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25 Cards in this Set

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Her husband’s violence terrified her

to make someone extremely afraid


I was astonished that hear he was married

to surprise someone very much

SYN amaze


His hair is receding

1if something you can see or hear recedes, it gets further and further away until it disappears


He upset his parents because he was so rude to them

to make someone feel unhappy or worried


I knew I could rely on David

to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do → reliable

Had a row with

I had a row with my brother

Have an angry discussion

SYN: Argue

Get together

We should get together and go for a drink some time

meet in order to do something or spend time together


Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

to make, design, or think of a new type of thing


Tea and biscuits will be provided

to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it


Carry out

A survey of ten schools in the area will be carried out next year

to do or complete something, especially something important

food that you can take away from a restaurant to eat somewhere else, or a restaurant that sells food like this

SYN: takeaway > British English


I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me

to give someone the courage or confidence to do something OPP discourage


The state police are investigating the incident

to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem


Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire.

to find out the facts about something SYN establish


Many government officials were recruited from private industry.

to find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job etc


I intend to spend the night there

to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose

intend to do something

He intends to appeal against the decision

to have decided that you want to do something at some time in the future


They conducted a campaign of bombings

to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts

SYN carry out, do


Ethel’s health has deteriorated.

to become worse


Rick has always excelled at foreign languages

to do something very well, or much better than most people

excel at/in


Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.

His action triggered a massive response from the government.

to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events


Have you considered the possibility of retraining ?

to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision


Horns blared in the street outside

to make a very loud unpleasant noise


people aspire to start their own business

to desire and work towards achieving something important


I couldn’t afford the rent on my own

to have enough money to buy or pay for something


Concentrate on : Be quiet – let me concentrate on my homework

to think very carefully about something that you are doing
