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52 Cards in this Set

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lab findings in Reye's syndrome? dz with similar presentation?
- increased LFT, NH4, PT, hypoglycemia
- biopsy: microvascular steatosis
- tx: supportive
- similar = systemic carnitine deficiency => increased acyl-carnitine
systemic carnitine deficiency?
- same picture as Reye's but increased acy carnitine
atlantoaxial instability?
malformatin in 10-15% down syndrome => lax posterior tranverse ligament => increased C1, C2 mobility => spinal cord compression => behavioral changes => urinary incontinence, vertigo, increased Upper motor
- xray, surgical tx
spinal cord infarction
- adults
- acute severe pain, weakness, parasthesias
6 y.o. boy with pain in his legs at night, few hours? benign exam?
- growing pans, observe; sx: poorly localized
- no xray; don't xray if + pain but neg PEX findings
- sx 6 months
- at least since age 7
- sx at school and home
- attention, impulsive, hyperactive
- aka pervasive developmental disorder
- age 3 y.o., decreased interaction, communication, language, sterotyped behavior
- 1st sx: lack of social smile and separation anxiety
- vasculitic condition, pt is s/p URI
- palpable purpura on butt, scrotal swelling, peripheral edema, renal = hematuria, proteinuria
- tx: steroids, monitor renal fx
- NOTE: Increased risk for intussusception => look for abd pain
** child with hx of steatorrhea and neonatal jaundice?
- r/o CF! with chloride sweat test x 2 followed by genetic testing
- tx: high calories, pancreatic enzymes, fat soluble vitamins
- complications: gallstones, cirrhosis, portal HTN, pancreatic fibrosis
- MC lung infx 2/2 s. aureus, pseudo, h flu
dx of pyloric stenosis?
- u/s
kartagener's syndrome
- triad: situs invertus, recurrent sinusitis, bronchiectasis
- AR, dysmotile cilia 2/2 dynein arms
- bronchial obstruction -> secretion rettention => bronchiectasis
- can be congenital with abnormal development of bronchial system => cysts, cul de sacs
vesicoureteral reflux
- short submucosal portion of ureter btw mucosa and detrusor muscle is abnormal => reflux
- MCC acute UTI in kids
- dx: voiding cystourethrogram
vit A def
- night blindness, photophobia, dry skin, cloudy cornea, bitot spots, hyperkeratosis
infantile thiamine deficiency?
fulminant cardiac syndrome: cardiomegaly, tachy, cyanotic, dyspnea, vomiting
hyper vit A?
anorexia, pruritis, tender bones, chelitis, increased ICP, hepatomegaly
coarctation of aorta?
- RIB NOTCHING 2/2 dilation of collateral chest wall vessels
- see in turners
- increased arm BP, decreased leg BP => fatigue while walking up stairs=
CAH syndromes?
- increased andogen, low MC, GC = 21 hydroxylase def => increased 17
- high androgen, high MC => 11 alpha hydroxylase def
- high DHEAS, low T, low MC => 3 beta hydroysteroid dehydrogenase
physiologic juandice vs others
- occurs within 24 hrs = erythroblastosis fetalisis => increased direct or indirect => rapid rise in bili, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, reticulocytes
- within 2nd or 3rd day lasts weeks, increased INDIRECT: physiologic jaundice 2/2 increased bilirubin, decreased bili clearance (low UGT), increased enterohepatic circulation
- jaundice at 5 days: neonatla sepsis
- @ 1 week: breast milk jaundice => bottle feed x 2 days
- increased direct bili = bad
kawasaki dz?
- kids with fever for 5d, painless red eyes, truncal blanching rash, injected pjarynx, unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy
- ASA + IV immunoglobuline
rash + unilateral cervical LAD and fever?
- kawasaki
stranger anxiety vs separation anxiety?
- stranger anxiety: begins @ 6-8 mo, peaks at 1`2-15
- separation: older, go to extreme means to avoid seapration from parent
REtt's d/o
- @ 5 months, start deteriorating previously acquired skills
kid s/p sore throat now with pericarditis, subQ nodules?
- rheumatic fever, Jones criteria
- major: polyarthritis, carditis, chorea, subQ nodules, erythema marginata
- minor: fever, arthralgias, previous rheumatic fever
- 2/2 group A strep
- tx: PCN G
- paramyoxovirus => parotitis/mumps, pancreatitis, orchitits
MCC pericarditits?
- coxsackie! but ddx rheumatic w/ presence of subQ nodules, chorea
child's parent has hx of high cholesterol, or CAD RF?
- do screening cholesterol on child
- if high (>200) then do fasting lipid
infant with poor growth, low bicarb?
- i.e. pt is acidotic = RTA
- type 1: bad H secretion= acidotic, hypoK+, INCREASED URINE PH, genetic, parents with hx nephrolithiasis
- type 2: decreased bicarb resorption in PT = fanconi
- type 4: defect Na/K+ exchange in distal tubule => hyperK+, hyper Cl, acidosis, hx of obstrctive uropathy, renal dz, multicystic dysplastic kidney
boy with gynecomastia?
