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85 Cards in this Set

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abdominal esophagus is _____ inch(es) long and enter stomach at ________

1/2 inch;

cardiac region

what muscle-like structure controls the stuff from esophagus going back up.

lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter

stomach is covered by

visceral peritoneum

4 regions of the stomach


fundus (bump on top of stomach)


pylorus (outflow tract with pyloric sphincter)

2 sections of the pylorus

antrum (entry way)

canal with pyloric sphincter

what does the pylorus control

Controlsrate of discharge of material (chyme)

sympathetic vs parasympathetic in stomach

Sympathetic:slow down metabolism


folds for stretching in the stomach

gastric rugae

stomach produces ________ via _______

digestive enzymes and acids via glands of mucosa

three muscular layers on stomach for contractility




blood supply to the stomach

rightand left gastric,

right and left gastroepiploic,

short gastric a.

function of the stomach

•Mixingaction/enzyomaticbreakdown but no absorbtion

function of small intestine

digestion and absorption

duodenum surround the

head of pancreas

duodenum is _____ inches long

12 inches

duodenum spans the levels of


Hepatoduodenal L is the segment of _____.

lesser omentum

hepatoduodenal L holds

the portal triad in its free edge

divisions of duodenum




–Ascending(has the duodenojejunalflexure: transition from duodenum to jejunum)

the descending division of the duodenum has the _______ where the _______ empty into duodenum

has the major duodenal papilla where the common bile duct and pancreatic duct join to empty into duodenum

blood supply to the duodenum comes from 1 or more Duodenum branches from ______

–Gastroduodenal A

–Pancreaticoduodenal A

–Superiormesenteric A

jéjunum is ____ niches long

36 inches -3 feet

function of jejunum


inner mucosal layer of jejunum has

plicae circulares (circular pleats)

on the plicae circulates are ______ that have a function of _____

villi and microvilli to absorb

blood supply to the jejunum

jejunal AA from superior mesenteric A into the arcades and vasa recta

the arcades and vasa recta of the jejunum is ______ than in the ilium

fewer and less complex

the vasa recta of the jejunum is shorter or longer than in the ilium


there is more/less plicae circulates in the jejunum than in the ileum


is there fat in the jejunum? what about in the ilium?



ileum is ____ inches long


the ileum has more/less plicae circulares than in the jejunum


does the ileum still have villi and microvilli

yes, on the plicae circulares

lymphoid tissue to take in potential pathogens as a first line of defense in the ileum

peyer's patches

does the ileum have more/less arcades and vasa recta than in the jejunum


ileocecal fold prevents

regurgitation from cecum

blood supply of ileum

iliocolic A from superior mesenteric

and ileal arteries from superior mesenteries

large intestine is ___ feet long


major job of large intestine



packaging of fecal material

5 regions of the large intestine



–Colon(ascending, transverse, descending)


–Analcanal (storage and passage way)

flexures of large intestine

Ascending colon:

1. Hepaticflexure (right colic flexure) on right side


2. Splenicflexure (left colic flexure) on left side

mesocolon over each region of the large intestine

Ascending: retroperitoneal

Transversecolon: transversemesocolon

Descendingcolon: retroperitoneal

Sigmoidcolon: sigmoidmesocolon

Blood supply to each region of the large intestine

Ascending: Ileocolic and right colic A & V

Transverse: Middle colic A & superior mesenteric V

Descending: Left colic and superior sigmoid AA & Inferior mesenteric V

Sigmoid: Sigmoid AA & Inferior mesenteric V

function of taenia coli

allows for peristaltic motion (accordion)

function of haustra

squeeze contents

function of epiploic appendages

(fattyappendices) fatty globules for fat storage

cecum valve

ileocecal valve

vermiform appendix is suspended by


function of rectum

storage structure

function of anal canal

storage/outflow tract for feces

smooth muscle sphincter of anal canal

internal anal sphincter: involuntary

skeletal muscle sphincter of anal canal

external anal sphincter

function of liver

–Whereblood goes to be detoxified before its sent to circulatory

bile is made in the ______ and stored in the ____

Bileis made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder

subdivisions of the lobes are called

hepatic segments

bare area

non peritoneal surface

the problem with the bare area

Infection can spread from abdomen to thorax here

arterial supply to the liver

hepatic AA from celiac trunk gives O2 rich blood to the liver

______ V drains the liver

hepatic VV

Inferior and superior mesenteric vein blend to enter liver as

hepatic portal V

Potentially toxic material drains to the liver to becleaned up. ________ drains the abdominal organs to be cleansed through _______.

Hepatic portal V


Clean O2 poor blood leaves liver through _______ and then goes to the ________.

hepatic VV inferior vena cava;

systemic circulation

falciform L is the attachment to the


ligamentum teres/round L is in the free edge of

falciform L;

most anterior portion of falciform L

ligamentum teres/round L is the remnant of

fetal umbilical V

fissure for IVC is located

between caudate and R lobe

Porta hepatis is under the

inferior surface of R lobe between quadrate and caudate lobe

gallbladder is located at the junction of the

right 9th costal cartilage

gallbladder stores bile. what is the function of bile

breakdown fats

pancreas is what type of gland

•Endocrine(insulinand glucagon) and Exocrinegland(digestive enzymes)

mainpancreatic duct: begins at _____ and continues _____

at tail, continues to head carrying enzymes

main pancreatic duct joins common bile duct at

duodenal ampulla

bile passage system

1. Intrahepaticductulesdrain liver lobes

2. Rightand left hepatic ducts --> commonhepatic duct --> cysticduct --> commonbile duct

3. Commonbile duct and pancreatic duct form ampulla of Vater

4. Emptiesinto duodenum at ampulla of Vater

spleen is a ___ organ


2 types of "pulp" in the spleen

Whitepulp: Whiteblood cell

Redpulp: Hematopoietic(blood maker), blood filter, and blood storage

splenic A runs along the superior border of


what comes off splenic A

short gastric branches and Left gastroepiploic A

proper hepatic divides into L and R Hepatic AA at the

porta hepatis

2 branches of gastroduodenal A

1. R. gastroepiploic A

2. Superior pancreaticoduodenal A

superior mesenteric A from abdominal branches at the level of

neck of the pancreas

superior mesenteric A runs behind the ______ towards the _________

transverse colon;

Right hip/iliac fossa

branches of superior mesenteric A

1.Inferiorpancreaticoduodenal a.

2.Middlecolic a.

3.Rightcolic a.

4.Ileocolic a.


branch of middle colic A

Marginal A branch to anastomes with left colic A

3 functions of hepatic portal system

–Drainsthedigestive 'gut' and accessory digestive organs


–Returns O2 poor/nutrient rich blood to systemic circ. through IVC

Portalvein formed by the union of

1. Splenic V

2. Superior mesenteric V

3. Inferior mesenteric V

4. R/L gastric V