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85 Cards in this Set

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Harry S. Truman

33rd president of the US and was the one who decided to drop the atomic bombs on japan. Also made the truman doctrine to try and contain communism.

The Fair Deal

Series of proposals by Truman, National health care, minimum wage being raised, etc.


Keep the communists contained in an area and dont let the philosophy spread to other countries

Truman Doctrine

Foreign policy by truman to counter the soviets from spreading their communism.

Marshal Plan

America gave Europe 13 billion dollars to help them after WW2


North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Warsaw Pact

Defense treaty among the soviet union

Berlin airlift

When Germany was split, soviets blocked off the roads so to supply troops they flew planes instead of driving cars over. Eventually soviets removed the blockades.

The iron curtain

Imaginary border that divided Europe into 2 areas from the end of WW2 through the end of the cold war.

Joseph McCarthy

Blamed everyone for being a communist and even accused US soldiers of being communist spies. The term McCarthyism is used to describe his reckless behavior.

Hollywood 10

Short film making fun of McCarthyism and the hollywood blacklisting. The director was then blacklisted after the movies release.

Baby Boom

After WW2 the people returning from war wanted to start a family so many people were having kids.

The Korean War

North Korea invaded South Korea and the US helped the south while the soviets aided the North.


First satellite in space was put up by Russia.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

34th president of the US and made the new look policy.


Pushing things to the limit of almost conflict but not quite to fighting.

New Look

Policy by eisenhower that was mostly about threatening to nuke people and deter possible threats.

U-2 Spy plane

USSR shot down an american plane and took the pilot as a prisoner, america and the USSR did the first ever "spy swap". Trading him for a captured soviet spy.

1960 Election

JFK Vs. Nixon

John F. Kennedy

35th president of the U.S and was assassinated.

Flexible Response

JFK made this strategy after he was a skeptic of Eisenhowers new look policy.

Peace Corps

Volunteer group that acts as missionaries of democracy where they help developing countries.

Bay of pigs invasion

US invades cuba and tries to overthrow their communist leader Fidel Castro.

Berlin Wall

Wall that divided berlin and was eventually destroyed.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The soviet union put nukes in cuba, after fighting and almost starting nuclear warfare the soviet union decided to remove the nukes from cuba in return; the US promises not to invade Cuba.

Apollo 11 moon landing

First human landing on the moon.

Lyndon B. Johnson

36th president of the US and also designed the Great Society.

Great Society

Made by Lyndon B Johnson, civil rights,medicare, medicaid, urban and rural development and his "war of poverty".

Warren Court

The supreme court when Earl Warren was chief of justice.

Mapp v. Ohio

Police found porn in her home but they were not aloud to search her home legally. Mapp won the case because the evidence violated the fourth amendment.

Miranda v. Arizona

Ernesto Miranda was arrested in his house for rape and kidnapping. He wrote he was guilty but they didnt say he could have a lawyer he never asked for a lawyer so the court decided he was still guilty.

Gideon v. wainwright

Gideon was arrested for breaking and entering and was not given a lawyer because of the state he was in, he fought this decision and was eventually given a proper defense.

Malcolm X

African american muslim and human rights activist. He promoted black supremacy and promoted the separation of white and black by rejecting the civil rights movement.

Little Rock Nine

Group of 9 African american students who were enrolled in Little Rock central High School. Their enrollment was followed by the governor of arkansas denying them of their education but the 9 were aloud entry after president Eisenhower intervened.

Plessy v. Ferguson

Man who was primarily white but also was a little black was asked to move to the black only train car, he refused and was arrested. Plessy lost the case.

Brown v. Board education

Made segregating schools illegal in all states.

Freedom riders

Group that started a series of bus trips into the segregated south to protest the segregation of interstate bus terminals. They also tried to use "white only" bathrooms, sit-ins and vice versa.

Selma March

Group of civil rights activists marched from Selma to the state capital of montgomery, they were brutally attacked by state and local authorities. But with the help of federalized national guard troops; they succeeded.

