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29 Cards in this Set

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joint-stock company
business enterprise in which a group of stock holders pooled their money to engage in trade or to fund colonizing expeditions. Va, Plymouth, Mass. Bay colonies
indentured servant
individiual who would serve a master in return for payment of said individuals passage to America
indian tribe associated with jamestown, also name of cheif
John Smith
leader of jamestown colony
1607. first colony in virginia. purpose was to be a successful colony in new world.
john rolf
colonist who marries pocahontas, marriage creates short lived unity between colonists and natives
daughter of chief powhatan, marries john rolfe
virginia charters
granted land in new world to va company and plymouth company by king james
headrights system
granted land to immigrants and encouraged bringing of indentured servants
house of burgesses
legislature of colonial virginia
offshoot branch of puritanism who thought the english church was too corrupt. helped found plymouth colony.
settlers of plymouth colony
uptight religious freaks. predestination. Mass. Bay colony.
roger williams
founder of rhode island colony
anne hutchinson
had her own religious meetings in her home, exiled by puritans and went to rhode island
massachusetts bay colony
founded by thomas dudley. colonys misson was a covenant with god. puritan.
founding of maryland
refuge for catholics. founded by Lord Baltimore aka george calvert
bacon's rebellion
conflicts with natives led to nathaniel bacon's campaign to exterminate all indians and eventually turned into a revolt against va government.
John winthrop
governor of mass. bay colony
founding of the carolinas
land grant to supporters of charles 2
founding of new york
originally new netherland, charles 2 claimed it and gave some land to his brother, duke of york, who called his portion of land new york.
duke of york
charles 2 brother. given new netherland. divided it into new york and new jersey.
important to founding of pennsylvania. believed english church was corrput and salvation was possible through "inner light". pacifists.
william penn
used his grant to establish colony for quakers. dreamed of toleration and peace.
founding of georgia
founded by james oglethorpe. barrier between spanish colonies and english colonies. english debters.
james oglethorpe
founded georgia.
proprietary colony
colony founded on a huge land grant. proprietary colonies usually have a leader who has a specific vision for his colony.
King Philip's war
king philip was an indian leader of the wompanogs. led natives against settlers because of settlers killing natives and taking land. ended when womps clashed with mohawk indians and phil died
middle passage
voyage between west africa and new world slave colonies.