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82 Cards in this Set

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President Hoover sent ________ in the form of money to help the unemployed.


Many African Americans still worked as __________ in the South during the Great Depression.

tenant farmers

Many Mexican immigrants clustered themselves in ________ in order to keep their culture alive.


Why did African Americans, Mexican immigrants, and Mexican Americans face especially hard times in the 1930s?

Because of discrimination, lack of jobs, and being laid off.

Why did some immigrants return to Mexico during the Great Depression?

Because they lost their jobs and experienced discrimination.

How did the Bonus Army events help turn the nation against President Hoover?

Because Hoover sent troops to force them out of Washington D.C.

Why did Americans support Franklin Roosevelt in 1932?

Because he was cheerful, confident, made Americans feel like the Depression could be beaten and promised them a "New Deal".


nicknames of shantytowns that acted as temporary communities during the Great Depression

Bonus Army

WWI veterans who marched on Washington D.C. demanding payments for their service

Douglas MacArthur

the General who was ordered to put down the Bonus Army

President Hoover

disagreed with the Bond Army and probably lost the election because of his actions toward them

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

the Democrat who won the election of 1932

Francis Townsend came up with the idea of a ________ plan for citizens over the age of 60.


Those who wanted fewer government controls were known as _________.


_________ were in favor of New Deal reforms which would bring about more social and economic change.


What was the overall effect on the country of Roosevelt's first New Deal programs?

The programs lifted Americans' spirits.

What were the three R's?

1) Relief: provide relief to suffering people

2) Recovery: bring economic recovery

3) Reform: produce reforms so a depression won't happen again

Why did some people oppose Roosevelt's programs?

Because they feared that the government would have too much involvement in their lives and harm the economy.

What was the Second New Deal?

It was new bills that Roosevelt proposed in Congress in 1935.

How did the New Deal help many American groups?

Because anyone who was retired AND over 65 received monthly pensions and it assisted people.

What role did women play during Roosevelt's presidency?

Women were appointed to government posts.

What experienced in Bethune's life made her a good choice to advise Roosevelt on education and youth issues?

She was the President of the Bethune-Cookman College, President of the National Association of Colored Woman, and director of the National Youth Administration's Division of Negro Affairs.

What programs and agencies helped people get back to work?

The Civilian Conservatiom Corps and the Public Works Administration.

What agencies had to do with Mother Nature?

The Tennessee Valley Authority and Agricultural Adjustment Administration.

Francis Townsend

credited for the original idea of the Social Security Act

Robert Wagner

senator from New York who helped to set the National Labor Relations Act

Frances Perkins

female Secretary of Labor who helped set the National Labor Relations Act

Mary McLeod Bethune

became the first African American woman to serve as the head of a federal agency

Eleanor Roosevelt

first First Lady to take a role as an active reformer

Which countries formed the Axis Alliance?

Japan, Italy, and Germany

Spain, Germany, and Italy all had ______ ruling their countries before WWII.


A political system with a strong leader who is the chief of source of law and encourages nationalism is called ________.


Joseph Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a _____________.

totalitarian state

Some European nations chose a policy of __________ toward Hitler's Germany.


What effects did the Treaty of Versailles have on Germany?

It required Germany to pay more than $33 billion in reparations.

What factors led to the rise of dictators during the 1920s and 1930s?

Losing faith in democratic governments.

What dictators rose to power because of these factors?

Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler

Why did Germany and Japan invade other countries?

Because they needed more natural resources and power.

What agreement did Germany and the Soviet Union make?

They agreed not to attack each other.

Benito Mussolini

named dictator of Italy, brought fascism with him

Adolf Hitler

took control of Germany and brought the Nazi party to power

Joseph Stalin

took control of the Soviet Union after Lenin's death and introduced the totalitarian state


northern area of Czechoslovakia that was given to Germany in exchange for no further invasions

In WWII, Germany used a new military strategy called __________, which means "lightning war".


The U.S. government put Japanese Americans in ___________ mostly out of fear.

internment camps

How and where did Germany extend its conquests in Europe in 1940?

They extended their conquests to most of Europe by invading lands and air raids.

How did President Roosevelt help Allied nations?

By proposing the Lend-Lease Act.

What did Congress do after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor?

Congress declared war on Japan.

Why were many Japanese Americans sent to internment camps during the war?

Because people thought they were spies for Japan.

What was the Allies' "Europe First" policy?

The Allies would first defeat Germany and then focus all their energy on beating Japan.

Why was D-Day important?

Because the Allies got control of France.

During the war, many raw materials in the U.S. were _________ so they could be used in the war effort.


Japanese ________ used their planes to crash into U.S. ships.


During the _________, Germant put many people (mostly Jewish) in _____________ because they were viewed as "unfit to live".

Holocaust; concentration camps

Part of Hitler's "Final Solution" was to perform a massive _________ against all Jews.


The U.S. dropped the _________ on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, effectively ending WWII.

atomic bomb

What effect did the war have on the U.S. economy?

Factories were changed to produce machines and weapons and raw materials had to be rationed.

What happened at the Battle of Midway?

The Japanese suffered heavy losses.

What strategy did the U.S. use to defeat Japan?

island hopping

What major event led to the surrender of the Japanese forces?

The bombing of Hiroshima.

Why did Truman decide to use the atomic bomb?

Because he believed it would end the war quickly.

Winston Churchill

prime minister of Great Britain who urged the U.S. to enter WWII

Pearl Harbor

attacked by the Japanese; thrust the U.S. into WWII

"Big Three"

Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin

General Eisenhower

U.S. commanding officer in charge of repelling the German forces out of France


site of D-Day

George S. Patton

U.S. General in charge of conquering Germany once and for all


site of a key battle in the Pacific

Harry S. Truman

Vice-President who became President when FDR died in 1945

Nuremberg, Germany

site of the WWII war crime trials, where 24 Nazi leaders were convicted

Hiroshima, Japan

site of the first atomic bomb drop in WWII

TRUE/FALSE: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protected peoples' money in banks.


TRUE/FALSE: The Tennessee Vakkey Authority built dams and helped to produce hydroelectricity.


TRUE/FALSE: The D-Day invasion took place in Berlin, Germany.


TRUE/FALSE; Roosevelt made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan.


TRUE/FALSE: The Sudentenland was given to Germany by the Allies as a form of appeasement.



communities in which mostly Spanish-speaking people live


people who believe in limited government involvement in the economy

Home Owners Loan Corporation

gave loans at low costs so home owners could continue making their house payments

internment camp

place where people are confined, especially during a time of war


attempt to keep peace with an enemy by giving in to its demands


German method of conducting war with speed and fire