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150 Cards in this Set

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1. Prohibition
a ban on alcohol that became law in 1920
2. Bonus Army
An assemblage of some 43,000 marchers — 17,000 World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups, who protested in Washington, D.C., in spring and summer of 1932.
3. Margin
Buying stocks with loans from stockbrokers
4. Black Tuesday
Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day that the stock market crashed
5. Dust Bowl
a nickname for the Great Plains regions hit by drought and dust storms
6. Hundred Days
the first 100 days of F.D.R's term as president during which Roosevelt implemented many new programs
7. Soup Kitchen
place where food is offered to the poor and homeless for free or at a reasonably low price.
8. Hoovervilles
makeshift shantytowns that sprung up during the Great Depression
9. Okies
nickname for a farmer who left the Dust Bowl in search of work
10. Unemployment
not having a job
11. Herbert Hoover
Helped save Europe from starvation after WW1 but as president failed to deal effectively with the Great Depression
12. F.D.R
Elected president 4 times. Led the U.S during the Great Depression and World War II
13. Eleanor Roosevelt
Social reformer, writer, and diplomat. Supported equal rights for women and African Americans. Serves as 1st U.S ambassador to the U.N
14. Fireside Chats
series of thirty evening radio speeches given by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
15. New Deal
plan by F.D.R intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reforms to the country after the depression
16. Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Relief: for those suffering the effects of the G.D
Recovery: of the depressed economy
Reforms: help prevent serious economic crises in the future
17. Code Talkers
American navajos who served in the Marines during WWII, translated important military messages into a coded version of their language
18. Internment Camps
name for the forced relocation and confinement of Japanese Americans to concentration camps
19. Iwo Jima
a WWII battle between japanese forces and invading U.S troops
20. Okinawa
WWII battle between japanese forces and invading U.S troops
21. Coral Sea
Battle that featured the one part of the pacific fleet that had not been badly damaged at Pearl Harbor. Took place Japanese forces were preparing to invade the British island of New Guinea.
22. Midway
key naval and air battle between Japanese and U.S forces during WWII
23. Zoot Suit Riots
series of attacks by U.S sailors against Mexican Americans in L.A
24. Nagasaki
U.S dropped a second bomb at Nagasaki after Hiroshima
25. Hiroshima
U.S dropped first atomic bond on Hiroshima
26. Manhattan Project
top-secret program to build an atomic bomb during WWII
27. D-day/Operation Overload
June 6, 1944, the first day of the Allied invasion of Normandy in WWII
28. Battle of the Bulge
WWII battle between Germany and the Allied forces
29. Tuskegee Airmen
unit of African American pilots that fought in WWII.
30. Kamikaze
In WWII, a pilot who agreed to load his aircraft with bombs and crash it on an enemy ship
31. Holocaust
killing of millions of Jews and others by Nazis during WWII
32. Yalta
meeting between F.D.R, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to reach an agreement on w hat to do with Germany after WWII
33. Adolph Hitler
Totalitarian dictator of Germany
34. Benito Mussolini
Italian Fascist leader. Alliance with Hitler brought Italy into WWII
35. Joseph Stalin
Totalitarian dictator of the Soviet Union.