Freedom Summer

Voter registration drive aimed to increase voter registration is mississippi. Many white volunteers were harassed.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Outlawed discrimination based on race, sex or religion.

Voting Rights act of 1965

Signed by lyndon B. Johnson and was made to overcome legal barriers that prevented blacks from exercising their right to vote.

Affirmative Action

Favor those of a race who currently or historically have suffered from discrimination within a culture.

24th amendment

This made all poll taxes illegal. Polltaxes were taxes that had to be paid in order to vote in a national election.


National Association for the Advancement of colored people.


The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.


The Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Tonkin Gulf resolution

This aloud President Johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to maintain peace and security in southeast Asia.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

Trail from North Vietnam to South Vietnam that supported the Vietcong.

Tet Offensive

A series of attacks on south vietnam from north vietnam. The North succeeded and this was the turning point of the war that began the slow and painful withdrawal in this region.


Nixons plan to end US involvement in Vietnam, they trained south Vietnams forces and gave them a combat role while also reducing the amount of troops in Vietnam.

War Powers Act

Federal law intended to check the presidents power to put the US in conflict without the consent of congress.

Title IX

No person can be discriminated or excluded from participation in because of their sex.

Silent Spring

Book written by Rachel Carson that documented the negative effects on the environment(birds) and the use of pesticides.

Cuyahoga River

River in Ohio that became so polluted that it caught fire.

Gerald Ford

38th president of the united states and the 40th vice president of the united states. He served both offices without being elected for either one of them.

Jimmy Carter

39th president of the united states of america. Made the department of energy and the department of education.

Camp David Accords

Signed by the Egyptian President and the Israeli Prime Minister that was the first framework for peace in the middle east. After this was signed a treaty was signed between these two countries.


Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Energy Crisis

Oil embargo and the price for oil had jumped dramatically.


Environmental Protection Agency

Iran Hostage Crisis

52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days.

three mile island

Nuclear meltdown, got a 5 out of 7 on the event scale. Due to a loss of coolant.

Love Canal

Hooker Chemicals(company) dumped a lot of waste into this canal and it affected many of the near by residents.

Exxon Valdez

Oil tanker that spilled thousands of barrels of oil in alaska.

Ronald Reagan

40th president of the united states and the creator of "reaganomics"

New Right

Christian people who think environmental programs were taking away their rights.

Iran contra affair

The US was selling arms to iran(who were in an arms embargo) then they used that money from selling arms to Iran to fund the contras in Nicaragua.


Widespread tax cuts, decreased social spending, increase military spending and the deregulation of domestic markets.


Removing or reducing state regulations.

Mikhail Gorbachev

8th and last leader of the soviet union, he had policies of gladnot or "openness". He made the independent democratic party of russia.




Political movement in Russia that was reforming the communist party of the soviet union.

George H.W. Bush

41st President of the united states.

Persian Gulf War

Saddam Hussein invaded kuwait and after being told to leave by a certain time, the us intervened and attacked them for 42 days, they won.

Bill clinton

42nd President of the united states and was impeached for lying under oath.

1992 election

Bill Clinton v. George H.W. Bush.

Al Gore

Vice President of Bill Clinton, he was an environmentalist and climate change activist.

Contract with America

The contract said what would happen if republicans took the majority in the United States House of Representatives.


North American Free Trade Agreement. Was signed by the US, Canada and Mexico, this created a trade bloc in North America.

Yugoslav Wars

Ethnic conflicts that were going on during the breakup of the country.

Oklahoma City Bombing

Bombing on a federal building that destroyed 1 third of the building. Killing 168 people.

George W. Bush

43rd President of the United States and started the "War on terrorism". This included the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq.

2000 election

Bush v. Al Gore. Whoever won Florida would win the entire election. Bush's brother was the governor of florida so that gave him a huge advantage.

USA Patriot Act

Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.

Deepwater horrizon oil spill

BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.