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23 Cards in this Set

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What does 'E Pluribus Unum' mean
one from many
Thomas Jefferson was...
son of wealthy Virginia planter,
6ft tall, skinny, redhead;
shy, good speaker but shy;
writer, farmer, lawyer, architect, inventor, and philosopher.
Thomas Jefferson could speak what five languages:
Latin, French, English, Italian, Greek
Thomas Jefferson is on what coin?
back of the nickelll
What President was TJ?
What kind of system did TJ start?
Republican: 2 party system
Three basic political beliefs
1. strict interpretation of the constitution
2. encouragment of agriculture
3. placed limits on spending public money
What did the Naturalization Act do:
restored a 5 year waiting period for those wanting to be citizen (granting those foreign born full citizenship)
How much money on military was cut:
How much did we pay Arabs to not steal our ships:
twoo mmillion in goods

eventually jefferson sent navy warships to get pirates to stop.
Who did Jefferson send to buy the Lousiana Purchase back
James Monroe
How much did we get the Lousiana Purchase for:
15 million
Lousiana did what to the area of the united states
doubled it
who were the 'midnight judges'
they were judges appointed at the last minute
a judge was appointed for how long:
What three ways was there to get rid of a judge
1. bribery
2. impeached
3. other high crimes such as murder
What happened during TJ's first term
1.foreign trade doubled.
2. national debt was reduced by $25 mil
3. our relationship with Europe was friendly

4. 2nd election: won by a landslide and got 162/176 votes
Who did TJ run agaisnt
C.C. Pinckney
What was the Embargo Act:
prohibitated any American ship from sailing to a foreign port
What happened with the Embargo Act:
it hurt us and our products spoiled and it put people out of jobs
What was the Nonintercourse Act
forbid trade with the French and British
Who was the Fourth President
James Madison
Who was James Madison:
50 year old virginian;
helped found the Republican party;
lacked the great leaders power to dominate;
man of ideas