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98 Cards in this Set

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Who wrote Common Sense?
Thomas Paine
Which group supported adding a bill of rights to the Constitution?
One direct result of the Intolerable Acts was
formation of First Continental Congress
The result of Shay's rebellion was to demonstrate that
the government set up by the Articles of Confederation was ineffective
The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to
strengthen the authority of the central government
The qualifications for a US senator do not require that they
belong to a registered political party
A US senator serves for
six years
The president must be a US citizen
since birth
If the president neither signs nor returns a bill to Congress during the time allowed, that bill
becomes law
In order to become law of the land, the Constitution had to be ratified by
all thirteen states
A member of the House of Reps is elected for a term of
two years
The "supreme law of the land" is
the Constitution
For Congress to override a presidential veto of a bill,
each house must pass the bill by a 2/3 majority
The Supreme Court's power to judge the constitutionality of a law
was made explicit in the case Marbury vs Madison
New states may be admitted to the US only if they are approved by
The framers of the Constitution set out to do all of the following except
create a capitalist government
The Preamble to the Constitution
lists citizen's rights
A federal judge's term in office lasts for
For a person to serve as a member of Congress, he or she must
promise to uphold the Constitution
For a constitutional amendment that has passed Congress to become law, it must be approved by
3/4 of the state's legislatures
If an accused woman "pleads the Fifth," she is
refusing to testify against herself in court
New states may be admitted to the United States only if they
are approved by Congress
Which area of the Monroe Doctrine aim to free from European influence?
the Western hemisphere
What did the abolition movement promote?
ending the institution of slavery
Which event was a direct result of the Compromise of 1850?
California was admitted as a free state
Under popular sovereignty, who would decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?
the residents of the territory
What did the Supreme Court declare in the Dred Scott decision?
being in free territory did not make a slave free
When the Civil War began, what was Abraham Lincoln's main goal?
to restore the Union
Which of the following quotations is from the Gettysburg Address?
"The world will little note nor long remember..."
What was John Brown's aim at Harpers Ferry?
to seize a federal arsenal and start a widespread slave uprising
What was an important effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?
it gave a moral purpose to the war
Why did new Republican govts in the South after the Civil War have difficulty?
many white Southerners refused to accept equal rights for blacks
What most allowed manufacturers to build their factories away from rivers?
What did Social Darwinism discourage?
government regulation
What made it possible to construct skyscrapers in the 1800s?
new methods of making steel
What did industrial consolidation and trusts reduce during the late 1800s?
Which of the following resulted from the investigation of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?
changes in local labor laws for women and children
What was the goal of the Interstate Commerce Act?
to lower excessive railroad rates
What did not contribute to the immense industrial boom of the early 1900s?
the emergence of the middle class
Andrew Carnegie gained control of a large percentage of the steel industry by doing all of the following except
cutting the quality of his products
In the late 1800s, collective bargaining was a technique used to
win workers' rights
Vertical integration, a business strategy used by Andrew Carnegie, involves
buying out raw materials and distributors
The ICA gave the right to supervise railroad activities to
the federal government
The main immigration processing station in San Francisco was called
Angel Island
The main goal of the Chinese Exclusion Act was to
decrease Chinese immigration
What is true of the Gentlemen's Agreement?
it decreased Japanese immigration
What is the main purpose of patronage?
to reward one's supporters
The progressive movement regarded all of the following as worthy goals except
promoting business monopolies
In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed
unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry
The primary goal of the NAACP was
equality of the races
what was the primary goal of prohibitionists
eliminating use of alcohol
which of the following did not stimulate US imperialism
need for a new source of cheap labor
for which action did theodore roosevelt win the 1906 nobel peace prize
negotiating end of war bt russia and japan
in which conflict were the us military troops not involved
the russo-japanese war
what did the us insist that cuba include in its constitution
the platt amendment
on what did the roosevelt corollary build
monroe doctrine
what was the purpose of the foraker act
to end military rule and set up civil govt in puerto rico
what was not an imperialistic power in the late 1800s?
what country did not come under us control after spanish american war
general john j pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture
pancho villa
what best represents anti imperialist attitude
it is not necessary to own people to trade w them
the boxer rebellion was an attempt to
remove foreign influence in china
the us gained control of the land to build panama canal by
encouraging panamanian independence
the open door policy was designed as a way for the us to further
its trade interests
the rapid growth of industry in the us helped fuel imperialism bc
the us was producing too many goods for its own people to buy
Teddy Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick" bc
his soft-spoken personality made foreign leaders trust and admire him
Enlightenment thinkers of the 1700s generally believed that
it is possible for society to progress and improve
What best describes one way that Enlightenment ideas affected many Europeans during the late 18th century
they began to question traditional authority such as the Church
According to John Locke, if a govt doesn't protect people's natural rights, then the people
have the right to rebel or abolish the govt
the immediate conflict sparked the civil war involved states' rights to
secede from the Union
What describes the Irish immigrants who were persecuted in cities bt 1830 and 1860
these immigrants were mainly catholic
many immigrants were attacked in the 1800s bc others were afraid of their religion and bc immigrants
might compete for low paying jobs
the establishment clause in the first amendment
prohibits the govt from establishing a state religion
the first amendment was added bc delegates at the Constitutional Convention wanted
to ensure the govt did not have too much power over citizens
Which would be a violation by the govt of the free exercise clause?
preventing people who believe in certain religions from holding office
how does the free exercise clause affect public schools
students cannot be forced to say a prayer
increases in production related to the industrial revolution prompted the us to
increase foreign trade to develop new markets
before 1920, most immigrants to the us came from
in a monopoly, a company has
control over an industry by squeezing out small competitors
some business leaders in the late 1800s were called "robber barons" bc they
used ruthless business tactics to get rich
social darwinism explained the success of industrial tycoons by saying that these business owners
had overcome and eliminated weaker competitors
the ideas of 'unalienable rights' and the people's right to 'alter or abolish' a govt are most closely associated w which enlightenment thinker
john locke
during the debate at the constitutional convention, what promise allowed the constitution to be ratified
federalists promised to add a bill of rights to protect the rights of citizens
in the late 1800s early 1900s some factory owners preferred to hire women instead of men bc
women earned lower wages than men
most children who worked in factories
suffered injuries/other disabilities bc of the hard work
what was the main purpose of secretary of state John Hay's Open Door policy
to give the us access to new markets such as china
the philippines fought the us just after the spanish american war bc the us
had kept the philippines as a colony, and it wanted independence
in the late 1800s, many americans thought building a canal across central america would help the us to
improve america's worldwide trade and military abilities
to protect us interests in latin america and elsewhere, pres theodore roosevelt announced that the us could act as
'an international police power'
big stick diplomacy, dollar diplomacy, and moral diplomacy were all intended to
protect us business interests in latin america
"a bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every govt on earth...and what no govt should refuse"-Jefferson to Madison
This quotation shows jefferson's belief in
the unalienable rights of every individual
the constitution limits the power of the federal govt by
ensuring checks and balances for three branches of govt
anti federalists opposed ratifying the constitution bc they
thought there was not enough protection of individual rights
after the civil war, southern states helped poor, uneducated whites to vote by using
the grandfather clause
in the late 1800s, some cities could specialize in one product bc
railroads could distribute goods to a national market
what statement might be made by an opponent of social darwinism
species adapt differently than society or business
which goal exemplifies the progressive movement
for govt to be more efficient and responsive to public need
american progressives at the turn of the 20th century believed that
the power of large corporations should be limited