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267 Cards in this Set

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exchange of goods and/or services; trade

cash crop

crop grown for sale


groups of families all descended from a common ancestor


political and economic system that characterized the Middle Ages


family relationships important in Native American and African cultures


descent in line from a common ancestor


person who moves from place to place in search of food

oral history

stories and traditions passed from one generation to the next by word of mouth


large farms that produce crops for sale


equatorial region of tropical grasslands and scattered trees


in short supply; not easily obtained

In Native American cultures, the social structure was determined by

kinship groups

Europeans fought the crusades

to take control of Jerusalem from Muslim Turks

A comparison of Native American societies in North America reveals that

distinct cultures arose from differences in local climate and terrain

Which statement correctly describes the forest kingdoms of West Africa in the 1400s?

They were wealthy trading societies

Spain decided to back Columbus' voyage to the west in hopes that it would

gain Spain a trading advantage over Portugal

In Europe, the Black Death of the 1300s brought on

death to one third of the entire population

A caravel was

a Portuguese ship

In the late 1400s in Africa, the empire of Songhai

thrived as a major trading power

Slavery in Africa differed from slavery as it developed in the Americas in that

slaves could move up in society and out of slavery

In which of the following environments of North America did the Seneca, Lenape and Iroquois develop their ways of life


The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 settled

the dispute between Spain and Portugal over claims to new non-Chrsitian lands

Timbuktu was

the capital city of Songhai

All of the following were effects of the growth of cities and trade in Europe except

the lessening of the power of the Church

Of all the Native American cultures, only the ___ had a written language


The "communication revolution" in the late Renaisaance was a result of

moveable type for the printing press

The Columbian Exchange refers to

the exchange of goods and ideas between the Native Americans and Europeans

Put these in chronological order:

1. Columbian Exchange

2. Renaissance

3. Reformation

4. Asian people cross land bridge from Asia to N America

5. Columbus' 1st voyage to the New World

4, 2, 5, 3, 1

Exchanged items fom New World to Europe

cocoa, maize, quinine, tomatoes, potatoes

Exchanged items from Europe to New World

wheat, horses, chicken

One cause of the French and indian War was the movement of

British colonists west

During the American Revolution, the colonists endured all of the following except

decrease in profiteering

Who was elected to write the draft of the Declaration?

Thomas Jefferson

After Pontiac's rebellion, King George issued the Proclamation of 1763, which

closed the region west of the Appalachian Mountains to all settlement by colonists

The Battle of Saratoga resulted in

France's entry into the war on the side of the American colonists

The Declaration was based on the idea of natural rights, or rights that

belong to all human beings

Who didn't join the British in their war efforts against the American colonists?

French traders

The pamphlet Common Sense called for

independece from Great Britain

Which of these was an effect of the British blockade of American ports?

Necessary goods were hard to find

Colonists protested the Stamp Act because

they were not represented in Parliament

The American Revolutionary War began with

Battle of Lexington and Concord

The French and Indian War led to

a weakening of colonial loyalty to Britain

Colonists responded to the Townshend Acts by

boycotting British goods

The Battle of Trenton was important because it

boosted American morale

The phrase "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as found in the Declaration refers to

specific inalienable rights

American victory in the Revolutionary War led to

the spread of patriotism and the idea of liberty

What was a major outcome of the French and Indian War?

The French surrendered all of Canada to the British

The political ideas of Thomas Jefferson were greatly influenced by

the Enlightenment

The American victory at the Battle of Saratoga

convinced the French to ally themselves with the Americans

The British imposed taxes on the colonists in order to

pay off war debts from the French and Indian War

According to John Locke, people formed governments to

protect their natural rights

The Battle of Yorktown was an American victory for all of the following reasons except

British reinforcements arriving through Charleston harbor

The Boston Tea Party was the result of

colonists not paying taxes on tea

The Declaration is organized into four main parts:

preamble, declaration of rights, list of grievances against parliament/king, resolution of independence

