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157 Cards in this Set

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government spending a "little" (in) money to create a "lot" (out) of jobs and increase the flow of money was known as...
pump priming
the new deal's symbol for the "NRA" was...
Blue Eagle
"We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before" and "Direct federal handouts weakens a perosn's self resepect" were quotes by...
Herbert Hoover
Hoover's 'idea' that people should succeed through their own efforts and hard work...
Rugged individulism
the legislation that affected more lives than any other new deal program
Social Security Act
moving the presidential inauguration from March to January was called the...
Lame Duck Admendment (19th)
Roosevelt's first action after taking ofice as president in 1933...
Bank Holidays
Made the quote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"...
Franklin D. Roosevelt
How Roosevelt explained his New Deal Programs to the American people
Fireside Chats
Young men (18-25) working on the Great Plains planting trees was employed through...
Roosevelt's philosophy of believeing in the 'best person for the job' was the reason behind...
Bipartisan Cabinet
4 main critics of Roosevelt's New Deal Policies
Upton Sinclair
Francis Townsend
Father Coughlin
Huey Long
4 main 'causes' of the depression
uneven distribution of income
easy credit
crisis for farmers
industrial problems (mechanism)
The Bonus Army that was treated badly during Hoover's presidency was made up of...
WWI veterns
What did Harry Hopkins (Roosevelt's Top Aid) believed would be the best way to get America out of the Great Depression
for people to get jobs and work
Roosevelt's greatest mistake during the depression era was when he tried to...
"pack the supreme court"
(change number of judges from 9 to 11)
The Main or most important task of the new deal and critical to get America out of the Great Depression
Create Jobs
A high tariff that leed to economic warfare with other nations and contributed to a worldwide depression
Hewly-Smoot Tariff
"Gone with the Wind" was a book written about...
The Civil War
"Black Tuesday" will always be associated wiht...
The Stock Market Crashing
October 29, 1929
"The Grapes of Wrath" is a book written about....
The Dust Bowl and Farmers
Roosevelt's Speech saying America will "Shoot on Sight" Gurman U Boats was known as...
The Rattlesnake Speech
Britsh Prime Minister that gave into Hitler's Demands by signing the Munich Pact...
Resrtictions placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles
pay War Debts
borders changed
War Guilt Clause
The Need to "isolate the aggressor nations" was referred to by Roosevelt as...
Quarantine Speech
Country that Roosevelt referred to as the "Great arsenal of democracy"...
The Deliberate and systematic killing of an entire group of peopl
Nation attacked by both Germany and later the Soviet Union that started WWII
Area refered to by Hitler as his "last territorial demand"
Hitler's first aggressive action after coming to power was to remilitarize...
policy that took away the political, social, and human rights of Jews in Germany
Nuremberg Laws
In Northern France early in WWII, Germany trapped the Britsh Army on the shores of...
The Italian Dictator that was the founder of fascism in Europe
Fransico Franco
Leaders of Atlantic Charter (confrence) decided the first priority of the war should be...
Stop Germany
Allies of WWII
America, Great Britian, Soviet Union
Landing point of the invasion of Northern France in 1944 and also known as "D-Day"
Normandy Invasion
Surprise German counter attack in late 1944 and America's greatest battle in Europe
Battle of Bulge
America's Army Chief of Staff during WWII, respoinsible for all mainpower and equipment
George Marshall
the order in which the axis powers fall, bringing an end to WWII
Italy, Germany, Japan
American Navel victory taht was the turning point of the war in the pacific against Japan
Battle of Midway
the selective service system's first step in mobilization of the Military
The draft
Battleground in the pacific that became known as "hell" and the "island of death"
In America's war against Germany, which important WWII event happen first
Invasion of Africa
Battle of Stalingrad is said to have been teh turining point of what front...
Eastern Front
Made the warning to Japan about "prompt and udder destruction"...
President Truman
Made the quote, "Italy is the soft underbelly of the axis"
Winston Churchill
fought inflation with price freezing and consumption with rationing
converted America from peacetime to wartime production and led nationwide drives to collect recyclable items during the war.
supreme commander of the U.S. and allied forces in Europe during WWII and mastermind of all allied (american) invasions...
General Eisenhower
America dropped the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of...
general who, after losing the Philippines, made the quote: "I shall return"...
