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165 Cards in this Set

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what caused the Whiskey Rebellion

opposition to taxes

what event encouraged the president to create a Department of the Navy

Quasi War

The main effect of Jay's treaty was that it

averted war with Britain

Who was generally considered the leader of the early Republican party

Thomas Jefferson

What Secretary of the Treasury has been called 'the greatest administrative genius in American?"

Alexander Hamilton

which of the following was not accomplished during the first session of Congress

Proclamation of Neutrality

what act was passed to ensure that the Federalists would have a lasting influence on the judiciary

Judiciary Act of 1801

in what document did James Madison suggest that states have the right to secede when the federal government acts unconstitutionally

Virginia Resolutions

what document did Thomas Jefferson write against the unpopular Alien and Sedition Acts

Kentucky Resolutions

what four acts did the Federalists pass in an attempt to silence their Republican opponents

alien and sedition acts

what peace negotiations brought this response from Americans: "Millions for defence, not one cent for tribute"

XYZ Affair

during what undeclared was did France begin seizing American shipping

Quasi War

Who was America's second president

John Adams

what uprising took place when farmers became angry over a new tax on liquor

WHiskey rebellion


what party supported the common people and distrusted centralized government


what party supported industry and commerce and believed that the government should be run by property owners


what do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution

Bill of Rights

what act established the national judicial system

Judiciary Act of 1789

what Secretary of the Treasury introduced the first National Bank and supported other Federalist policies

Alexander Hamilton

What Secretary of State strongly opposed Federalist policies

Thomas Jefferson

Why was the U.S.S. Constitution called "Old Ironsides"

enemy cannonballs bounced off its oak sides

who was America's popular president during "the Era of Good Feelings"

James Monroe

what american policy banned European intervention in the western hemisphere

monroe doctrine

who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"

francis Scott Key

what American was the victor at the Battle of New Orleans

Andrew Jackson

what was the name for representatives in the 1810s who were intensely nationalistic and prowar

war hawks

what American explorer crossed the Great Plains and discovered a mountain in Colorado that is now named for him

Zebulon Pike

what tract of land did Napoleon Bonaparte sell to the United States

Louisiana Purchase

what region in North Africa raided American shipping and demanded high ransoms

Barbary States

what influential chief justice of the supreme court handed down numerous landmark decisions

John Marshall

which amendment separated the ballots for the president and vice president

12th amendment

what was the dominant political philosophy in America from 1801 to 1825

Jeffersonian Republicanism

who was the talented third president of the United States

Thomas Jefferson

Tecumseh was a threat to the United States because he

attempted to unite the Indian tribes into one nation

why was Aaron buss acquitted of the charge of treason

there were not two witnesses to the alleged act of treason

which word or phrase best describes Aaron Burr

inordinate ambition

Zebulon Pike explored all of the following regions except the

Pacific Northwest

Jeffersonian Republicans strongly supported

states rights

what president said, "Science is my passion, politics my duty"

thomas jefferson

during what brief war in 1832 did a group of Indians attempt to reclaim their land in northern Illinois

Black Hawk War

what policy did Jackson adopt toward the Indian problem

Indian Removal policy

what bank system did Jackson set up to replace the National Bank

pet banks

what presidential candidate used the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too"

William Henry Harrison

Which tariff caused the nullification crisis

"Tariff of Abominations" (1828)

Who was the "Little Magician" who helped to organize Jackson's successful campaign of 1828

Martin Van Buren

what "Great Compromiser" helped to defuse the crisis over the admission of Missouri and the nullification of the Tariff of 1828

Henry Clay

during what long war did Indians resist American efforts to remove them from Florida

Seminole War

what chartered national bank did Jackson kill

Bank of the U.S.

what is the name for Jackson's practice of rewarding his supporters with government offices

spoils system

what was Jackson's practice of rewarding his supporters with government offices

spoils system

what was Jackson's close circle of advisors called

"Kitchen Cabinet"

what party of 'the common man' is still in existence today

Democratic party

what party opposed Jackson and supported Adams and the expansion of the national economy

