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39 Cards in this Set

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What does the Integumentary system include?

Skin and all the derivatives

[Hair follicles, hair, nails, sweat glands, oil glands]

What are the 6 functions of the Integumentary System?

1. To protect

2. To Excrete

3. To regulate body temperature

4. To hold lots of blood vessels and blood

5. Cutaneous sensation [lots of receptors in the skin]

6. Vitamin D synthesis

How does the Integumentary System protect?

1. A chemical barrier

-Makes skins more acidic so certain things don't want to grow there.

2. A Physical barrier

-Skin continuity helps keep things out (eyelashes, eyebrows)

3. A Biological Barrier

-Macrophages and Langerhan's cells that aid in immune system


How does the Integumentary System Excrete?

Sweat glands excrete H2O and Nitrogen containing wastes and NaCl (salt).

Explain how the Integumentary System is a large blood reservoir.

-When you're hot, your blood vessels dilate and more heat is releases.

-When you're cool, your blood vessels constrict and less heat is released.

-Dilate means bigger or more.

-Constrict means to make smaller.

Explain Cutaneous Sensation.

Cutaneous sensation is when you FEEL something, such as texture, pressure, pain, temperature.

s e n s a t i o n.

What is Vitamin D synthesis?

Cholesterol in your skin gets changed to Vitamin D by the sun which helps your bones.

"Sunny D"

How long is the surface area of the skin

15-20 ft.

How much does the skin weigh


The skin is made up of how many cells?

3 million

What 2 main regions does the skin consist of?



Top layer of skin


2nd Layer of skin


Below the skin is...


Tissue that Epidermis is composed of

epithelial tissue

Tissue that Dermis is composed of

Connective Tissue

Tissue(s) that Hypodermis is composed of

Adipose/Areolar tissue

Characteristic of Hypodermis

as insulation and cushioning

5 layers of Epidermis [from top to bottom]

1. Stratum Corneum

2. Stratum Lucideam

3. Stratum Granulosum

4. Stratum Spinosum

5. Stratum Basale

Epidermis is made up of 4 to 5 layers of cells, if it has 5 layers it is found in...

Thick skin such as the palm and the soles of the feet.

The 4 cell types of Epidermis

1. Keratinocytes

2. Melanocytes

3. Merkel cells

4. Langerhan's cells

What is the most abundant cell type in Epidermis


Keratinocytes are cells that...

produce keratin into fibrous protein

Melanocytes produce..

Melanin (the paler you are, the less melanin you have)

What are Merkel cells

Sensory cells

Epidermis is replaced every...

35-45 days

What two stages in Epidermis is mitosis present?

Stratum Basale and Stratum Spinosum

In what layer of epidermis are the cells dying

Stratum Granulosum

What layer is only in thick skin?

Stratum Lucideam

Explain Stratum Corneum

*20-30 cells thick

*Contain all dead cells

*Cells are waiting to be shed off

LONG-TERM friction on the epidermis lead to..


SHORT-TERM friction on the epidermis lead to...


The layer Dermis contains

lists of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels(White Blood cells), and nerve endings

2 layers of Dermis

Papillary Layer and Reticular Layer

The Papillary Layer is the closest to the Epidermis and is the


The papillary Layer makes up..

Your fingerprints

The reticular layer is the..


What lives in the Reticular layer

Hair follicles, sweat, oil glands

The reticular layer gives strength and..

elasticity to the skin