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29 Cards in this Set

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U.S foreign policy that wanted to have no involvement in world affairs & to be neutral in wars.
Cash & Carry
the U.S gives supplies to the allies if they pay cash & carry the goods in their own ships
Island Hopping
the U.S strategy in the Pacific where we are going from island to island getting closer to Japan
U.S strategy
Battle of Midway
the turning point in the Pacific & the U.S went on the offensive
Japanese Internment Camps
the U.S put the Japanese in camps because of national security
the limiting of goods people can buy during war time
Lend Lease Act
the U.S gave supplies to the allies & they pay us back later
FDR house on fire story
Navajo Code Talkers
Native Americans that transmitted messages for the United States during war in the Pacific
Tuskegee Airmen
African American pilots that fought in WWll
the allies split Germany into four zones & the United Nations was created
they plan the future of defeated nations
Containment Policy
the U.S 2nd foreign policy where they tried to stop the spread of Communist
Truman Doctrine
Truman gives military and economic aid to any country being threaten by Communism
Marshall Plan
the U.S gives 13 billion to Western Europe to help them rebuild after WWll
United Nations
a peace keeping organization that promotes corporation b/w countries
a defense alliance between the U.S Western European countries
Warsaw Pact
the Soviet Union alliance with Eastern European countries after NATO
Joseph McCarthy
McCarthy goes on a witch hunt looking for Communist in the government, military and Hollywood
Bay of Pigs
a CIA plot to overthrow Castro
Cuban Missile Crisis
the Soviet Union takes their missiles out of Cuba & the U.S takes theirs out of Turkey
FDR's views on neutrality
FDR wanted to help the allies but he had to appease the American people
American war strategy in Europe & Pacific
the allies go to Europe 1st and then Japan
Changing roles of women & minorities
women & minorities received more job opportunities but still face discrimination
Arguments for dropping the Atomic Bombs
end the war quickly and save American lives
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and results
This gave President Johnson power to send more troops to Vietnam
Ramifications of the Korean War
Communism was contained we didn't use nuclear weapons and 38 parallel divided the countries
African American in Vietnam War
African Americans survived in disproportionate number in Vietnam
Election of 1968/ Outcomes of Vietnam War
Nixon wins presidency Johnson decides not to run & super technology doesn't guarantee victory
American Forgien Policy in Latin America
The US is involved in Latin America for their interest in the territory