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21 Cards in this Set

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Urinary System
Maintains water balance and removes nitrogenous wastes from the body
Nitrogenous Waste
Metabolic processes produce waste in the form of nitrogen. This waste is removed from the blood by filtration of the kidneys (specifically the glomerulus) and makes up part of urea
Waste Removal Process
- Products left over from chemical reactions within cells leaves the cell via diffusion
- This metabolic waste travels in the blood
- Filtered from the blood and transferred to the bladder (via the ureter tubes) by the kidneys
- Gathered in the bladder
- Leaves the body via the urinary tract (urethra)
A pair of organs which filter waste from the blood. They also play a part in maintaining pH of the blood by excreting those ions which are in excess
The innermost section of the kidney which contains the collecting duct and Loop of Henle of the nephrons and is made up of sections known as "renal pyramids"
Renal Pyramids
Consist mainly of tubules which transport and collect urine produced in the cortex before the urine passes to the ureter
The outermost section of the kidney which holds the glomerulus and convoluted tubules of the nephron
Long tubules which are the functional unit of the kidney. The nephron is the structure that actually produces urine in the process of filtering the blood
A cluster of capillaries within the nephron which filters blood at high pressure
Bowman's Capsule
A capsule-shaped membranous structure surrounding the glomerulus of each nephron, serving as a filter
Collecting Ducts
A series of tubules and ducts that connect the nephrons to the ureter and plays a part in electrolyte and fluid balance
Loop of Henle
Part of the nephron structure which lays in the medulla of the kidney. Principal function: the recovery of water and salt from urine
The duct by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder
A membranous sac in which urine is collected for excretion
The tube that leads from the bladder which transports and discharges urine outside the body
Convoluted Tubules
Intricate tubing of the nephron which specialises in re-absorption
What Happens Where
Kidney Diagram
Anti-diuretic hormone: conserves and prevents excess loss of water via urine from the kidneys
The maintenance of constant osmotic pressure in the fluids of an organism by the control of water and salt concentrations
The tendency of an organism/cell to regulate its internal conditions and attempt to achieve equilibrium