One of the biggest problems facing Washingotn and his troops was

a lack of food and clothing

The Revolutionary War was particulary savage in the Southern Colonies because

the number of Loyalists in the South led to colonists fighting colonists

George Washington was

the commanding general of the American Continental Army


naval action designed to isolate an area from outside contact


refusal to buy certain goods or use certain services as an act of protest


a person killed, wounded, or missing


steady increase in prices over time


foreign soldier hired to fight a war for pay


a group of armed citizens who serve as soldiers during an emergency



prime minister

highest official of a parliamentary government


selling scarce items at unreasonably high prices


military action that cuts off an enemy stronghold and starves it into surrendering

Great Britain recognized the ___ of the US


The northern border between the United States and ___ was set from New England to the Mississippi River, primarily along the Great Lakes


The ___ was established as the boundary between the new US and Spanish territory in the west

Mississippi River

___ was reutrned to Spain


Great Britain agreed to withdraw its ___ from US territory


Congress pledged to reccomend to the states that the rights and property of ___ be restored and that no future action be taken against them


Put these events in order:

1. Treaty of Paris of 1783

2. French and Indian War War

3. Declaration of Independence

4. Battle of Lexington and Concord

5. Battle of Yorktown

6. Battle of Saratoga

2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1

British Strenghs:

strongest navy at the time, strong military, many advanced weapons

American Strengths:

fighting on home ground, good tactic, pride for America

British Weaknesses:

did not adjust tactics, 3,000 miles away from home, red coats spotted easily

American weaknesses:

lack of goods, resources and weak militia, weak commanders

What do Texans call the island that was named after the Spanish governer of Louisiana, who aided the American war effort by attacking British outposts in Florida and along the Mississippi


How did England's preoccupation with its civil war affect the colonies?

they were left alone

What was a colony's function under the mercantile system?

to provide raw materials

In colonial America, married women were not allowed to what?

hold property in their own name

The main reason many Africans died during the Middle Passage was

crowded and unsanitary conditions led to disease and death

In the Ohio Valley, British expansion collided with

French and Native American interests

The Great Awakening refers to

a period of religious revival that brought new religions to the colonies

Olaudah Equiano is remembered for

writing a vivid account of the Middle Passage

The difference in value between exports and imports is

balance of trade

The staple crop of the southern colonies included all of the following except


During the winter months, slave owners in maryland and virginia

encouraged slaves to work in the cities, giving a portion of their wages to their owners

What was traded with African slave traders in exchange for slaves?


The dominant religious denomination in the New England colonies in the later 1700s was the


The main reason for migration to the colonies was


In most of the colonies, the government consisted of

independent governers elected by the colonists

The colonial region that was a mixture of agricultur and commerce was

the middle colonies

The purpose of colleges established in the colonies was

education of ministers

A stronghold of Native American resistance to westward expansion was in the

southern fronteir

Agriculture became the basis of the economy in these colonies


Colonies that were mostly small farms


Colonies where cities grew along the sea line


Colonies whose major crops included indigo


Colonies with the greatest diversity


Shipbuilding became a major industry in these colonies


The Dutch settled in these colonies


Colonies with the the most slave labor


Colonies where the colonial legislatures were abolished and colonial governer was appointed by James II


Jamestown located in this area


The staple crop in Virginia was rice


An example of a slave uprising in the mid 1700s was the Stono Rebellion


A tax levied on a crop or product is called a mutiny


The New England colonies were the most active in promoting free public education


The staple crops in the Southern colonies in the 1700s included cotton


Who preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Jonathan Edwards

Which article of the Constitution is concerned with the executive branch?

Article II

What are the qualifications for a U.S. Senator

30 years old, a citizen for at least 9 years, resident from state elected from

Which article of the Constitution is concerned with the relations among the states?

Article IV

According to Art. IV, Sec 4, what from of government is guaranteed to every state?


According to Art II, Sec 1, Cl 5, what are the qualifications for president of the U.S?

born citizen of the U.S., at least 35, resident in the U.S. for at least 14 years

Who has the power to declare war according to Art 1, Sec 8, Cl 11?

Only congress

Where in the Constitution would you find info regarding admission of new states?

Article IV, Sec 3

What are the qualifications for a member of the HOR?

at least 25, citizen for 7 years, resident in state they represent

Where do you find the infor for qualifications for a member of the HOR?

Article 1, Sec 2, Clause 2

What powers of the legislative branch are listed in Art 1, Sec 8, Cl 3?

the regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes

In what article of the Constitution would you find the "Supremacy Clause"?

