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48 Cards in this Set

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Deltoid - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Anteriorfibers - lateral third of clavicle Middle fibers - lateral border of acromion Posterior fibers - inferior border of scapular spine

Insertion(Distal Attachment)- Deltoidtuberosity of humerus

Action- Anterior fibers - aid in flexion and medial rotation Middle fibers - abduct arm and aid supraspinatus Posterior fibers - aid extension and lateral rotation

Nerve- Axillary nerve

Blood- Posterior circumflex humeral artery and deltoid branch of thoracoacromialartery

Supraspinatus - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) -Supraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Greater tubercle of humerus

Action- Assist deltoid in abducting arm (starts movement), fixes head of humerusin glenoid cavity and rotates head of humerus laterally

Nerve- Suprascapular (C5, C6 superior trunk)

Blood- Suprascapular artery (off thyrocervical trunk which is a branch of thesubclavian artery)

Infraspinatus - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) -Infraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Greater tubercle of humerus

Action- Laterally rotates the arm

Nerve- Suprascapular (C5, C6 superior trunk)

Blood- Suprascapular artery (off thyrocervical trunk which is a branch of thesubclavian artery)

Teres minor - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Dorsalsurface - axillary border of scapula

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Greater tubercle of humerus

Action- Adducts, lateral rotation and draws humerus toward glenoid fossa

Nerve- Axillary nerve (posterior cord)

Blood- Circumflex scapular artery (off subscapular artery which arises from theaxillary artery)

Teres major - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Dorsalsurface of inferior angle of scapula

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Intertubercular groove of humerus

Action- Adducts, medial rotation, and extends humerus

Nerve- Lower subscapular nerve (posterior cord)

Blood- Circumflex scapular artery

Subscapularis - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Subscapular fossa

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Lesser tubercle of humerus

Action– adducts, medial rotation of humerus and stabilizes shoulder joint

Nerve- Upper and lower subscapular nerves (posterior cord)

Blood- Subscapular artery and lateralthoracic artery (axillary artery branches)

Pectoralis major - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Anteriorand medial half of clavicle, sternum and costal cartilages of first six ribs

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Intertubercular groove of humerus

Action– Adducts, flexes (just clavicular head) and medially rotates humerus

Nerve- Lateral and medial pectoral nerves

Blood- Pectoral branches of thoracoacromial artery/trunk

Pectoralis minor - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Anteriorsurfaces of ribs 3-5

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Coracoid process

Action– Stabilizes scapula by drawing anteriorly/forward and rotates downward

Nerve- Medial pectoral nerve

Blood- Pectoral branches of thoracoacromial artery/trunk

Serratus anterior - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Anteriorsurface of first 8 or 9 ribs

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Medial border of scapula

Action– Protracts scapula and holds scapula against thoracic wall; rotatesscapula upward

Nerve- Long thoracic nerve

Blood- Lateral thoracic artery or branches of thoracodorsal artery

Subclavius - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Firstrib

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Middle-third of clavicle, lower surface

Action- Depresses clavicle

Nerve- Nerve to subclavius muscle (upper trunk – C5 and C6)

Blood- Clavicular branch of thoracoacromial artery/trunk

Flexor Muscles of the Arm (anterior)


Biceps brachii


Extensor muscles of the arm (posterior)

Triceps brachii


Coracobrachialis - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Coracoidprocess of the scapula

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Medial side of middle humerus

Action– Adducts and flexes the arm

Nerve- Musculocutaneous nerve

Blood- Brachial artery, muscular branches

Biceps brachii - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Longhead - supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Short head - coracoid process of scapula

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Posterior part of tuberosity of radius and bicipitalaponeurosis

Action- Supination of forearm and flexion of elbow

Nerve- Musculocutaneous nerve

Blood- Brachial artery, muscular branches

Brachialis - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Anteriorsurface of lower half of humerus

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Anterior surface of coronoid process of ulna

Action- Flexion of elbow

Nerve- Musculocutaneous nerve Note: small part of brachialis inposterior compartment - radial nerve

Blood- Brachial artery, muscular branches

Triceps brachii - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Longhead - infraglenoid tubercle of scapulaLateral head - posterior surfaceand lateral border of humerus, above radial grooveMedial head, distal to radialgroove

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Common tendon in upper surface of olecranon processof ulna

Action- Extension of forearm (elbow)

Nerve- Radial nerve

Blood– Deep (profundus) brachial artery and muscular branches of brachial artery

Anconeus - OAINB

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Lateralepicondyle of humerus

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Olecranon and proximal 1/4 of posterior surface ofulna

Action- Extension of forearm

Nerve- Radial nerve

Blood– Deep brachial artery

Extensor Forearm Muscles (posterior)


Extensor carpi radialis longus

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Extensor digitorum

Extensor digiti minimi

Extensory carpi ulnaris


Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Proximal2/3 of supracondylar ridge (humerus)

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Styloid process of radius

Action- Flexes forearm

Nerve- Radial nerve

Blood- Radial artery and radial recurrent artery

Extensor carpi radialis longus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) – Distal1/3 of supracondylar ridge (humerus)

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of the second metacarpal

Action- Extend and abduct wrist

Nerve- Radial Nerve

Blood- Radial artery and radial recurrent artery

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Origin(Proximal Attachment) - Lateral Epicondyle of humerus

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of the third metacarpal

Action- Extend and abduct wrist

Nerve- Deep Radial Nerve

Blood- Radial artery and radial recurrent artery


Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Commonextensor tendon (lateral epicondyle humerus)

Insertion(Distal Attachment) – Extensor expansions of phalanges (2-5)

