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96 Cards in this Set

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Herbert Hoover in office


Flood crisis missipi - Hoover

1927, convinced voluntary groups in area to tackle

Hoover wins election

1928, won 21m to 15m

Unemployment during Great Depression

March 1933 - 16m

Federal Farm Board

Help famers sell surplus food abroad 1929

Federal Home Loan Bank Act

July 1932 to lend people money who need help w their mortgages

Bonus Army

June 1932

1925 gov had agreed to give veterans bonus in 1945 but veterans wanted it early

March to Washington and then aprox 200k camped in capital

House of Reps voted 15th June to allow early payment but 2 days later senate vetoed this cps wasn't feasible

Hoover offered them $100k to get home they refused and were fears of riots even revolutionh

Army called in under General Douglas McArthur and protestors chased back to camps which were destroyed and tear gas

Effects killed 2 babies and although McArthur acted beyond his authority by attacking camps, Hoover backed him and lost a lot of support

Roosevelt elected Governor of NY


FDR in office


No. Of Civil Servants employed under FDR

1932 -1939 increased 420k

National Union for Social Justice


Father Coughlin's oppositional group to FDR

Huey Long assassinated


How many member in 'Townsend Clubs'

By 1935 there were 5m

Increase in Gov spending New Deal


Increase Gov spending ww2


'The New Slump'

Recession 1937-38

'Good Neighbour' Policy

By FDR to get good relations w Latin America

USA wld b less dominating w Panama Canal and allowed nationalisation of Mexican oil fields in return for some deals by mainly friendship as 1930s was time of global tension

Neutrality Acts

1935 - no arms sold to countries at war

1936 - no loans to countries at war

1937 - same but also no raw materials

War materials supplied to China


Neutrality acts ignored

Selective service act


Men can be conscripted during peacetime

'Destroyers for Bases' deal


GB get 50 'old destroyers' for US access to British bases in Newfoundland & Cardibean

Embargo on selling oil iron and rubber to Japan


Lend-Leave Agreement

March 1941

No more oil for Japan


Japan had got 80% of their oil from US

Pearl Harbour

7th Dec 194

Hawaiian Naval Base

5000 dead

After this congress voted unanimously to go to war

Industrial production is US war time

1939-45 it doubled

Consumers had x% more to spend after WW2


Americans died in WW2


22nd Amendment


All presidents now limited to 2 terms

Truman wins election in own right and democrats majority in congress


Under Truman (dem) Republicans win majority in Congress


Truman Doctrine

March 1947

Said that the US needed policy of 'containment' to stop communism spreading, and give financial aid to any country that was under threat of becoming communist (like Turkey and Greece)

Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1945 (under Truman)

US becomes a founding member UN


US becomes member of NATO


Members promise to defend one another if there is attack from another country

Marshall plan

April 1948

System of aid for war-torn Europe (stop spread of communism)

North Korea invades South Korea


Taft-Hartley Act

1947 to curb power of strikes

Needed to be 60 day 'cooling off' period b4 a strike could start workers no longer had to join trade unions - caused by pressure from Republicans

Berlin blockade

1948 - 1949

Soviets blockaded west Berlin after squabbles over currency

Berlin Airlift


Yalta conference

Feb 1945

Churchill & Stalin & FDR

Potsdam conference

Summer 1945

Churchill/Atlee & Stalin & Truman

Second Red Scare


Context of the Cold War and Korean War

HUAC (House Un-American Activities Commission)


To identify communists

Federal Employee Loyalty Program

1947 - investigation of all Government employees


Feb 1950-54

Claims made by senator Joseph McCarthy

Effects of Second Red Scare numbers

9,500 civil servants dismissed

600 teachers lost jobs

McCarthy forced out of public life by censure


Truman in office


Eisenhower in office


'Dynamic conservatism'

Economically conservative but socially liberal, a belief of Eisenhower

'open skies' policy suggested

July 1955

at meeting in Geneva but USSR rejected but international approval won

JFK in office


Cuban missile crisis


USSR had had missiles in Cuba but they got rid of them after tense negotiations and promised that the US wouldn't try to invade Cuba agaim

Bay of Pigs


Failed invasion of communist Cuba

Lost JFK much support

Communist seizes power in Cuba


Soviets launch 'Sputnik'


First space satellite

Unemployment under JFK

Fell from 1961-63 but by his death there were still 4m unemployed

USSR first manned space flight

1961 - Yuri Gagarin

JFK orders acceleration of US space programme

'The Other America'

Book by Michael Harrington published in 1962 that exposed inequalities in wealth

'War on Poverty'

By LBJ in 1964

Economic Opportunity Bill

Presented to Congress by LBJ in March 1964

'Operation Headstart'

Operation to improve inner city schools

LBJ in office


Nixon in office


Nixon attempts to combat inflation

1971 cuts in income tax, ends of excise tax on cars

After 90 day freeze - wages and prices were limited

Devalues dollar

'New Right' politics

Late '60s/early '70s

Swing towards conservatism and the enforcement of traditional values as a reaction to liberalism of 1960s

Nixon used this in his presidential election campaign

Walter Cronkite films Vietnam War critical special


Walter Cronkite films Vietnam War critical special


LBJ forced to raise taxes despite promises not to


Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)

Treaty signed w USSR that limited no. of strategic missiles they could have

Nixon in China

Feb 1972

End of a 20 year long frosty relationship

Robert Kennedy assassinated

June 1968

5 men from CREEP caught breaking in to Watergate

June 1972

No. Of high profile resignations from Nixon's administration

March 1973

Nixon resigms

7th August 1974

Ford in office


Ford pardons Nixon

Sept 1974

Recession caused by Ford slowing down economy


Carter in office


Iran hostage crisis

Nov 1979 - Jan 1981

Days Iran hostages were hostage


Woodrow Wilson in office


Waren G Harding in office


Calvin Coolidge in office


USA enters WW1


Russian monarchy is overthrown and replaced by communist forces


Worker striking in 1919

1/4 - more than 3600

Scandals in Harding Admin

Harry Dougherty - forced to resign bc had taken bribes to cover up scandals

Charles Forbes investigated 1923 - for defrauding gov using gov contracts

Teapot Dome - 1923 - Albert Fall leased federal oil reserves

Coolidge refuses to allow surplus food to be sold cheaply abroad


First Red Scare




LBJ and CR

CR Act 1964

Voting Rights Act 1965

General Strike USA (fuelled 1st red scare)

Feb 1919 - 60k striked

suicide rate increase during depression


NCC set up

1931 National Credit Corporation

Get banks to lend to smaller banks/businesses - only spent 10m/500m