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39 Cards in this Set

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# Who: Separatists (Pilgrims) found it.
# What: It served as a capital to Massachusetts being the first settlement in the region.
# Where: Massachusetts
# Significance: Citizens were fleeing to gain religious freedom.
Plymouth Colony
* Who: Colonists wrote it.
* What: It was based on a majoritarian model and settler's allegiance to the king.
* Where: On the Mayflower.
* Significance: First governing document of the Plymouth Colony.
Mayflower Compact 1620
# Who: A legal grant to settlers.
# What: It served as a transport for many families or propaganda for new settlers.
# Where: In the 13 British colonies of North America.
# Significance: They helped expand colonies.
Headright System
# Who: Officials and governors sometimes enforced it.
# What: It basically checked the goods from the colonies and placed taxes on them before sending them back.
# Where: Active in the British colonies.
# Significance: The economy of the British colonies.
# Who: Adopted by the Connecticut Colony Council.
# What: It described the government set up by the Connecticut River Towns.
# Where: In Connecticut
# Significance: It was considered the first written western constitution.
Fundamental orders of Connecticut 1639
# Who: Slaves were a big part of the Triangular Trade.
# What: Goods and other things were traded.
# Where: From England to Africa then to the New World and back.
# Significance: It was the economy in the 1700s.
Triangular Trade
# Who: Colonies participated in it inspired by revolutions in Europe.
# What: There were four Great Awakenings in America.
# Where: In the colonies.
# Significance: It had influence on American politics.
The Great Awakening
# Who: introduced by the British Parliament
# What: They were restrictions on pig iron/iron in general.
# Where: In the British Colonies.
# Significance: It was a legislative measure.
Iron Act 1750
# Who: Robert Walpole issued it.
# What: It was a British policy.
# Where: In the colonies.
# Significance: It was neglected since it kept American colonies loyal to the empire.
Salutary Neglect
# Who: Tax imposed by the British.
# What: It was resisted by many.
# Where: in the British colonies of America.
# Significance: It angered the Englishmen of America and was one of the reasons for the Revolution.
Stamp Act 1765
# Who: Delegates of the 9 of 13 colonies
# What: They discussed the Stamp Act.
# Where: A meeting held in NYC
# Significance: It made the British government worried about the colonies and what they would do.
Stamp Act Congress
# Who: Group of american patriots.
# What: they formed during the revolution.
# Where: The thirteen colonies.
# Significance: They attacked symbols of British Authority.
# Who: It was a group organized by governments where some were Sons of Liberty.
# What: A body organized by governments of the 13 colonies.
# Where: In the 13 colonies.
# Significance: They rallied against the parliament raising up ideas of revolution.
# Who: King George the third issued it.
# What: it was to stabilize and organize the colonies in North America.
# Where: In the East.
# Significance: it was a law in America until the revolution but Canada still follows it.
# Who: First President of the US
# What: He wanted peace not war and implemented that moral in his actions.
# Where: North America
# Significance: He led the American Revolution.
Who: Admiral of New England
What: Explored the rivers of Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay.
When: Sept 1608 and aug 1609
Where: Lived in Jamestown Virginia
Significance: He lead the first colony in America
John Smith
Significance: Founded by puritans and was noted for Salem Witch Trials and John Winthrop.
Massachusetts Bay Company
Who: Preached in the Plymouth Colony for two years and was involved with the Salem Church.
Roger Williams
Significance: Activist for women exiled along with Roger Williams.
Anne Hutchinson
Pequot War
Bacon's Rebellion
Significance: "City upon a Hill"
John Winthrop
Who: Parliament of GB
What: An act of the parliament of GB
When: In 1766 during the colonial period
Where: In the colonies
Significance: it was one of the resolutions that regulated the behavior of the colonies.
Declaratory Act
Who: British forces used this act
What: It is two acts that ensured that British troops had adequate housing and provisions.
When: 1765 and 1774
Where: They would house in colonial homes or in other places.
Significance: Used during the French and Indian War and American Revolutionary War.
Quartering Act
Who: Charles Townshend spearheaded the acts
What: There were 5 laws mentioned in this act.
When: Passed in 1767
Where: In the New York province
Significance: It was to raise revenue in the colonies and pay for governors and judges.
Townshend Act
Who: A dispute between the Yankees and the Red Sox.
What: An incident leading to the death of 5 civilians in the hands of the British troops.
When: Mar 5, 1770
Where: Boston Massachusets
Significance: It showed the tension resulting from the British Militia presence.
Boston massacre
Who: Act of the Parliament of GB
What: It allowed drawback of exporting tea to the king while the deposit will increase.
When: Passed May 10, 1773
Where: In the East India Company and American plantations.
Significance: A cause of the Boston Tea party and some colonies didn't want to impose the act either.
Tea Act
Who: Patriots or American colonists.
What: A protest to the Tea Act
When: 1773
Where: Boston Harbor
Significance: A culmination of resistance movement throughout British America.
Boston Tea Party
Who: British Parliament passed them.
What: A series of laws.
When: 1774
Where: In GB for Colonies in North America.
Significance: Four acts responded to the Boston Tea Party and it was hoped that they would reverse the trand of colonial resistance.
Coercive Acts
Who: Parliament governing the British Army
What: It was an act responding to a mutiny in a large portion of the army.
When: Originally passed in 1689
Where: in GB
Significance: Acts of 1765 and 1774 are AKA Quarting acts.
Mutiny Act
Who: A statesman, political philosopher, and one of the Founding fathers of the US
What: His second cousin was the second President of the US.
When: Born Sept 27 1722
Where: Lived in Boston Massachusetts
Significance: He was one of the leaders in the American Revolution
Samueal Adams
Who: Convention of delegates from the 13 colonies.
What: They managed the colonial war effort.
When: May 10, 1775
Where: They met in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Significance: They acted as the de facto of the national government soon to be US.
Second Continental Congress
Who: Congress of the Confederation of the US made it
What: An act AKA Freedom ordinance
When: passed on July 13, 1787
Where: Nort-west of the River Ohio
Significance: Created the Northwest territory as the first organized territory.
Northwest ordinance
Who: State governors determined them.
What: They were unilateral declarations of independence
When: ranging from the 1800s to 2000
Where: In the American colonies
Significance: An assertion of the states' independence
Declaration of Independence
Who: Thomas Paine wrote it
When: The American Revolutionary War
Where: in GB
Significance: Meant for King George the 3rd and has two general meanings in philosophy.
Common Sense
Who: Daniel Shays led the rebellion.
What: Regulators rebelled for poor farmers left for debt and taxes.
When: from 1786 to 1787 in Aug 29
Where: Central and western massachusetts
Significance: There was a reevaluation of the Articles of Confederation as well as producing fears of democratic impulse getting out of hand.
Shay's Rebellion
Who: Authorized by a document.
What: powers given to t he government directly through constiution but are implied.
When: 1800s
Where: In the US and European Union
Significance: Measure was used by Alexander Hamilton to protect the constituion measures from protestors.
Implied Powers
Who: Edmun Randolph proposed it.
What: An agreement between large and small states.
When: 1787
Where: Philadelphia convention
Significance: It defined the legislative structure and representation each state would hold.
Great Compromise