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74 Cards in this Set

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March on Washington

Huge march for Jobs and freedom on August 28, 1963

MLK delivered his "I have a dream" speech

Voting Rights Act 1965

civil rights law that banned literacy tests and other practices that discouraged blacks from voting

Little Rock 9

Nine African American students who first integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas (1957)

Plessy vs Ferguson

Court case in the supreme court which ruled that separate but equal facilities did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment

Brown vs. Board of Education

Supreme court case that ended separation in schools between african americans and whites

Black Panthers

A group formed in 1966 that advocated more forceful measures to achieve civil rights ad supported the idea that African Americans had to depend on themselves to solve problems

Jim Crow Laws

Laws that enforced segregation in the southern states

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

allowed the president to use any force necessary to repel any enemy aggression


Nixon's idea of gradually turning over most of the fighting to the Vietnam

Domino Theory

If Vietnam goes communist, South East Asia will follow

Geneva Accords

A cease-fire was signed and Vietnam was temporarily divided at the 17th parallel

Tet Offensive

Massive North Vietnam attacks on all of South Vietnam's major cities and on the US embassy in Saigon

War Powers Act

Repealed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution restricting the Presidents ability to send troops to a foreign land to sixty days


A rebellion of teens and young adults against mainstream American Society in the 1960s

Dien Bien Phu

Town in Vietnam that was the site of a battle between the French and the Vietminh in 1954, the French lost the battle and control of the country of Vietnam

Pentagon Papers

Papers were part of a government study on the war in Vietnam, revealed that the government officials had been misleading the American people about the progress of the war for many years


the military forces of the National Liberation Front (NLF) a group that wanted to over through the government in Vietnam (communist)


Group that resisted the Japanese occupation in Vietnam (communist)



My Lai Massacre

a massacre of hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers during the Vietnam War

Rolling Thunder

Under Johnson, U.S. bombing campaign in North Vietnam

Strategic Hamlet

Jail's for vietnamese civilians

Watergate Scandal

A political scandal that resulted in Nixon's resignation


Russian word for "opening"; refers to a new era of media freedom in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev


Russian word for "restructuring"; refers to the restructuring of the corrupt government bureaucracy in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev

Strategic Defense Initiative

President Reagan's proposed defensive space shield that would knock out incoming Soviet missiles

Nuremberg Trials

Trials of 22 Nazis for their involvement in the Holocaust

Cash and Carry

Law that changed the neutrality act to allow countries at war to purchase american goods as long as they paid cash and picked up their orders in American ports

Nuremberg Laws

stripped German Jews of citizenship and took away most civil rights and economic rights


June 6th, 1944, the first day of the Allied invasion of Normandy in World War II

Mein Kampf

Book Hitler wrote while he was in jail

Manhattan Project

the top-secret program to build an atomic bomb during World War II

Executive Order 9066

Gave armed forces the power to establish military zones and gave them the power to force people or groups of people to leave to zones. (Effort to remove Japanese Americans from the West)

Yalta Conference

meeting between FDR, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to reach an agreement on what to do with Germany after World War II


Huge extermination camp in Poland


City/military base in Japan that was nuked (August 6th, 1945)


the killing of millions of Jews and other by Nazis during WWII


Site of second nuclear attack on Japan


a German word for broken glass; an event occurring on the nights of November 9th and 10th during which Hitler's Nazis encouraged Germans to riot against Jews, nearly 100 Jews died


the alliance of Britain, France, and Russia in WWII

Trinity Test

the testing of a nuclear bomb in the desert


the name for forced relocation and confinement of Japanese-Americans to concentration camps


the name for German fighting style meaning "lightening war"

Final solution

Hitler's regime's plan to murder the entire Jewish population of Europe and the Soviet Union

Concentration Camp

a detention site created for military or political purposes to confine, terrorize, and in some cases, kill civilians


list of certain people or products viewed with suspicion of being communist

Iron Curtain

Term coined by Winston Churchill describing an imaginary line dividing communist countries and non communist countries


people with a sense of pride and devotion to a nation

Korean War

A war between North and South Korea which the U.S. got involved in because of containment


a person who believes in a system of government in which there is no private property and there are no economic classes


Joseph McCarthy's tactic of using fear and making baseless charges to stay in power

Truman Doctrine

Truman's pledge to provide financial and military aid to countries in danger of communism (Greece and Turkey).


(Central Intelligence Agency)

Collects intelligence information and takes part in secret actions against foreign targets

Marshall Plan

George Marshall's financial aid program to help rebuild the european economies

U-2 incident

US U2 spy plane was shot down by soviets

Warsaw Pact

A military alliance established in 1955 of the Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Europe

(forced by communists)


(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

An international defense alliance formed in 1949


a strategy that involves countries getting to the verge of war without actually going to war

Berlin Blockade/ Airlift

Soviets blocking Berlin so it would be weak so they could take it over, United States and Britain shipped supplies by air to West Berlin, very successful

Cold War

an era of high tension and bitter rivalry known between the United States and the Soviet Union following the end of World War II


policy that the U.S. adopted in the late 1940s to stop the spread of communism; it involved providing economic aid in order to strengthen countries against the Soviets

Satellite nations/ Eastern Europe

Countries under control of a more powerful country (Eastern Europe)


Communist Russia (the Soviets)

Cuban Missile Crisis

Several Days during which the US teetered on the brink of nuclear war with the soviet union because of missiles in Cuba


(House Un-American Activities committee)

committee formed in the House of Representatives to investigate radical groups in the US

Japanese Americans

1st generation- Issei

2nd generation- Nisei

3rd generation- Sansai


system of government that focuses on the good of the state rather than the good of individual citizens

Munich agreement

a settlement permitting Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechloslovakia

Non-aggression pact

Soviet-Nazi agreement to take no military action for the next ten years


Beach invaded on D-day

Third Reich

the Nazi party


the methods that the Nazi's were/did

Credibility Gap

public skepticism about the Lyndon B. Johnson administration's statements and policies on the Vietnam War


Students for a democratic society