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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the most common cause of bowel obstruction in the first two years of life?
What is the classic triad for intussusception
Abdominal pain, vomiting, blood per rectum
Red currant-jelly stools are indicative of what?
What is diagnostic for intussusception
Air-contrast barium enema
The string sign on a barium study indicates what?
Pyloric stenosis
What type of acid/base abnormality can occur with persistent emesis, such as that seen with pyloric stenosis?
Hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
What type of immunodeficiency presents after six months of age with recurrent sinopulmonary, GI, and urinary tract infections with encapsulated organisms (H. influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis)?
B-cell deficiencies
What immunodeficiency is seen in boys only and presents with frequent pseudomonas infections?
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (Bruton's)
With what immunodeficiency will there be a drop in immunoglobulin levels to the 20s and 30s, increased pyogenic upper and lower respiratory diseases, and increased risk of lymphoma and autoimmune disease?
Common variable immunodeficiency
What is the most common immunodeficiency
IgA deficiency
What does CATCH-22 stand for in DiGeorge syndrome?
Congenital heart disease, Abnormal facies, Thymic aplasia, Cleft palate, Hypocalcemia, 22q deletion
With what immunodeficiency syndrome will patients have increased infections with fungi and PCP?
Thymic aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome)
With what immunodeficiency will patients present with cerebellar ataxia and increased incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and gastric carcinoma?
With what immunodeficiency will patients have severe, frequent bacterial infections; chronic candidiasis, and opportunistic organisms?
Severe combined immunodeficiency
What is the treatment for SCID?
PCP prophylaxis, bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant, IVIG for antibody deficiency
With what immunodeficiency will patients present with eczema, increased IgE/IgA, decreased IgM, and thrombocytopenia?
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
What is the classis presentation of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (3)
Bleeding, eczema, recurrent otitis media
With what immunodeficiency will patients present with anemia, lymphadenopathy, hypergammaglobulinemia, and infections with catalase-positive organisms?
Chronic granulomatous disease
Pts with chronic granulomatous disease require daily treatment with what antibiotic?
With what immunodeficiency will patients present with oculocutaneous albinism, neuropathy, neutropenia, and increased incidence of overwhelming infections with S. pyogenes, S. aureus, and Pseudomonas?
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
What is the defect in Chediak-Higashi syndrome?
Neutrophil chemotaxis (Autosomal recessive)
What is the diagnostic test for chronic granulomatous disease?
Nitroblue tetrazolium test
What immunodeficiency presents with recurrent episodes of angioedema lasting 2-72 hours and provoked by stress or trauma
C1 esterase deficiency (autosomal dominant)
What type of immunodeficiencies tend to present at 1-3 months?
T-cell deficiencies
With what immunodeficiency are patients unable to form membrane attack complexes
Terminal compliment deficiency (C5-C9)
With what immunodeficiency will patients get recurrent miningococcal or gonococcal infections?
Terminal compliment deficiency (C5-C9)
What type of immunodeficiencies are characterized by mucous membrane infections, gram-negative enteric organisms, and delayed umbilical cord separations?
Phagocyte deficiencies
What type of immunodeficiencies are characterized by recurrent bacterial infections with encapsulated organisms
Complement deficiencies
What are the subacute-phase manifestations of Kawasaki disease? (2)
Thrombocytosis and increased ESR
What are the acute-phase manifestations of Kawasaki disease? Hint: Crash and Burn
Conjunctivitis, Rash, Adenopathy, Strawberry tongue, Hands and feet (red, swollen, flacky skin), AND Burn=fever >40 for 5 days
What is the treatment for Kawasaki disease?
High-dose aspirin and IVIG
What treatment is contraindicated with Kawasaki disease?
Corticosteroids (may increase aneurysm formation)
Untreated patients with Kawasaki disease are at risk for what complications?
Coronary artery aneurysms and MI
What disease is defined as an acute inflammatory illness of the small airways that primarily affects infants and children under 2?
Bronchiolitis (RSV most common)
What disease is characterized by the classic barking cough (usually at night)?
Croup (Laryngotracheobronchitis)
What is the steeple sign?
Subglottic narrowing of the airway, commonly seen with Croup
With what disease will patients age 3-7 present with muffled voice and drooling?
The thumbprint sign on lateral film is characteristic of what?
What three organisms commonly cause otitis media?
S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis
What disease is characterized by a slapped-cheek rash that is worse with fever and sun exposure?
Erythema infectiosum, caused by Parvovirus B19
What disease has an acute onset of high fever followed by a maculopapular rash that appears as the fever breaks?
Roseola infantum (HSV-6)
An abominal radiograph showing the "double-bubble" sign indicates what?
Duodenal atresia
What is the most common cause of respiratory distress in infants?
Respiratory distress syndrome
Ground-glass appearance and air bronchograms on CXR in an infant indicate what disease?
Respiratory distress syndrome
What are the five Ts and 1P of cyanotic heart disease?
1. Truncus arteriosus 2. Transposition of the great arteries 3. Tricuspid atresia 4. Tetralogy of Fallot 5. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return 6. Pulmonary atresia
What congenital heart defect presents with a harsh holosystolic murmur heard best at the lower left sternal border?
What congentital heart defect presents with a wide and fixed split S2 and a systolic ejection murmur heard best at the upper left sternal border?
What drug is given to close a patent ductus arteriosus?
What congenital defect often presents in childhood with asymptomatic hypertension?
Coarctation of the aorta
What is the most common childhood malignancy?