Article IV

What article of the Constitution provides the rules for amending the Constitution?

Article V

The "Elastic Clause" which allows Congress to create laws necessary for carrying out their other duties is found in-

Article 1, Sec 8, Cl 18

Which amendment of the Constitution gurantees protection against unreasonable searches of your person or possessions by the police?


Which amendment to the Constitution ended slavery in the US?


Which amendment to the Constitution allowed the collection of income tax?


According to Amendment 2, why will the "right to bear arms" not be "infringed"?

each state has the right to maintain a militia

Which amendment to the Constitution provides for the succession to the presidency in case of the death or disability of the president?


Where in the Constitution do you find the rules and regulations of the judicial branch?

Art 3, Sec 1

In which amendment are you guranteed the right to "peaceably assemble"?



We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America.

Although Jefferson won the popular vote in 1800, what cause the long delay in confirmation of his election?

The House of Representatives had to vote 36 times before it finally selected the new president

Although Jefferson won the popular vote in 1800, what cause the long delay in confirmation of his election?

The House of Representatives had to vote 36 times before it finally selected the new president

The goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to

Explore the land of the Louisiana purchase

All of the following are reasons why Jefferson was popular with the American people except

the embargo act of 1807

Andrew Jackson became a national hero after his victory

at the battle of NOLA

What is condisdered the second political party to have been established in the US?

The Jeffersonian Republicans

The Whiskey Rebellion was a revolt against

a tax on whiskey

Which of the following was not an option proposed by Native American leaders to deal with the US?

relinquishing Native American land to white settlers

Tecumseh believed Native Americans should

join together and fight against American expansion

The election of 1800 proved that

political power could be transferred peacefully

The main goal of the Missouri Compromise was to

maintain the same number of free states and slave states

A main cause of the war of 1812 was that the

British were impressing US Navy sailors

Who wrote the poem that became the national anthem?

Francis Scott Key


the process by which people of one culture merge into and become apart of another

What was the significane of the establishment of the power of judicial review?

it enabled courts to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional

what caused the panic of 1819 and following economic depression?

a demand by british banks for payment on debts owed them by american banks

what resolution of an issue between britain and the us resulted from the treaty of ghent?

the restoration of all the old boundaries between the us and british territory in north america

what was the prosser rebellion?

a planned slave revolt that was severely suppressed

what court decision established the precedent of judicial review by federal courts, including the supreme court?

marbury v madison

the ___ allowed americans to buy land in the west on credit

land act of 1800

jay's treaty was controversial for all of the following reasons except

americans saw it as a "sellout" to the british

according to th alien and sedition acts, allows

citizens of other countries living in the us to be deported


list of items to accomplish


severe economic downturn marked by a decrease in business activity, widespread unemployment, and falling prices and wages


ban or restriction on trade


policy of forcing people into military or public service

judicial review

power of the federal courts to review state laws and state court decisions to determine if they are constitutional

midnight judge

last minute judicial appointments of judges with federalists beliefs that were made by president adams before jefferson took office


tax on imported goods


refraining from some activity, such as drinking


a religious subgroup


freeing enslaved people


focusing on emotionally powerful speaking, rather than on formal ceremonies, and on the the teachings of the bible


to apply for and be granted us citizenship


to reject, as when a state judges a federal law to be unconstitutional


fort built in the southwest by the spanish


to withdraw


forced separation, oftentimes by race


in production, a system in which each worker performs a single part of an entire process


low cost apartment building that often has poor standards of sanitation, safety, and comfort and is designed to house as many families as possible

california experienced a population explosion in the middle 1800s due to

the gold rush

banks played a key role in american economic expansion by

providing loans (capital) to businesses

the labor union movement began in the early 1800s to protest

working conditions and low wages

what was the result of vessey and turner rebellions

slaves who revolted were hunted down and executed, punishment for runaway slaves became harsher, rules governing the movement of slaves and restrictions on teaching slaves to read and write were passed

the monroe doctrine stated that

europe must not try to control any nation in the western hemisphere

early attitudes toward education in the us included all of the following except

the commitment of state governments to raise money to support public education

the election of 1824 was controversial because

the winner of the election was not the one who received the most electoral college and popular votes

the trail of tears refers to

the forced removal of the cherokee indians from their land in georgia and relocation to indian territory

