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73 Cards in this Set

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What is Manifest Destiny
The belief that the United States should move westward and expand
Which president was most associated with Manifest Destiny
James K. Polk
Anthony Burns
was an escaped slave from Virginia who was captured by slave-hunters in Boston
Why is Anthony Burns important?
he introduced what years of abolition could never do and conservatives began to see what slavery in power could do
Which President was involved in the Anthony Burns incident?
Franklin Pierce
Which president should we credit with the annexation of Texas?
John Tyler
What President facilitated and approved the Compromise of 1850?
Millard Fillmore
What was the reaction of the North (especially New Englanders) to the Fugitive Slave Act?
-Northern officials did not want to support the enforcement of Southern states' slavery laws.
-South infringed on Northern states' rights.
what was the Missouri Compromise line?
What was the Kansas Nebraska Act?
created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and opened new lands for settlement, and allowed the settlers to decide whether or not to have slavery
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?
a novel about the evils of slavery
What was the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
credited with helping to fuel the abolitionist cause
Harriet Beacher Stowe?
American abolitionist and novelist, wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?
a novel about the evils of slavery
What was the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
credited with helping to fuel the abolitionist cause
Harriet Beacher Stowe?
American abolitionist and novelist, wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
During which presidential administration was the Dred Scott decision issued?
James Buchanan
Who was the supreme commander of the Union Army at the war's end?
US Grant
Who was the supreme commander of the Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate forces) at the war's end?
Gen. Robert E. Lee
Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
Whcih abolitionist was legally hanged for his cause?
John Brown
Which organization was founded first the Am. Antislavery Soc/Am. Colonization society?
American Colonization society
Which organization embraced immediatism the Am. Antislavery Soc/Am. Colonization society?
American Colonization Society
Which organization advocated gradual abolition and repatiation?
American Antislavery Society
Which organization was founded by Madison, Wahington and Clay?
American Colonization Society
Which organization was based in massachusetts?
American Antislavery Society
What was the connection between the Great Awakening and the abolition movement?
they both wanted to break away from the constraints of the past and start anew
Who was William Lloyd Garrison?
editor of the radical abolitionist newspaper The Liberator
What did William Lloyd Garrison believe?
extreme pacifism, rejected war; opposed not only slavery but prisons and asylums
What organization did William Lloyd Garrison found?
New England Antislavery Society
What was the name of Garrison's newspaper?
The Liberator
How powerful was Garrison?
very influential
What was Garrison's view of the constitution?
he attacked it
What is manumission?
the act of freeing a slave, done at the will of the owner
What is moral suasion?
abolitionist tried to persuade slaveholders by saying that slavery is morally and spiritually wrong.
what was the Free Soil movement?
keep slavery out of the territories
Who was David Wilmot?
pennslyvania representative and antislavery democrat
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
a bill prohibiting slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Bill influence the origins of the republican party?
it divided and destroyed the whig party, divided northern dem.and created organization that opposed the bill
Were the republicans dedicated to eradicating slavery completely?
yes, the formed in reaction against allowing slavery where it had been forbidden
What was the Republican position on slavery?
The Republican activists denounced the act as proof of the power of the Slave Power—the powerful class of slaveholders who were conspiring to control the federal government and to spread slavery nationwide
What is sectionalism?
became problem when missouri wanted to become a state, then there would be 12 pro slave states and 11 free states, upset balance of power, so they added another free state.
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
a bill prohibiting slavery in any territy acquired from Mexico
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Bill influence the origins of the republican party?
it devided and destroyed the whig party, divided northern dem.and created organization that opposed the bill
Were the republicans dedicated to eradicating slavery completely?
yes, the formed in reaction against allowing slavery where it had been forbidden
What was the Republican position on slavery?
The Republican activists denounced the act as proof of the power of the Slave Power—the powerful class of slaveholders who were conspiring to control the federal government and to spread slavery nationwide
What is sectionalism?
became problem when missouri wanted to become a state, then there would be 12 pro slave states and 11 free states, upset balance of power, so they added another free state.
John Brown
first white American abolitionist to advocate and practice insurrection (armed uprising) as a means to the abolition of slavery.
What did John Brown do?
start a liberation movement among enslaved blacks in Harper's Ferry,He was tried for treason (against the state of Virginia) and hanged
What did he hope to accomplish?
start a slavery liberation movement
Who was Charles Sumner?
leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts and a leader of the Radical Republicans in the U.S. Senate during the American Civil War
Who was Jefferson Davis?
served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865 during the American Civil War.
Why was Abraham Lincoln important to American History?
guided his country through the most devastating experience the Civil War, emacipation proclamation, 13th ammendment
Was Lincoln an abolitionist?
Lincoln in 1854
He was opposed to black equality and had no intention of disturbing slavery in slave states. However, he recognized that slavery was wrong and should not be allowed to spread to new states.
Lincoln in 1860
Lincoln made a firm public decision not to tolerate expansion of slavery into the territories.
Lincoln 1865
he recommended extending the right to vote to the African Americans who had fought for the Union. This expressed his belief that African Americans should be granted full political equality.
Lincoln in 1863
he issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy.
Which of the "border states" or slave states did not join the Confederacy?
Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia
What military battle was the turning point of the Civil War?
Battle of Gettysburg
What was the reaction of the South to the election of 1860?
torn apart from westerners because south demanded strong endorsement of slavery
What did the south think was going to happen after the slaves were free?
end to slavery was fear of what the newly-freed blacks might do
Why did the North fight in the Civil War?
to save the union
What did the emancipation proclamation do?
declared the freedom of all slaves in the territory of the Confederate States of America that had not already returned to Union control
What did the emancipation not do?
did not free any slaves in the border states nor any southern territories already under Union control
What was Sherman attempting to accomplish with his famous "march to sea"?
deprive Confederate army of war materials and RR communications, break the will of Southern people by burning towns and plantations
Describe Robert E. Lee choice at the beginning of the Civil War
didn't break with his region, left US army to lead confederate forces
Who had the most experienced officer corps at the beginning of the Civil War?
Who held the advantage in population during the Civil War?
Which side had a greater industrial capacity during the Civil War?
What was the "stalemate" at the end of 1862
neither side could win
What was the Anaconda strategy?
1.constant pressure on richmond: north couldn't afford to have large army in two places
2. blockade: interdict trade for south
3. divide south between East and West
What was the Confederate strategy to win the Civil War?
The South could "win" the war by not losing