National REpublicans

what agreement allowed Missouri to be admitted as a slave state if further slavery was banned north of 36 degrees 30 min

Missouri Compromise

what famous road did the national government build from Baltimore westward

National Road

what do we call Henry Clay's three part effort following the War of 1812 to boost America's economic strength

American System

What type of high tax on imported goods is designed to protect national manufacturers against foreign competition

protective tariff

what popular religion of early American leaders such as Thomas Paine pictured God as a "clock-maker" who set the universe in motion and then stood back to let it run by natural laws


what colorful company carried mail between Missouri and California from 1860 to 1861

pony express

what movement (1820-65) emphasized the emotional and the imaginative


what popular ballad writer created such American favorites and "Camptown Races" and "Oh, Susanna"

Stephen Foster

what were the inexpensive daily newspapers called in this period

penny newspaper

what do we call the western revival services that lasted several days and were often held outdoors

camp meetings

what unorthodox religion's preaching was limited to "the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, and the neighborhood of Boston"


what invention made cotton "king" in the South

cotton gin

which of the following groups was started primarily by a famous American writer


Transcentalism did all fo the following except

encourage immoral living

where was the greatest camp meeting revival

Cane Ridge

what religion was popular among prominent Patriots such as Thomas Paine


What do we c all the revival that affected the entire nation at the turn of the 18th century

Second Great Awakening

who became famous for short stories and poems that exploored the dark side of human nature

Edgar Allan Peo

what famous architect helped to design the U.S. Capitol

Charles Bulfinch

what early school of painters turned from European models to America's majestic landscapes

Hudson River School

what was America's first economically successful railroad

Baltimo0re and Ohio

what is a corduroy road

road made from a series of logs

what is a turnpike

private road paid for with tolls

the most important early American road was

the National Road

in 1860 what was America's most important export


what single cash crop dominated Southern agriculture in the middle of the 19th century


what did Eli Whitney introduce to American industry

interchangeable parts

which of the following was not true of Sam Houston

He supported secession during the Civil war

who was perhaps the hardest working president in our nation's history

James Polk

what dispute was the immediate cause of the Mexican War

Texas-Mexico border

what third party arose to protest the admission of Texas as a slave state

Liberty Party

what do we call a candidate who is largely unknown by the general public

dark horse

what strategy can Congress use to pass a treaty without a two-thirds majority

joint resolution

what dark horse president kept all of his campaign promises

James K. POlk

what Catholic mission became the rallying cry of the Texans during their war for independence


what missionary to the Cayuse Indians attracted American settlers to Oregon

Marcus Whitman

what popular idea held that it was America's destiny to stretch from sea to sea

Manifest Destiny

which state was the "Bear Flag Republic"


what president led America during the Mexican War

James Polk

who may have lost a presidential election because he hedged his position on the annexation of Texas

John Tyler`

the_____ Trail was a trade route between Mexico and the United States

Santa Fe

the _____ Trail was the most important trail in the settlement of the far West


America's "manifest destiny" was to

overspread and to possess the whole of the continent

what was probably the most effective propaganda tool for abolition

Uncle Tom's Cabin

which provision of the Compromise of 1850 actually worsened tensions between the North and South

Fugitive Slave Act

who was the strongest opponent of the Compromise of 1850

Zachary Taylor`

the Kansas-Nebraska Act was introduced to

ensure that the transcontinental railroad would benefit Illinois

which of the following men was an abolitionist

John Brown

Proslavery forces were responsible for the

sack of Lawrence

what was the basic position of the Freeport Doctrine

territories can prohibit slavery by refusing to adopt laws that establish it

where was the first spot formed in the Civil War

Fort Sumter

what term refers to a state's leaving the Union


what state unanimously passed the Ordinance f Secession

South Carolina

what party was created in 1860 by conservative Northerners and Southerners who wanted to preserve the Union

Constitutional Union Party

what fanatic became an abolitionist martyr when he was hanged for treason

John Brown

what federal arsenal was attacked in 1859 in hopes of sparking a slave revolt

Harpers Ferry

what two Illinois politicians held seven influential debates on the issue of slavery


who masterminded the Pottawatomie Massacre

John Brown

what free state town in Kansas was sacked by proslavery ruffians


during what infamous episode did a Southern representative beat an antislavery senator in the Senate Chamber

