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18 Cards in this Set

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Two big inventions of the later 1800s?
Roller press and refrigerated train cars.
Big 3 rich folks of the later 1800s? And what are their big money makers?
Edison-power distribution
Rockefeller-oil refinery
Carnegie- steel
What does Carnegie come up with?
The "Gospel of Wealth", a philosophical book on rich people not leaving money to children.
What was the first billion dollar company?
US Steel
This mechanized period of US history is also known as what?
The average hourly wage working in Steel was what an hour? How many hours a week? Annual income?
21.6 cents an hour.

54 hour weeks

$490 a year
How many factory fatalities in 1912?
How many injuries in 1912?
How did people deal with the crappy working conditions?
The first inter-state strike was what? How did it go?
Great Railroad Strike of 1877 which failed due to strike-breakers who were often Chinese.
What leads to the unfair anti-Chinese legislation in the US?
Strike-breakers of Chinese descent during the Great Railroad Strike (which wasn't really their fault but whatever)
What was the big goal of the National Labor Union?
8 hour workday
Who were the Knights of Labor?
A labor union that instead of striking, the Knights promoted boycotts.
What kills the Knights of Labor?
The Haymarket Affair, which associated the unions with anarchists.
What resurrects the union work?
American Federation of Labor, a union OF unions
Who was Samuel Gompers?
The leader of the American Federation of Labor, and a cigar maker.
What things kills the American Federation of Labor?
Homestead Steel Strike
Pullman Strike
Who was Frick?
Cut wages and raised rent of the Homestead Steel company.