the south remained largely agricultural because

its physical geography made farming highly profitable

utopian communities were founded as a result of

a desire to escape the crowding pop. of city life, to find religious refuge (mormons), to live unrestricted lives not dictated by working hours in factories

the cotton belt refers to

the states in the southern us whose economies relied solely on cotton production

trans-appalchia refers to

the area west of the appalachian mountains

the seneca falls convention was important because

it was the first women's rights convention in the us

transcedentalism was a movement that was supported by the writings of

ralph waldo emerson

the idea that the us was fated to expand across north america is known as

manifest destiny

the us most valuable export in the early 1800s was


fur traders contributed to the opening of the oregon country to settlement by

creating a trail of trading posts later used by settlers moving west

the invention of the ___ not only made cotton more profitable, it also increased the demand for slaves

cotton gin

supreme court case that reinforced the doctrine of implied powers

mcculloch v maryland

abolitionist and publisher of the liberator newspaper

william lloyd garrison

practice of giving appointed offices as rewards from the successful party in an election

spoils system

combination of government-backed economic development and protective tariffs aimed at encouraging business growth

american system

leader of church jesus christ of latter-day saints who took his followers to settle in the great salt lake territory

brigham young

candidate in the 1824 election who won the most electoral votes but lost the election in a decison by the HOR

andrew jackson

supreme court decision that established the federal government's right to regulate all aspects of commerce

gibbons v ogden

leader of the seminole indians in the second seminole war


stephen f austin

acquired permission from the mexican government to bring anglo settlers into texas in 1822

supreme court case that guaranteed that states would honor business contracts, even if those contracts were entered in another state

dartmouth college v woodward

the woman who was the "conductor" on the underground railroad and was nicknamed moses

sourjourner truce

by the 1850s, the southern economy was dominated by

cotton production

uncle tom's cabin convinced many northerners that slaves/slavery

was wrong

the compromise of 1850 was designed to settle the issue of

slavery in the territories won from mexico

a main goal of the republican party was to

prevent slavery from spreading into western territories

under popular sovereignty, the question of whether to allow slavery in a territory was to be decided by the

people of the territory itself

the Kansas-Nebraska act led to
violence between pro slavery and antislavery groups
in the dred scott decision, the supreme court declared that slaves were

the property of their masters
Abraham Lincoln believed that slavery should be

prevented from spreading

one result of Lincoln's victory in the election of 1860 was that

the states of the south began seceding from the union

the fighting at fort sumter in april 1861 was significant because it

was the first battle of the civil war

which event was the immediate cause of the secession of several southern states from the union in 1860?

the election of president Abraham Lincoln, who opposed the spread of slavery into the territories

at the beginning of the civil war, president Abraham Lincoln maintained that the war was being fought to

preserve the union

the Wilmot proviso stipulated that

slavery would be prohibited in all territory acquired from mexico
one of the basic flaws in the compromise of 1850 was the

non-clear wording that surrounded the idea of popular-sovereignty
the Kansas Nebraska act

repealed the Missouri compromise
which of the following best expresses the beliefs of Abraham Lincoln?

the question of the expansion of slavery into the territories can be best decided through the use of popular sovereignty

which of the following statements about the compromise of 1850 is correct?

its passage was helped by the support of millard fillmore, who became president after Zachary taylor's death

which is the most valid statement describing the republican party's position in the election of 1860?

there should be no further extension of slavery into the territories
what did the south gain from the compromise of 1850?

a stronger fugitive slave law

the dred scott decision declared that congress could not

pass legislation ending slavery based on the 5th amendment to the constitution
the secession of southern states began immediately after

Lincoln's election

which person is not correctly matched with his or her work?