Flew a one-way mission to bomb Tokyo
The Doolittle Raid
Country that signed a non-agression pact with Germany before WWII, opening the door for Hitler's "conquest" of Europe
Axis powers during WWII
Executed for selling Atomic Bomb secrets to Soviet Union
Ethel and Julius Rosenbery
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owned by so many to so few" was a quote by...
Winston Churchill
Types of totaitarian government conrtolling the aggressor nations during WWII
Set up by the League of Nations to find "homes" for the Jewish refugees
High Commission
country who's Totalitarian leader attacked the AFterican nation of Ethiopia before WWII
which country believed that by avoiding political and economic entanglements, they could avoid war...
"An iron curtain has descended across Europe" was a quote by...
Winston Churchill
Term used to describe America's willingness to go to the "edge of war"
started a which hunt and believed "communists have taken over the government"
J. McCarthy
Stop the spread of communism through Alliances and the supporting of Weaker Nations
Satellite Nations
Seceretary of state who designed a plan to rebuild Europe after WWII
George Marshall
the alliance between the Soviet Union and the Satellite Nations controlled by...
Warshaw Pact
"Peacekeeping" alliance that fought the Korean War against North Korea and China
United Nations (UN) Security Council
"Communism and Capitalism are incompatible, therefore war is inevitable" was a quote by...
State of Hostility, short of Military conflict, between communism and the United States
Cold War
Wanted to fight a limited war and not use nuclear weapons during Korean "War"
Harry Truman
The state controls all economic activity and the ownership of property...
System of communism
the unfair tactic of accusing people to disloyalty withoth providing evidence
"Aid to Europe was not against a country but against hunger, poverty, and chaos" was a quote by...
George Marshall
believed and iron "fist" was needed to control the spread of communism in Europe...
Harry Truman
"incident" caused by a U.S. spy plane being shot down over the Soviet Union
U-2 inncident
helped lead to the belieft that the American Dream had finally come within reach...
Peace, Progress, Prosperity.
"I'm asking for equality of opportunity for all human beings" is a quote by...
"I don't believe you can change the hearts of men with law and descisions" is a quote by...
"Never before so much for so few" is a phrase that best describes...
if there is something you want you can have it
Type of Mass Media in the 1950's that many believed was "a vast wasteland"...
Betty Friedan's quote from the book "The Feminie Mystique" about the "homemaker"
"Is this all?"
Cleveland disc jockey who first used the Phrase "Rock 'n' Roll" to describe a new musical style...
Allen Freed
Type of Mass Media in the 1950's that many believed would "never come back"
America became known as a "throwaway society" based on the practice of ...
makind things to have a limited life span, and to be thrown away once broken
Accused of walking the middle of the road and avoiding controversial issues....
was given the major responsibility of being the "keeper of the suburban dream"
first televised political speech was given by Richard Nixon and became known as the...
Truman's slogan, or the ablity to make the tough decisions and accept responsibility
"The Buck Stops Here"
after WWII, what was considered to be a "crisis" at home...
Movie starring James Dean that made him into a "teen idol"
"Rebeal without a cause"
Kennedy criticized Eisenhower's presidency (lack of direction) by saying "America was...":
a drift."
European location that was refered to as the "showcase of democrocy"...
West Germany
complete this quote:"Ask not waht your country can do for you--Ask what you can do..."
"For your country"
The "symbol of the cold war" that seperated communism from capitalism...
Berlin Wall
"Help these nations help themselves" was the philosophy behind this program designed by Kennedy that appealed to America's Youth
Peace Corps
A tense "standoff" that resulted in a blockade of the soviets and the closest America has ever come to nuclear war...
Cubian Missle Crisis
As a result of the 1st Televised debate, what "replaced the written word as the national language of politics"...
Kennedy believed, "The torch has been passed to..."
"a new generation."
"communication" designed to ease cold war tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.
Used to describe the popularity and "fairy tale" life of the Kennedy family...
Resolution gave president Johnson a "blank check" in Vietnam and Broad Military Powers...
Gulf of Tonkin
Location of an "American tragedy" that resulted in a massacre
My Lia Massacre
The idea that if one (indochina) country falls to communism, they all will.
"Domino Theory"
Who were presidents during the Vietnam War?
The agreement that divided Vietnam into two different states (countries)
17th parallel
"Vietnam is still with us. We paid an exorbitant price for the decisions that were made." was a quote by...
Henry Kissinger
"In the final analysis, it's their war." was a quote by...
