemia, Lithium, Demeclocycline (ADH analog)
Compare the leading cause of death in ages 25-64 to those in ages 65+
25-64 : cancer, heart disease, injuries, suicide, stroke

65+: heart disease, cancer, stroke, COPD, pneumonia, influenza
What are the risk factors for a fat embolus? for pulm embolism?
Fat: bone fractues and liposuction

Pulm: predisposed by Virchow's triad - Stasis, hypercoagulability (eg defect in coagulative cascade proteins), endothelial damage (exposed collage provides impetus for clotting cascade)
What structures arise from the mesonephric ducts? What is its other name?
develops into male internal structure (except prostate) - Seminal vesicles, Epidymus, Ejaculatory duct, Ductus deferens . SEED

other name: Wolffian
What lysosomal storage disease fits description?
*cherry red spot on retina
*corneal clouding + mental ret
*no corneal clouding/mental ret
*demyelnitated disease affects peripheral nerves
*crinckled paper cytoplasm
*sphingomyelin build up
* tx = dialysis
*accumulation of galactocerebroside
*accumulation of glucocerebroside
cherry red spot: Tay Sachs and Niemman-Pick
corneal clouding: Hurler's
non-corneal clouding: Hunter's
demyelination: Metachromic leukodystrophy
crinckled paper: Gaucher's
sphyngomyelin buildup: Niemman-Pick
Dialysis: Fabry's
Galactocerebroside accum: Krabbe's
Glucocerebroside accum: Gaucher's
Jone's criteria for diagnosing of acute rheumatic fever.
Erythema Marginatum
Valvular damage (vegetation/fibrosis)
ESR increase
Red-hot joints (migratory polyarthritis)
Subcutaneous nodules (Archoff bodies)
St. Vitus' dance (chorea)
What are some of the extrapulmonary causes of restrictive lung disease?
extapulmonary (poor breathing mechanisms)
*poor muscular effort- polio/myesthenia gravis
*poor structural apparatus - scoliosis, morbid obesity
What drug can be used to tx carcinoid syndrome?
What is the difference between conscious, preconscious and unconscious in Freudian psychoanalysis?
conscious- what you are aware of
preconscious- what you are able to make conscious with effort
unconscious- what you are not aware of. Central goal of psychoanalysis is to make you aware
What muscles compose rotator cuff muscles?
Supraspinatus - helps deltoid ABduct arm
Infraspinatus - laterally rotates arm
Teres minor - ADducts and laterally rotates arm
Subscapularis - medially rotates and ADducts arm
Difference between Wernicke's, Broca's and Conduction apahasia?
Wernicke - motor aphasia with good comprehension = wordy but makes no sense
Broca's - sensory apahasia with poor comprehension, neologism ; broken speech
Conduction - arcuate fasciculus lesion; good comprehension, fluent speech , but poor repetition