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90 Cards in this Set

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Popular Consent
Gains power from those governed
Virginia Plan
Represented more populous states
Individual states are supreme
Representative Democracy
Citizens elect officials to run government
Religious leaders claim divine guidance
Government by the people
Oppised ratification of the Constitution
League of Friendship
Articles of Confederation
Direct Democracy
Citizens discuss/pass laws and select rules
One house legislature
New Jersey Plan
Represented smaller states
Four Freedoms
F.D.R. proclaimed as a 2nd Bill of Rights
Connectiut Compromise
Great Compromise
"The Federalist"
Series of essays supporting the Constitution
Basic belief about power and government
Supported the new government
The priniple of a 2 house legislature
Gains power by appealing to emotions.
Refers to a democracy
Refers to how power is granted/dispersed/limited
Unfunded federal requirements
Intrastate Commerce
Trade within "the state"
McCulloch v Maryland
Extended national supremacy
Horizontal federalism
Cooperation between the states
Supports national involvement in issues
Block grant
Grouped money for federally funded projects
Interstate commerce
Trade within the states
Powers shared between states and federal government
Comparable worth
Equal pay for equal work
Revenue sharing
Federal money with "no strings attached"
Deciding who gets what, when and how
political science
The study of politics: who governs, for what ends, and by what means
Organization extending the whole society that can legitamately use force to carry out its decisions
wipespread acceptance of something as necessary, rightful, and legally binding.
social contract
Idea that government originated as an implied contract among individuals who agree to obey laws in exchange for protection of their rights
public goods
Goods and services that cannot readily be provided by markets, either because they are too expensive for a single individual to buy or because if one person bought them, everyone else would use them without paying.
free market
free competition for voluntary exchange among individuals, firms, and corporations.
gross domestic product (GDP)
Measure of economic performance in terms of the nation's total production of goods and services for a single year, valued in terms of market prices.
cost imposed on people who are no direct participants in an activity
income transfers
government transfers of income from taxpayers to persons regarded as deserving
democratic ideals
individual dignity, equality before the law, widespread participation in public decisions, and public decisions by majority rule, and one person having one vote.
limited government
Principle that government power over the individual is limited, that there are some personal liberties that even a majority cannot regulate, and that government itself is restrained by law.
rule by an elite that exercised unlimited power over individuals in all aspects of life.
Monopoly of political power by an individual or small group that otherwise allows people to go about their private lives as they wish
constitutional government
A government limited by rule of law in its power over the liberties of individuals
direct democracy
Governing system in which every person participates actively in every public decision, rather than delegating decision making to representatives
representative democracy
Governing system in which public decision making is delegated to representatives of the people chosen by popular vote in free, open, and periodic elections.
Political system in which power is concentrated in the hands of a relatively small group of individuals or institutions
Theory that democracy can be achieved through competition among multiple organized groups and that individuals can participate in politics through group memberships and elections.
political culture
Widely shared views about who should govern, for what ends, and by what means.
shared ideas about what is good and desirable
shared ideas about what is true
Variations on the prevailing values and beliefs in a society
classial liberalism
Political philosophy asserting the worth and dignity of the individual and emphasizing the rational ability of human beings to determine their own destinies
Economic system asserting the individual's right to own private property and to buy, sell, rent, and trade that property in a free market
legal equality
Belief that the laws should apply to all persons
political equality
Belief that every person's vote counts equally
equality of opportunity
Elimination of artificial barriers to success in life and the opportunity for everyone to strive for success.
equality of results
Equal sharing of income and material goods regardless of one's efforts in life
social mobility
Extent to which people move upward or downward in income and status over a lifetime or over generations
Class conflict
Conflit between upper and lower social classes over wealth and power
class consciousness
Awareness of one's class position and a feeling of political solidarity with others within the same class in oppostion to other classes
immigration policy
Regulating the entry of non-citizens into the country
Persons residing in a nation who are not citizens
Government forgiveness of a crime, usually granted to a group of people
illegal immigration
The unlawful entry of a person into a nation
Belief in the value of free markets, limited government, and individual self-reliance in economic affairs, combined with a belief in the value of tradition, law, and morality in social affairs.
Belief in the value of strong government to provide economi security and protection for civil rights, combines with a belief in personal freedom from government intervention in social conduct
Opposing government intervention in both economic and social affairs, and favoring minimal government in all sectors of society
A reference to the liberal, progressive and/or socialist side of the political spectrum
A reference to the conservative, traditional, anticommunist side of the political spectrum
Political ideology in which the state and/or race is assumed to be supreme over individuals
The theories of Karl Marx, among them that capitalists oppress workers and that worldwide revolution and the emergence of a classless society are inevitable
The thoeries of Vladimir Lenin, among them being that advanced capitalist countries turned toward war and colonialism to make their own workers relatively prosperous
System of government in which a single totalitarian party controls all means of production and distribution of goods and services
System of government involving collective or government ownership of economic enterprise, with the goal being equality of results, not merely equality of opportunity.
End of History
The collapse of communism and the worldwide movement toward free markets and political democracy
Potically Correct (PC)
Repression of attitudes, speech, and writings that are deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise "insensitive"
Evidence of US citizenship, allowing people to travel abroad and reenter the United States
A document or stamp on a passport allowing a person to visit a foreign country
In politics, a reference to opposition to religious practices and symbols in public life
Consistent and integrated system of ideas, values, and beliefs
The United States is one of the few nations to operate under a direct democracy
A representative Democracy is one in which those who have authority to make decisions with the force of law acquire and retain this authority either directly or indiretly as the result of the election process.
The United States has survived as a result of refining and perfecting seven different constitutions
As citizens, our sense of government comes primarily from family opinions and attitudes
Federalist emerged in the US due to the opposition to the new constitution
Under the Articles of Confederation, the Executive branch of government was strong
As a country, our heritage came from our unsuccessful attempt at government through the Articles of Confederation
The creation of a constitution helped provide legitimacy to our new government