Brooks Sumner episode

what sectional party appealed to a broad following by opposing slavery and supporting tariffs and inexpensive land

Republican party

what do we call the radical Southerners who believed that secession was the only way to protect their way of life

fire eaters

what powerful novel aroused public opinion against slavery

uncle tom's cabin

what escape route did fugitive slaves use to pass through the Northern states

underground railroad

what compromise was necessary before California could be admitted as a free state

Compromise of 1850

what were the gold seekers called who first arrived California

fourty niners

what party had the slogan " Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men"

Free Soil party

According to the textbook, what was the central issue that sparked the Civil War

states rights

what general played a critical support tole in all the following Confederate victories: first manassas, seven days battles, second manassas, and chancellorsville

stonewall jackson

what event made the North realize that the Civil War would not be quickly over

First Battle of Manassas

the significance of the clash between the Monitor and Merrimac was that the

age of wooden ships began to cone to a close

which of the following statements about the Peninsular Campaign if false

the Army of the Potomac kept advancing despite its losses

which of the following was not true of the Second Battle of Manassas

the Union soldiers proved to be great cowards

which of the following battles was the first clear cut defeat of the Army of Northern Virginia

Battle of Gettysburg

which of the following battles was not related to the capture of the Mississippi

Battle of Missionary Ridge

during what early battles in the Civil war did Grant first gain fame

Forts Henry and Donelson

during what daring campaign did Grant cut his army off from his supply base to surprise his enemy

siege of Vicksburg

which of the following battles was not related to the Kentucky Tennessee Campaign


what caused a major riot in New York in 1863


a border state was a

slave state that did not secede

which of the following was not a border state


what were copperheads

southern sympathizers in the North

what event almost brought Britain into the war

Trent affair

what event dashed all the Southern hopes of British intervention in the civil war

Emancipation Proclamation

the Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves

in Confederate controlled territory

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation for all of the following reasons except his desire to

reduce competition for jobs among Northern factory workers

what was Grant's greatest defeat

Battle of Cold Harbor

which of the following statements abut the Wilderness Campaign is false

Lincoln dismissed the army general after the campaign

the capture of what city ensured Lincoln's reelection in 1864


the loss of what railroad junction was the final blow to the confederacy


what did Grant demand at the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia

the soldiers weapons

what term describes the south's view that each state retains its identity even after it joins a compact of union with other states

states rights

what Confederate general won the nickname "Stonewall" for his bravery in battle

Thomas J. Jackson


during what unsuccessful campaign did McClellan attempt to capture the Confederate capital by attacking from the east along the James River

Peninsular campaign

what do we call the metal plated warships that were introduced during the Civil war


what political document was made possible by the victory at Antietam which halted Lee's invasion of the North

Emancipation Proclamation

what famous battle halted Lee's last invasion of teh North


During what valiant but vain charge did Confederate troops attempt to storm Cemetery Ridge during the Battle of Gettysburg

Pickett's Charge

what famous speech did Lincoln give to dedicate a war cemetery for one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War

Gettysburg Address

what do we call the Southern merchant ships that brought supplies to Southern ports in spite of the Blockade

blockade runners

what do we call the compulsory enrollment of men into military service


what British ship was illegally stopped by Union ships


what famous document freed all slaves in rebel territory

Emancipation Proclamation

the "Anaconda Plan" was a derisive term poking fun at Winfield Scott's plan for a lengthy, difficult war


The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day of the Civil War


Pickett's Charge was a bloody, last ditch effort by Confederate troops to win the Battle of Gettysburg


even though Grant was surprised at the Battle of Shiloh he still managed to win a costly victory


Grant won a stunning victory at Missionary Ridge when the Union troops advanced up an enemy hill without orders


the confederate blockade runners became more and more effective as the Civil War progressed


the independence minded Confederates adopted conscription before the Union did


during the Wilderness campaign, Grant lost more battles and many more men than Lee


the important siege of Petersburg lasted less than one month