Action- Extend the digits

Nerve- Deep Radial nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Extensordigiti minimi

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Commonextensor tendon (lateral epicondyle humerus)

Insertion(Distal Attachment) – Extensor expansion of fifth digit

Action- Extensor action for fifth digit

Nerve– Deep Radial nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Extensorcarpi ulnaris

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Lateralepicondyle of humerus and posterior border of ulna

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of fifth metacarpal

Action- Extend and adduct wrist

Nerve- Deep Radial nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Extensor Muscles of the Forearm


Abductor pollicis longus

Extensor pollicis brevis

Extensor pollicis longus

Extensor indicis


Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Lateralepicondyle of humerus and posterior lateral surface or ridge of ulna

Insertion(Distal attachment) - radius, lateral aspect

Action- Supinates forearm

Nerve- Deep radial Nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseousbranch and radial recurrent artery

Abductor pollicis longus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) -Posterior surface of ulna and radius

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Dorsum of the first metacarpal

Action- Abduction and extension of thumb

Nerve- Deep radial nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Extensor pollicis brevis

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Radiusand interosseous membrane

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Dorsum of the proximal phalanx

Action- Extension of thumb

Nerve- Deep radial nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Extensor pollicis longus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Middlethird of ulna and interosseous membrane

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Dorsum of the distal phalanx

Action- Extension of the thumb

Nerve- Deep radial nerve

Blood -Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Extensor indicis

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Distalthird of ulna and interosseous membrane

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Tendon of extensor digitorum to index finger

Action- Extends the 2nd digit

Nerve- Deep radial nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, posterior interosseous branch

Superficial flexor muscles of the forearm

Pronator teres

Flexor carpi radialis

Palmaris longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Flexor digitorum superficialis (int. group)

Pronator teres

Origin (Proximal Attachment) – 2 heads:medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna

Insertion(Distal Attachment) – Lateral shaft of the radius

Action- Pronation of wrist and flexes forearm

Nerve- Median nerve

Blood-Ulnar artery, anterior interosseous branch

Flexor carpi radialis

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Medialepicondyle of humerus

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Bases of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

Action- Flex and abduct wrist

Nerve- Median nerve

Blood- Radial artery

Palmaris longus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Medialepicondyle of humerus

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Palmar aponeurosis

Action– Flex wrist

Nerve- Median nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, recurrent branches

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Medialepicondyle of humerus and olecranon process of ulna

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Pisiform bone, hook of hamate and 5thmetacarpal

Action– Flex and adduct wrist

Nerve- Ulnar nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, recurrent branches

Flexor digitorum superficialis

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Medialepicondyle of humerus and shaft of radius

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of the medial phalanges (2-5)

Action- Flexes the digits at the proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) andmetacarpophalangeal joints (MCP)

Nerve- Median nerve

Blood- Ulnar muscular branches, radial muscular branches

DeepFlexor Muscles of the Forearm

Flexor digitorum profundus (Note flexor indicis)

Flexor pollicis longus

Pronator quadratus

Flexor digitorum profundus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Anteriorborder of the ulna

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of the distal phalanges (2-5)

Action-Flexes the digits at the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP)

Nerve- Ulnar (Medial Half); Median (Lateral Half)

Blood- Ulnar artery, anterior interosseous branch

Flexor pollicis longus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) -Anteriorsurface of the radius

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of the distal phalanx of the thumb

Action- Flexes the thumb

Nerve- Median nerve, anterior interosseous branch

Blood- Ulnar artery, anterior interosseous branch

Pronator quadratus

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Lowerquarter of anterior surface of ulnar shaft

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Lower quarter of anterior surface of radius

Action- Pronates the forearm and rotates the radius

Nerve- Median nerve

Blood- Ulnar artery, anterior interosseous branch

Hypothenar Compartment of Hand

Abductor digiti minimi

Flexor digiti minimi (brevis)

Opponens digiti minimi

Abductor digiti minimi

Hypothenar compartment

Origin (Proximal Attachment) - Pisiformbone and tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit

Action- Abducts 5th digit

Nerve- Ulnar nerve, deep branch

Blood– Deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery

Flexor digiti minimi (brevis)

Hypothenar compartment

Origin (Proximal Attachment) – Hook ofhamate and flexor retinaculum

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit

Action- Flexes 5th digit

Nerve- Ulnar nerve, deep branch

Blood- Deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery

Opponensdigiti minimi

Hypothenar muscles

Origin (Proximal Attachment) – Hook ofhamate and flexor retinaculum

Insertion(Distal Attachemnt) - Medial border of 5th metacarpal (the wholelength of bone)

Action- rotates 5th metacarpal (opposition)

Nerve- Ulnar nerve, deep branch

Blood- Deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery

Thenar compartment of hand

Abductor pollicis brevis

Flexor pollicis brevis

Opponens pollicis

Abductor pollicis brevis

Thenar compartment

Origin (Proximal Attachment)- Scaphoid,trapezium and flexor retinaculum

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb

Action- Abduction of thumb

Nerve- Median nerve, recurrent branch

Blood– Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery

Flexorpollicis brevis

Thenar compartment

Origin (Proximal Attachemnt) –Trapezium and flexor retinaculum

Insertion(Distal Attachment) – Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb

Action- Flexes the thumb

Nerve- Median nerve, recurrent branch

Blood- Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery


Thenar compartment

Origin (Proximal Attachment) –Trapezium and flexor retinaculum

Insertion(Distal Attachment) - Lateral shaft of 1st metacarpal.

Action- Draws thumb to center of palm and rotates the digit (opposition)

Nerve- Median nerve, recurrent branch

Blood– Superficial branch of radial artery