Nixon's biggest mistake in dealing wth the Vietnam war was..
Invasion fo Cambodia
American soldiers fought these types of missions during the Vietnam war...
Search and Destroy
Who did President Johnson refer to as "Mr. Average Citizen"
Walter Cronkite
Nixon's plan to end U.S. involvment in the war by slowly withdrawing troops:
Vietnamization Policy
Campain to win over the citizens of South Vietnamto help us win the war...
Hearts and Minds
President who was givent the greatest blame for the Vietnam War = escalating the war by sending the first U.S. soldiers to fight and the bombing of North Vietnam
"Sink or Swim with Diem" was a quote by...
Most traumatic year of the war (assassinations, elections and offensives)...
Nixon's National Security Advisor who led to the Peace Talks to end the war...
Henry Kissinger
distrust between what the government reported and American's who disagreed with his policies in Vietnam as...
Pentagon Papers
Johnson refered to member os congress and Americans who disagreed with his policies in Vietnam as...
Event that directly led to a nation wide student strike of nearly all college campuses...
Invasion of Cambodia
First American Astronaut to orbit the Earth (3 times in 1962)
John Glenn
Kennedy believed "we stand on the edge of..."
"... a new frontier."
Truman's nickname during the Whistlestop Campaign, or his belief in telling it like it is...
"Give 'em Hell Harry"
"Tricky Dick"
Anti-conformist counterculture that gave up the materialism of the 1950's...
Beat Movements - Beatniks
Martin Luther King's Philosophy and his "unique" brand of non-violent resistance
Started the civil rights movement by refusing to boey an unjust law on a city bus
Jo Ann Robinson
Started the black power movement and used the slogan "We shall overrun..."
Stokely Carmichael. (Blank Panthers)
according to Martin Luther King, "The Great Society was shot down..."
"on the Battle Fields of Vietnam"
I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" was a quote by...
George Wallace
city where Dr.King gave his moset famous speech and led his most public march to "nationalize" the civil rights movement in the 1963
Washington D.C. Lincoln Memorial
Black Muslim leader who taught 'seperation' but later believed in 'ballots or bullets'
Malcom X
City that was site of a year long bus boycott that started the Civil rights movement
The leader of the Civil Rights Movement who had "A Dream" of freedom and equality
Martin Luther King JR
"Are we to say that this is the land of the free except for the negroes" was a quote by...
The April assassination of Martin Luther King Jr became the turning point to the Civil rights movement in the year..
Non-violent form of protest of segregated lunch counter by SNCC members
De Facto segregation (and the most difficult to fight) is segregation that results from...
practice and customs
Civil rights leader who made the quote "You can kill a man, but you can't kill an idea"
Medger Evers
"It certainly was tiem for someone to stand up, so I refused to move" was a quote by...
Rosa Parks
NAACP lawyer who challenged segregation before the supreme court and won the Brown vs Board of Education case...
Thurgood Marshall
Restrictions created in some cities and states to limit the freedom of African Americans
Jim Crow Laws
The state know as "the closed society" due to its discrimination in voting rights
the refusal to obey an unjust law
Civil Disobedence
"Separate but equal" supremem court case that legalized segregation of public facilities...
Plessy vs Ferguson
1954 supreme court case that led to the desegregation of public facilites (schools)
Brown vs Board of Education
The "moral decay of the country" in the 20's was most often blamed on...
the cities
the intellectual and cultural center for African Americans in the 1920's
Harlem, New York
protested outside the White House for a year to get voting rights for women...
Alice Paul and Lucy Burns
The admendment that gave women the right to vote...
15th admendment
the African American leader who founded the Niagara movement and the NAACP
William (W.E.D.)
The speech writer who wrote "the declaration fo sentiments" and became known as the "voice" of the suffrage movement.
Elizabeth Caty Stamps
The worst race riots in American History (until th 1960's) took place in..
term used to describe a rebirth, a new learning, or a new beginning...
famous hurmorist who was known as the cowboy philosopher during the 1920's...
William Rogers
the movement of rural southern blacks to Northern cities int eh 1920's was called...
Great Migration
Organization that used the Court System to improve the quality of life for blacks
Women who adapted new styles, fashions, and attitudes during the '20's...
The spokesperson who traveled america giving speeches tryingto get women the right to vote, and was also known as the leader of the movement
Susan B. Anthony