36. Winston Churchill
British prime minister, opposed the policy of appeasement and led Great Britain through WWII
37. Douglas MacArthur
American general, commanded U.S troops in the Southwest Pacific during WWII. Removed by Truman
38. Dwight Eisenhower
Led the D-Day invasion of France, and commanded the Allied forces in Europe during WWII
39. George Marshall
American general and politician. Led U.S mobilization for WWII. Developed Marshall Plan
40. Harry Truman
Led the U.S through the end of WWII and the beginning of the Cold War
41. Atlantic Charter
Statement of American and British goals for the defeat of the Nazis and their vision for the postwar world
42. Wolf Pack
tactic in which submarines hunt as a group and attack at night
43. Blitzkrieg
German word meaning "lightning war"
44. Maginot Line
string of bunkers and fortresses that lined the border between France and Germany during WWII
45. Luftwaffe
German airforce
46. Rosie the Riveter
popular symbol for the working woman during WWII
47. Chiang Kai-Shek
Leader of the Chinese nationalist gov't and a strong U.S ally
48. Mao Zedong
Leader of the Chinese Communists
49. Marshall Plan
plan for the reconstruction of Europe after WWI
50. Truman Doctrine
President Truman's pledge to provide economic and military aid to countries threatened by communism
51. Nikita Khrushchev
Leader of the Soviet Union during the building of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
52. Klaus Fuchs
atomic spy who in 1950 was convicted of supplying information from the British and American atomic bomb research to the USSR during and shortly after World War II
53. Richard Nixon
Vice President of Dwight D. Eisenhower
54. HUAC
committee formed in the House of Representatives to investigate radical groups in the U.S, focused on threat of communism in the U.S
55. Whittaker Chambers
Communist spy who accused Alger Hiss
56. Jospeh McCarthy
U.S senator from Wisconsin, aggressively charged that Communists were working in the u.s gov't
57. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
convicted of passing miliatary secrets to the soviets,
58. Alger Hiss
Accused of participating in a communist spy ring.
59. Red Scare
widespread fear of communism
60. Hollywood Ten
Hollywood wrtiers and directors who were thought to be radicals and called before HUAC
61. George Kennan
Developed the policy of containment to counter Soviet expansion after WWII
62. John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State under Dwight Eisenhower. Favored building up the American nuclear arsenal as part of an effort to decrease Soviet influence around the world
63. Winston Churchill
British Prime Minister, opposed policy of appeasement
64. Berlin Airlift
program in which the U.S and Britain shipped supplies by air to West Berlin during a Soviet blockade of all routes to the city
65. Sputnik
first artificial satellite, launched by soviets
66. Francis Gary Powers
U-2 spy planes pilot
67. ICBM's
intercontinental ballistic missiles
68. American Bandstand
television show, young people dancing to rock'n'roll
69. Elvis Presley
rock'n'roll singer
70. Lucille Ball
Actress and star of I Love Lucy
71. James Dean
Film Star, rebel who defied social norms
72. Beat Generation
Rejected social norms
73. Jonas Salk
discovered polio vaccine
74. Levittown
new suburban developments
75. UN
international organization that encourages cooperation among nations and prevent future wars
76. Douglas MacArthur
commanded UN forces at the start of the Korean War
77. Harry Truman
Led the U.S thro the end of WWII and beginning of Cold War
78. Dwight Eisenhower
Commanded the allied forces in europe during WWII
79. China
Attacked U.S
80. Syngham Rhee
South Korea's President
81. Kim II Sung
North Korea's First president
82. Richard Nixon
VP under Eisenhower
83. Television Debates
first tv debates between JFK and Nixon
84. John Kennedy
Youngest president, roman catholic
85. The New Frontier
nickname given to JFK's plans for changing the nation
86. Bobby Kennedy
Attorney general during JFK's presidency
87. Bay of Pigs
attempt by Cuban exiles in southern Cuba to overthrow the cuban socialist gov't of fidel castro
88. Berlin Wall
physical barrier completely encircling West Berlin, separating it from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin.
89. Cuban Missile Crisis
several days during which the U.S teetered on the bring of nuclear war with the Soviet Union
90. Peace Corps
program that trains and sends volunteers to poor nations all over the world to serve as educators, health care workers, etc
91. Lee Harvey Oswald
accused assassin of JFK
92. Jack Ruby
He was convicted on March 14, 1964, of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald
93. Warren Commission
established by Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the assassination of JFK
94. Lyndon Johnson
took office after JFK died
95. The Great Society
term for the domestic programs of the Johnson admin
96. The War on Poverty
set of programs introduced by Johnson to fight poverty
97. Martin Luther King
american civil rights leader
98. Stokely Carmichael
black activist active in the 1960s American Civil Rights Movement. He rose to prominence first as a leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and later as the "Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panther Party.
