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57 Cards in this Set

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New Nationalism
Program of progressive reforms proposed by President Theodore Roosevelt; included regulation of business, welfare legislation, and other measures
Holding company
A company that controls other companies by holding their stocks
direct primary
Elections system in which voters rather than political bosses select nominees for elections
process of settling disputes in which both sides accept the legally binding decision of an impartial third party
home rule
Municipal reforms in the late 1800s and early 1900s that gave cities limited self-rule, rather than state rule
Political and social reform movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s; included socialism, prohibation, and other reform movements
New Freedom
Political patform of Woodrow Wilson in teh 1912 presidential election that criticized big business and big government
Social Welfare Programs
Government program that helps ensure a basic standard of living; includes unemployment,accident,and health insurance
The combinations of Russia, France, Great Britain, and later the United States in WWI
Industrial Worker's of the World
Radical labor organization of the early 1900s that soought the overthrow of the capitalist system; also known as the Wobblies.
Payments for economic injury exacted from a defeated army
American Expeditionary Force
United states troops in WWI,including draftees,volunteers,and the national guard
Freedom of a group of people to dtermine their own political status.
League of Nations
Organization proposed by President Wodrow Wilson after WWI (UN-United Nations)
Fourteen Points
Peace program proposed by President Woodrow Wilson intended to prevent wars like WWI
Zimmerman Note
Telegram intercepted from a German official proposing an alliance with Mexico; increased pressure on the United States to enter the war
Cease-fire during a war ex.the end of WWI (1918)
Supplying liquor illegally during the time of prohibition
A type of woman who had a straight, slim silhouette, and a fondness for dancing and brash actions.
Red Scare
A time in history when everyone was afraid that communism would take over the United States.
Christian religious movement based on pamphlets issued between 1909 and 1914; holds that every word in the bible was inspired by God
General Strike
A strike in which many unions participate in order to show worker unity
Scopes trial
Tennessee trial of 1925 that challenged the law against teaching evolution in public schools
Jazz age
Term for the 1920s, a period marked by the great popularity of jazz music.
Harlem Renaissance
Period in the early 1900s during which the literary, musical, adn artistic expression of African Americans blossomed in Harlem
Teapot Dome
Scandel during the administration of President Warren G. Harding involving the lease of public oil reserves to private companies in exchange for illegal payments
Herber Hoover
The 31st president of the United States...worked to aid Europeans in WWI but responded ineffectivly to the stock market crash and the great depression.
Warren G. Harding
29th President of the United States
Vladimir I. Lenin
Revolutionary Leader in Russia, Established a communist government
Charles Lindbergh
Aviator who became and international hero when he made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Novelist who depicted the United Statesand the world during the 1920s in books like "The Great Gatsby"
Calvin Coolidge
13th President of the United States; Big business supporter and opposed social aid
Marcus Garvey
African American leader who urged African Americans to return to the motherland
A. Mitchell Palmer
The Attorney General during the time of the Red Scare whom set up antiradical divisions to raid organizations for being suspected of radical behavior
Sacco and Vanzetti
Two italian immigrants jailed and put to death for the reason of being a part of the teapot dome; was so controvercial because the court case was not fair
Henry Ford
Manufacturer from the 1910s through the 1940s made the most affordable cars to the masses; used mass production
T.S. Eliot
A poet who wrote "The Waste Land" depicting the struggle of a youth in the 1920s
internment camps
a camp in which people are confined or isolated
wildcat strikes
A worker's strike not authorized by their union
spanish term for worker;particularly applied to the thousands of mexican farmhands who migrated to the United States during WWII only to be sent back after the war
Double V campaign
Civil rights movement by African Americans during WWII calling victory in the war and equality at home
Cost-plus system
System devised during WWII to allow profits from war production, in which the government paid for basic manufacturing costs, plus a percentage profit
Congress of Racial Equality
Civil rights organization started in 1942
Congress of Racial Equality
Civil rights organization started in 1942
March on Washington
Civil rights movement in Washington D.C. led by Dr.Martin Luther King
March on Washington
Civil rights movement in Washington D.C. led by Dr.Martin Luther King
Interim Committee
Group of US leaders and scientists who studied the question of using the atomic bomb to force Japan's surrender during WWII
Interim Committee
Group of US leaders and scientists who studied the question of using the atomic bomb to force Japan's surrender during WWII
New Deal
Proposals and programs adopted by President Franklin Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression;included social and economic programs and changes in government regulation
Political right
Those who wish to preserve the current social and political system or power structure
public works program
Government funded projects to build public facilities;central to President Roosevelt's New Deal job programs
political left
Those who wish to change the current social and political system or power structure
national debt
Total debt of the National Government
hundred days
The first 100 days of the term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
congress of Industrial Organization
Labor group that split off from the American Federation of Labor in 1938 and organized unskilled steel,auto, and other workers.
Social Security Act
Legislation in 1935 that established a social welfare system funded by employee and worker contributions; included old-age pensions,survivor's benefits for victims of industrial accidents, and unemployment insurance
Wagner Act
National Labor Relations Act of 1935;legalized union practices such as collective bargining and the closed shoop and outlawed certain antiunion practices such as blacklisting