- seen in 1/2 boys at around 14 y.o.
- 2/2 increased androgens during adrenal adrenarche => increased estrogen convergion and also increased LH in pubery => increased leydig cell production of E
- transient just watch
normal and abnormal testicular size?
- prepubertal: 2cm, 3mL volume
- puberty: 25 ml volume if <10ml then consider klinefelter
- if suspect, give Fe => if no response => Hg electrophoeresis, colonoscopy, serum Cr for ? renal dz
cyclical vomiting
- unknown cause, increased hx of parent with migraines
- no tx
- often age 2-6
- s/p viral infx => Ab attacks platelet => destroyed in spleen -> sx of petechiase, purpura, hematuria,
- observe, steroids in <30,000 plts, if v severe = splenectomy
newborn with noisy breathing?
- laryngomalacia = MCC chronic respiratory noise
- direct laryngoscopy => epiglottis rolling in from side to side => improves by age 2
- tell mom to hold baby up x 30 min s/p feeding and never feed lying down
immune deficiencies
- genetic B cell deficiency: @ 6 mo when decreased mom Ab, increased sinopulm infx from encapsulated bugs = H flu, s pneumo, decreased IgA = increased giardia and GI infx
- chronic granulomatous dz 2/2 decreased NADPH ox metabolism of phag cells = > decreased intracellular killing => abscesses secondary to catalase producing organism e.g. aspergillus, staph
- complement def: gonococcal and meningococcal => S. pneumo, H. flu, no giardia
- thymic hypoplasia => low T cell => increased viral and fungal
-severe combined immuno def = Adenosine deaminase def => low B and T = viral, fungal, bacterial infx
- musty urine smell
- no phenylalaine hydroxylase for phenylalanine to tyrosine => MR, seizures
- dx by blood phenyl or guthrie test
- avoid protein
dx porphyria?
- aminolevuline acid, porphobillinogen
AVM malfomation
- MCC subarachnoid hemorrhage in kids => nuchal rigidity
- look for hx of seizures, migraines to confirm diagnosis
HIV testing in neonates?
- serological testing not useful b/c of mom's Ab in fetal circulation
- test by viral cx and PCR and p24, positive if 2 of 3 are positive
- baby is asympt at birth but at 1 mo: oral thrush, LAD, diarrhea, 3 yr survival
Non Hodgkin lymphoma sx?
- abd sx, abd distension, ascites, urinary tract obstruction, intestinal bstruction
17 y.o. with hirsutism?
- increased 17-hydroxy = CAH; pt wil have normal periods
- increased DHEA = cushings
- increased LH:FSH = CAH vs PCOS
- idiopathic = increased T to dyhydrotestosterone in hair follicle = +fhx, medit descent
dx classical PKU?
- need to have 1. plasma phenlalanine >20mg/dL, 2. normal to low plasma tyrsodine; 3. increased urinary level phenyalainine met products (phenylpyruvic acid, o-hydryoxyphenlacetic acid); 4. normal tetrahydrobiopterin level
- benign = <20 mg/dL phenyalanine
- transient = no urinary phenylpyruvic acid
pt smells like boiled cabbage
- tyrosinemia 2/2 fumarylacetoacetate hydrlase deficiency
- homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency => increased homogentisic acid
- URINE TURNS BLACK on standing
- dx: homogentisic acid in urine
s/p uri or skin infx now with fever and painful knee, neg xray?
- septic arthritis
- do arthrocentesis, IV naficillin or cefazolin 2/2 staph aureus
valproic acid
- valproic acid: NTD, cardiac, dysmorphic facies: broad and flat nasal bridge, cleft lip
- phenytoin: facial hyantoin syndrome = nail and digit hypoplasia, MR
- cocaine: jittery, increased sucking, moro reflex, ADHD, low intelligence
turner syndrome
- webbed neck, lymphedema 2/2 lymphatic network dysplasia (nonpitting edema)
- other sx: high palate, short 4th metacarpal, mail dysplasia
clavicular fx 2/2 big baby delivery?
- no tx, will heal on own
- absence seizure: daydreaming episodes, no loss of postural control, brief lapses of consciousness, decline school performance
- generalized tonic clonic: loss of posturla control, biting tongue, post ictal confusion, bowel and bladder loss
- atonic seizures: loss of postural tone 1-2 sec
- simple partial: no loss of consciousness
- complex-partial: aura, behavioral arrest, automatism, confusion
fanconi's anemia
pancytopenia, hyperpigmentation on trunks, intertriginous area,s cafe-au lait spots
- shot, hypogonad, skeletal abnormalities
diamond blackefen anemia
- congenital pure red cell aplasia in 3 months, low retic
transient erythroblastopenia of childhood
- red cell aplasia in healhty kid
- low retic