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48 Cards in this Set

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Marbury vs Madison
created the judicial review: the supreme court can nullify acts of congress by declaring them unconstitutional
Indian that teamed up with Britain in War of 1812
Embargo Act (1807)
TJ tries to stay neutral in the FR-EURO war- no more trade w/Ero.
*economic disaster- bankrupts northern merchants
War of 1812
Madison wants Canada, impressment & Indians, violaton of neutral rights, economic recession in South. Federalists against it, Republicans endorse it. "second war of Independence"
Federalist Party
Favored a strong central gov't. mostly north
Treaty of Ghent
"status quo ante bellum"- go back to the way it was before the war
Hartford Convention
Ends federalist party- US enter the "era of good feelings" Strengthens US Nationalism (pushes back talk of succesion)
Missouri Compromise
MO slave state. Maine carved out of MA. Everything N of the line is free. Everything S s slave state
Andrew Jackson
"Old Hickory" Lower class background. Defend New Orleans (war hero). Hated Indians (West)-appeals to voters. "self made man"
John Quincy Adams
Wrote the Monroe Doctrine (North)
Corrupt Bargain
Andrew Jackson won popular vote but not majority, so voters go to House of Reps. *People can buy votes*
Martin Van Buren
Started the Democratic Party (no real program), tried to appeal to the "Ordinary Mans Party" based on Jacksons popularity
Democratic Party
"Ordinary Man" party
Created in opposition to "king" Andrew Jackson. Strong terries and Catholics
Spoils System
A political party wins election and gives government positions to there friends and people who vote for them
Transportation Revolution
steamboats, canals, RR. Revolution stimulates economic growth
Indian Revolution Act
Jackson wanted them out & so did most of the people. Indian territory W of MO. did not want them to mix w/ white people. no white wants to live there anyways (KS,OK)
Cult of Domesticity
Republican motherhood-raising children- not hero's but mothers of hero's. Home- "safe haven" for men
Second Great Awakening
1820-40s Religious revivals (especially in W) Growth of new churches. Immigrants-each class grew
White Anglo-Saxton Protestants
fear of foreigners
women against liquor
William Lloyd Garrison
Reports slavery abuse in his newspaper "The Liberator". Demands to end slavery NOW
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Main leader in Women's Rights Movement, family woman
Declaration of Sentiments
plagiarizes dec. of indep. with a purpose-inspiration for women
Susan B. Anthony
Main leader in Women's Rights Movement
Manifest Destiny
God wants US to have more land. growth 1840-1860
Texas Revolution
mexico opposed slavery. 1836 battles (Alamo) many states in N did not want TX (could be a slave state)
Santa Anna
power hungery-centralize gov (strong army and navy)
Treaty of Velasco
Santa Anna signs treaty but Mexico congress never recognizes TX Independence. Basically ends the war
James k. Polk
Democrat. annexation of TX, Settle Oregon, Purchase CA
54-40 or fight
polk's slogan to get oregon-49 parallel compromise
Mexican War
US tries to take mexican land, they take mexico city
Zach Taylor
causes border incident. some people got shot (don't know who shot first) victories in northern Mexico-making him very popular
Winfield Scott
took over mexico city
Treaty of Guadelupe-Hildalgo
1848 Mexico recognizes TX annexation w/Rio Grande Border
Mexican Cession
"Poisoned" the U.S. Expanded Slavery
Wilmot Proviso
1846- North: const. gave congress power to regulate territories. South: slaves are property protected by 5th amendment
Free Soil Party
want the west to be open to free labor "white People"
Compromise of 1850
CA- as a free state, UT- popular sovereignty, TX- gives up NM clain in return for gov. assuming state debt abolish slave trade in DC
Fugitive Slave Law
Denied accused trial by jury. Forbade blacks to testify. Court appointed commissionser received $10 for ruling to slave owner, $5 for slave. Free blacks would become slaves
Kansas-Nebraska Act
voids MO compromise, splits up NE territory to create KS, popular sovereignty
Steven A. Douglas
RR- make Chicago big city of Midwest (central RR)
Republican Party
grew out of Whigs-Radical abolitionists (keep slavery out of W) 7 free-soilers
Bleeding Kansas
MO "border ruffians" cross and set up pro-slavery assembly "doesn't really reflect the views of Kansas vs Topeka "free stators"
-John Brown retaliates- slavery is a sin, kills pro slavery husbands and families
Bleeding Sumner
civil war in congress
Dred Scott
Supreme Court Rules: slaves could not sue, not citizens, MO comp unconstitutional b/c blacks are property and owners can take them wherever
John Brown
Abolitionist: believed slavery was a sin. potawatomie massacre