99. Laurie Prichett
Albany Police chief who studied MLK's tactics
100. Malcolm X
supporter of the nation of Islam
101. Rosa Parks
Bus boycott
102. Jim Clark
103. Jackie Robinson
First black baseball player
104. Eugene "Bull" Conner
police official during the American Civil Rights Movement. He was a member of the KKK, used firehoses
105. James Earl Ray
convicted of killing MLK
106. James Meredith
attempted to enroll at the Uni of Missis, was rejected due to race
107. Medgar Evans
head of the NAACP in Miss.
108. Thurgood Marshall
first African American to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. Before becoming a judge, he was a lawyer who was best remembered for his high success rate in arguing before the Supreme Court and for the victory in Brown v. Board of Education.
109. Black Panthers
group inspired by the idea of black power: radical
110. Montgomery, Alabama
Bus boycott
111. Little Rock Nine
9 african american students who first integrated central high in lil rock, arkansas
112. Birmingham, Alabama
campaign where AA were hosed down
113. Selma, Alabama
city of activism
114. SNCC
one of the principal organizations of the American Civil Rights Movement. SNCC played a major role in the sit-ins and freedom rides,
115. NAACP
organization to fight poverty, segregation
116. Field Secretaries
helpers of organizations
117. Sit-ins
strike in which workers refuse to work or leave the workplace until a settlement is reached
118. Freedom Riders
activists who challenged segregation in bus terminals
119. Plessy v. Ferguson
legal basis of segregation
120. Brown v. Board of Education
decision of the United States Supreme Court, which overturned earlier rulings going back to Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, by declaring that state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities.
121. Civil Rights Act of 1964
act signed that banned discrimination in employment and in public accommodations
122. Ho Chi Minh
communist leader of North Vietnam
123. Lyndon B. Johnsno
124. William Westmoreland
commander of U.S ground troops in South Vietnam
125. Richard Nixon
presient during vietnam war, "Vietnamization"
126. Bob Dylan
key figure in music scene
127. Eugene McCarthy
Democratic presidential nomination against lyndon johnson
128. Hubert Humphrey
VP under Johnson, presidential candidate after Johnson decided not to seek re-election
129. Ngo Dinh Diem
South Vietnam's president
130. Robert Kennedy
campaigned for president, but got assassinated
131. Henry Kisisnger
political scientist, important foreign policy advisor
132. William Calley
U.S. Army officer found guilty of ordering the My Lai Massacre
133. Agent Orange
defoliant used by the U.S. military
134. Dien Bien Phu
French defeated by Vietminh
135. Geneva Accords
international meeting to restore peace in indochina
136. Gulf of Tonkin
U.S.S maddox attack
137. Ho Chi Minh Trail
trail used to send weapons, food, clothing to Vietminh
138. Kent State
protest at kent state college by students for the vietnam war
139. My Lai
massacre of hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians by american soldiers
140. Rolling Thunder
bombing campaing over N. Vietnam
141. Tet
series of massive coordinated attacks throughout S. Vietnam
142. Viet Cong
military forces of the NLF, group that wanted to overthrow the gov't in Vietnam
143. Vietnamization
plan to end Vietnam war that involved turning over the fighting to the south vietnamese while U.S troops gradually pulled out
144. Haight-Ashbury
st. in san fran. where hippes main protests were
145. Woodstock
huge concerts for hippes
146. NLF
military forces-called Vietcong
147. Richard Nixon
Resigned as president due to Watergate scandal
148. Gerald Ford
became president after the resignation of Nixon
149. White House Tapes- Executive Privelege
Nixon didn't release tapes because he said he had the right not too.
150. Impeachment
ocess for a legislative body to consider whether or not to forcibly remove a government official from office.