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37 Cards in this Set

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-First man ro rule on both sides of the Rhine River. First Merovingian ruler.

-His grandfather was a seas serpent named Merovich

-United all of Gaul under him by killing his competitors.

- converted to Christianity.

Mayor of the Palace

Office for rich landowners. Tgey watched over the actions of the Merovingian emperors.

Charles Martel

The Hammer. Was the illegitimate son of Pepin II. Won civil war aginst his stepbrothers for crown. Sole Mayor of the Palace. Wins Battle of Poitiers to stop the Muslim advance into Europe.

Pepin III

The Short. Donation of Pepin. Pope Steven rescued from Lombards.


Fines used as punishment for wrongdoings to a family member. Varied depending on social status.

5 pillars of Islam

1. Daily profession that there is no otger god than allah.

2. Pray 5 times a day as a community.

3. Alms giving.

4. Ramadaan

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lives.

Sunni & Shi'a

Sunni- Calith had to be descendants. Of the companions of Muhammad.

Shi'a- Calith should be a person from Muhammad's own genealogy. One of his descendants.


Location of Charlemagne's court. Hot springs.

Alcuin of York

-led Charlemagne's palace school.

- Developed Carolingian Miniscule.

Treaty of Verdun

Split the Carolingian empire into 3 parts for Louis the Pious' sons after his death. Charles the Bald got France, Louis the German got the Eastern portion, and Lothar got the middle.

Non Christian invasions of the Carolingian empire.

1. The Vikings

2. The Magyars

3. Muslims.


Muhammad's youngest and favorite wife. Community turned to her after his death. Wrote Hadiths.

Sumptuary Laws

Halted social climbing of the new merchant generation by the older one. Restricted labor, clothes, jobs, where you lived.

University of Paris

Produced ministers. Best school in the north.

University of Bologna

First school in Europe. Specialized in producing & studying the law and law codes. Best school in the south.


Discovers the truth by finding holes in debaters statements.

Investiture controversy

Separation of church & state. Kings thought they should appoint clergy in their kingdoms, and pope thought ot was his job no matter what.

Peace of God

Nobles had to abstain from fighting from Wednesday night to Sunday morning & on holy holidays.

Concordat at Worms

Compromise between German kings and the Pope. Pope would appoint bishops but they had to pay homage to the king of their area.

1st Crusades

-Declared by Pope Urban II

-Christians succeed in reclaiming Jerusalem from Muslims.

-reopens trade routes between east and west.

2Nd Crusade

-started after Christians lost Jerusalem to Muslims.

-2 kings personally went.

-christians lost big. Very costly campaign.

3rd Crusade

-Led by Richard the Lionhearted

- reached a settlement with Saladin to ahare Jerusalem with christians.

-Forced to sign Magna Carta by English Nobles when captured by Germans.

Peter's pence

Traditional tax levied & used to buy candles for the local Churches of the empire.

Albigensian Crusade

France. Reformers sought a pure religious life. Very popular in southern France. Led to the Inquisition.

4th Lateran Council

About church discipline.

1. Had to confess at least once a year @ Easter & receive communion.

2. Bishops were put in charge of marriage & marriage was made a sacrament.

3. Harsh punishment for heretics.

Alfred the Great

Of Wessex. First unifier of England. Comissioned the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. Constructs english navy.

Harold Godwisson

The nobility's choice to be king after Edward The Confessor's death. Killed in Battle of Hastings.

William I

The Conqueror. Defeated Harold Godwisson at the Battle of Hastings. French Duke-vassal of the French king. Coronated king of England at 40. Doomsday Book- census for taxes.


Financial department of England. Looked at the accounts of the sheriffs.

Henry II

- came to power after his mothers brother died. Matilda had to make a deal with him (uncle) to stop war.

-married Elanor of Aquitane.

- they began the Plantagenie Dynasty.

Decree of Clarendon

All clergy must give homage to the king before taking their complaints to the pope. The common people shpuld also bring their problems to the king first before going to the pope. (HenryII)

Thomas Beckett

Archbishop of Canterbury. HenryII friend, but ends up excommunicating him and has to go into hiding. Henry convinces him to, come back to England, and he does. Henry makes a speech that makes his people go and kill Beckett at tje cathedral.

Battle of Bovines

Philip Augustus of France defeats King John of England.

First great European battle.

Edward I

Acknowledged parliament. English Justinian.

Estates General

French version of parliament. Raised taxes for french kings.

The Plague

-fleas on black rats # airborne coughing/ sneezing

- followed trade routes. Came to Europe via cargo ships from the east.

What caused the Hundred Years War?

Who would succeed the French throne?

- English king was still a Duke. Edward III claimed his right.

- Barons of France Phillip IV (Valoix Dynasty) to be king.

-Phillip takes the throne but Edward refused to pay him homage- but he was a Duke.