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42 Cards in this Set

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3 most common type of Government

1) One man rule

2) Oligarchy

3) Democracy

What did Plato think of democracy?

Firmly disbelieved common people were capable of making wise decisions for democracy.




"Representation of all"

Senate - elites

Tribunes - common man

What is Direct-Democracy?

system with no "middle-man".

What is Classical Liberalism?

System created by the Puritans - represented absolute monarchy and divine right.

Who were the Puritans?

-Led revolt against King: started Civil War

-Defeated the king, executed him.

-Puritans take over parliaments and started Classical Liberalism

State of Nature

Situation without government.

John Locke believed this was terrible

John Locke

-believed that no government was terrible .

-believed that if king was elected, he'd be accountable to the people

-Created limited Government

-Believed if you gave too much power = tyrant

Who created the idea of separation of powers?


What was the 7 year war?

French-Indian War

Stamp act was a result of _____ and was implemented in _____. The ____ feared their status was endangered from the taxes

The French-Indian war.



What followed the Stamp Act? and who did it impact?

The Sugar Act.


What was the Townshed Act?

A tax on common goods such as glass, papers, and teas.

When the Townshed Act, what was the last item to still be taxed?


Elites tried to gain the support of farmers and merchants to rescind the taxes how?

"No taxation without representation" or consent.

What were the 5 classes of colonial America?

1: Merchants

2: Planters

3: Royalist (royal losers)

4: Shop keeper

5: Small farmers

What was the beginning of radicalism?

Boston Massacre and it's surrounding propoganda.

Sons of Liberty were considered radicals and considered the English to be ____.


What happened after the Boston Massacre?

All taxes rescinded, except Tea Tax.

Boston Tea Party

Response from Son's of Liberty after boycotting British goods.

As response, London passes the Coercive Act, or as Adam's calls it _____.

Intolerable Acts.

In response to the Intolerable Acts...

Delicate from all 13 colonies came together to propose "Olive Branch" to King George.

What happened during Lexington and Concord.

Paul Revere rides ahead and warns of British Troops coming to disarm Americans -- before Olive Branch reached King George.

The Declaration of Independence was written by ____ and inspired by _____.

Thomas Jefferson.

John Locke.

What were the 5 problems with the Articles of Confederation?

-no executive branch

-no judicial branch

-no taxation

-no national army

-no trade regulations

What was something stupid Rhode Island did to try to help money problems?

-Print more money

-created inflation

What was the event that ignited the 2nd founding?

Shay's Rebellion

What did they do at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?

Improve Articles of Confederation.

What did James Madison do at the Constitutional Convention?

Propose and writes "Federalist #10", where he states "haves" and "have-nots". Believes "have-nots" have power in numbers.

Article 1 Section 8

List of powers specifically to Congress

What are reasons for federalism?


Geographical size

McCullough v. Maryland was considered the first ____ ____ in 1819.

serious challenge against Govt.

Great Compromise

Elite chambers - 6 year term

House chamber (elected) - 2 year term

What are the two procedures to ratify?

1) 9 out of 13 states needed to ratify

2) ratify by state convention

Did John Locke think States should tax federal courts?


What was Gibbons V. Ogden?

Regulated interstate commerce among the states

10th Amendment

Powers not expressed or given to the USa by the constitution is given to the states or the people.

Article 4

devoted to lateral federalism

New Deal was a response to _______

The Great Depression

What did the New Deal propse?

-To forget laizzes-faire

-Federal government to take control instead of market.

What happened with NLRB v Jones?

Monitor relationship between employees and employers.