a. john c Calhoun- the Kansas Nebraska act

b. henry clay- the compromise of 1850

c. harriet beecher stowe- uncle tom's cabin

d. roger b taney- dred scott v sandoford

the first seven southern states that seceded were

the lower south, the states where the largest concentration of slaves were located, the home of the most outspoken "fire eaters"

the first state to secede from the union was

south carolina

William llyod Garrison

Wrote the newspaper that asked for the immediate end to slavery
Roger Taney

the chief justice who decided the dred scott case
Henry Clay

proposed the compromise of 1850
Daniel Webster

a member of the Great Triumvirate and represent New England
John C Calhoun

I am the Senator of SC who said the south would not give up its freedom
Frederick Douglas

published the North Star after he escaped from the South

Stephen Douglas

Senator of IL who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act

John C Freemont

Helped to defeat the Mexican Army in California

John Brown

led a raid on Harper's Ferry

Jefferson Davis

was elected the president of the confederate of the US

James Buchanan

the president when south Carolina seceded from the union


military term for a person killed, wounded, captured, or MIA

war of attrition

a type of war in which one side inflicts continuous losses on the other in order to wear down its strength


device that explodes in the air or when it hits a solid target


a special type of shell filled with bullets

battle of shiloh
civil war battle in Tennessee in 1862
battle of antietam

civil war battle in Maryland in 1862

required military service

official acceptance as an independent nation


name given to the national paper currency


during the civil war, an antiwar northern democrat

martial law

emergency rule by military authorities during which some Bill of Rights guarantees are suspended
writ of habeus corpus

legal protection requiring that a court determine whether a person is lawfully imprisoned


items seized from the enemy during a time of war
battle of fredericksburg

civil war battle in 1863 in Virginia, won by the confederacy

battle of chancellorsville

civil war battle in1863 in Virginia, won by the confederacy
pickett's charge

unsuccessful charge by confederate infantry during the battle of gettysburg

Gettysburg address

a famous speech by president Lincoln on the meaning of the civil war, given in Nov. 1863 at the dedication of the national cemetery on the site of the battle of gettysburg

battle of the wilderness

battle in 1864 in VA
battle of spotsylvania

battle in 1864 in Virginia

battle of cold harbor

battle in 1864 in Virginia
13th amendment
constitutional amendments ratified in 1865, abolishing slavery

a soldier who uses surprise raids and hit-and-run tactics
what were the aims of both the north and the south (pg 381)

what was the significance of the first battle of bull run
The First Battle of Bull Run (also known as the First Manassas) was fought on July 21, 1861. It was the first major battle of the Civil War and resulted in a Confederate victory
how did the north and south prepare for the war? what were the advantages of each side?
The North produced three-fourths of the nation's wealth. They had a bigger army including thousands of black soldiers. The North also had better equipment and supplies to fight the war.

The South had some advantages too. Most of the war was fought on Southern territory so soldiers did not have to travel so far.

The South had better generals. Like Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. The South also grew cotton, which Europe needed.

Why were the battles in the West important?
Union---Gen George McClellan and Gen Ulysses S. Grant
•Fort Henry and Donelson---1862—important water routes—Union wins
•Battle of Shiloh---confederate gen Johnston launched attack on Grant before union reinforcements could arrive.
•Bloody battle----union realized war will not so easily be won

What was the outcome of each of the battles in the East in 1862?

Monitor and Merrimack---iron plates on old wooden steamships
•Confederates blew up Merrimack so that union would not acquire it.
•Monitor sank in a storm.

Gen McClellan---hesitated to act—forced to act by Lincoln---Battle of Seven Pines.
•Gen Jackson deception to attack Washington-- -Lincoln called off reinforcements for McClellan
•Second Battle of Bull Run---Union Gen John Pope---defeated

Gen Lee (confed) wanted to invade north.
•Lee's plans fell into union hands. •McClellan delayed attack again. •Union won

How did wartime politics affect the Confederate and Union governments?
Confederates recognized state's rights and slavery---problematic
Draft (conscription)---violated state's rights
Gov't took control of economy---seized railroads and required farmers to give 1/10th of produce to war.
Personal income tax
Borrowed slaves for a fee.Early losses hurt support
Tension with Britain over confederates on
the Trent.
Union wanted compensation from Britain
for the privateers.
Republican Congress—little opposition--- build railroads and raise tariffs.Opposition to war---draft riots
Copperheads—feared flood of freed slaves
to North---take jobs.
Emergency action---MD- disloyal legislators arrested to prevent secession.
Martial law in Kentucky.
Suspend Writ of Habeas Corpus----charge or let go
How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect both the North and the South?
North-Did not free in North or border states
South- Applied to places under confederate control
What tensions arose with Great Britain during the Civil War?
Trent, Alabama. Britons neutrality being ignored by the union