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30 Cards in this Set

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“Republican motherhood” was an ideology that held:

women played an indispensable role in the new nation by training future citizens.

According to Noah Webster, what was the very soul of a republic?


After the Revolution, African-Americans in the North:

saw steps being made toward emancipation.

Approximately how many free Americans remained loyal to the British during the war?

20 to 25 percent

As a result of the American Revolution, Americans rejected:

the principle of hereditary aristocracy.

As a result of the religious freedom created by the Revolution:

upstart churches began challenging the well-established churches.

General John Sullivan:

destroyed forty Indian towns in a campaign against the Iroquois.

How did Pennsylvania display the Revolutionary War’s radical potential?

Philadelphia’s artisan and lower-class communities took control.

How did the Revolutionary War change the meaning of freedom?

It challenged the inequality that had been fundamental to the colonial social order.

How did the War for Independence affect anti-Catholicism in America?

The alliance with France, a predominantly Catholic country, helped diminish American anti-Catholicism.

In his Thoughts on Government (1776), John Adams advocated state constitutions that provided for:

a powerful governor and a two-house legislature that reflected the division of society between wealthy and ordinary men.

In order to deal with a wartime economic crisis in 1779, Congress urged states to:

adopt measures to fix wages and prices.

The free black population after the Revolution:

many times enjoyed the right to vote.

Thomas Jefferson’s Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom:

eliminated religious requirements for voting and officeholding.

Virtually every founding father owned at least one slave at some point in his life. Who was a notable exception?

John Adams

What policy did the new United States pursue in its dealings with Native Americans?

The U.S. government set out to dispossess the Native Americans of their remaining rich lands and drive them westward.

What role did Native Americans play in the Revolutionary War?

They divided in allegiance, just as white Americans did.

What role did rising prices play during the Revolution?

They prompted protests by Americans, especially women, who took goods from merchants whom they accused of hoarding.

What settlement in Africa did the British establish for former slaves from the United States?

Sierra Leone

Which of the following groups did NOT include a significant proportion of Loyalists during the Revolutionary War?

Pennsylvania artisans

Which one of the following contributed to the success of free-trade advocates during the Revolutionary War?

the publication of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations

Which one of the following is true of how the new state constitutions in the Revolutionary era dealt with the issue of religious liberty?

Seven state constitutions began with a declaration of rights that included a commitment to “the free exercise of religion.”

Which one of the following statements about Revolutionary Pennsylvania is FALSE?

The state’s new constitution gave only limited power to the state’s governor.

Which one of the following statements about Loyalists is FALSE?

Fewer than 10,000 Loyalists left America after the war.

Which one of the following statements about blacks and freedom in the Revolutionary era is FALSE?

After the Revolution, emancipation in the North was swift and all encompassing.

Which one of the following was NOT an example of Loyalists being deprived of their freedom by patriots?

The New England states forced Loyalists into militias against their will.

Which one of the following was NOT a key obstacle to the abolition of slavery in the Revolutionary era and new nation?

the widespread fear that freed slaves would move west and unite with Indians

Which one of the following was NOT a way in which women contributed to the Revolutionary cause?

replacing their husbands in political offices

Which state’s constitution granted suffrage to all “inhabitants” who met a property qualification, allowing property-owning women to vote until an 1807 amendment limited suffrage to males?

New Jersey

Why did apprenticeship and indentured servitude decline after the Revolution?

The lack of freedom inherent in apprenticeship and indentured servitude struck growing numbers of Americans as incompatible with republican citizenship.