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76 Cards in this Set

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Energy Flows

Energy Flow

moves through the components of an ecosystem in a one way path

Energy Flow Path

Energy Flow

Sun -> producers (autotrophs) -> primary consumers (heterotrophs) -> secondary consumers (heterotrophs) -> tertiary consumers

Food Web vs. Food Chain

Energy Flow

-A network of interconnecting food chains

-The sequence of food transfer up the trophic levels

Trophic Levels

Energy Flow

Each of the hierarchy levels of a community

Trophic Structure

Energy Flow

of a community is a pattern of feeding relationships consisting of several different levels

Energy Pyramids

Energy Flow

An ecological pyramid that shows the flow of energy

-from producers to primary consumers
-to higher trophic levels

Biomass Pyramid

Energy Flow

diagram showing total biomass at each trophic level

Pyramid of Numbers

Energy Flow

diagram showing number of organisms at each trophic level

10% Rule

Energy Flow

Only about 10% of the energy stored at each trophic level is available to the next level

Water Cycle

Chemical Cycles

evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, percolation, sublimation (& desublimation)


Chemical Cycles

water evaporating off leaves of plants


Chemical Cycles

water that collects on a cold surface when in contact with humid air


Chemical Cycles

water getting filtered through porous substances


Chemical Cycles

when solid water (ice) melts and becomes liquid water


Chemical Cycles

When gas water becomes a solid

Factors Affecting Water Cycle

Chemical Cycles


Household use of water

Carbon Cycle

Chemical Cycles

Respiration - returns CO2 to the atmosphere
Photosynthesis - removes CO2 from the atmosphere

Human Influences on Carbon Cycle

Chemical Cycles

Affected by deforestation
Affected by burning wood
Affected by burning fossil fuels
Contributes to the greenhouse effect

Nitrogen Cycle

Chemical Cycles

Cycle driven by four processes carried out by bacteria:
Nitrogen fixation

Nitrogen Cycle: Define Nitrogen Fixation and Nitrification

Chemical Cycles

Nitrogen fixation - converts N2 to ammonia (nitrogen compound) that can be used by plants
Nitrification - converts ammonia in soil to nitrates that can be used by plants

Nitrogen Cycle: Define Denitrification and Decomposers

Chemical Cycles

Denitrification - Converts nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen (N2)
Decomposers - Bacteria that break down dead organic matter into (abiotic) ammonia

Nitrogen Abiotic Reservoirs

Chemical Cycles

The atmosphere - about 80% of nitrogenous gas


Nitrogen Is A Limiting Factor For What

Chemical Cycles

A limiting plant nutrient

Phosphorus Chemical Cycle doesn't have what component that the others do?

Chemical Cycles

An atmospheric phase

Phosphorus Chemical Cycle

Chemical Cycles

Phosphorus is in rocks. Rocks become weathered and break down into smaller and smaller pieces. Rocks are absorbed by plants b/c the rocks are now soil. Animals eat the plants and die and the decomposers eat the animals. The decomposers than die and the phosphorus goes into the soil. The soil then goes into a body of water where it becomes a rock and is uplifted out of the body of water.

In aquatic ecosystems, primary production is limited by low nutrient levels of:

Chemical Cycles

Phosphorus and nitrogen

Standing water ecosystems may experience eutrophication (define)

Chemical Cycles

increased primary productivity in aquatic ecosystem due to large increase in limiting nutrients

Main Nutrient Cycles + Definition of Nutrient

Chemical Cycles

Nutrient - essential to life

3 main nutrient cycles:

Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Carbon

Examples of Freshwater Ecosystems and Marine Ecosystems

Aquatic Ecosystems

Freshwater: Ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands

Marine: oceans (saltwater), estuaries, salt marshes, mangrove swamps

Marine Ecosystem: Oceans

Aquatic Ecosystems

-Largest and most stable biome
Divided into zones based on depth and distance from shore: Intertidal zone, Coastal zone, Pelagic zone, Benthic zone, Photic zone,
Aphotic zone

Intertidal Zone

Aquatic Ecosystems

Harsh, extreme conditions - Intertidal Time-Lapse
-Between high-tide line and low-tide line
-Organisms adapted to regular and extreme changes in their surroundings (water, light)

Coastal Ocean + what types of sea life do they have

Aquatic Ecosystems

Low tide to edge of continental shelf
Relatively shallow - almost all in photic zone, so can support photosynthetic organisms (seaweeds, phytoplankton, diatoms)
Kelp forests: brown algae; grows tall quickly
Coral reefs: colony of polyps; reef formation

Coastal Ocean

Aquatic Ecosystems

Biologically diverse ecosystems - "marine equivalent of tropical rain forests"
-More than 1 of every 4 marine species inhabit reef
Most formed by coral polyps - phylum cnidaria
-Secrete hard external skeletons that form hard substrate for future polyps to attach to

Open Ocean - Pelagic (Photic and Aphotic Zone)

Aquatic Ecosystems

In photic zone - phytoplankton = producers (eaten by zooplankton)
-Nutrient poor environment
-Free swimming life - ex. dolphins, whales, fish, squid
In aphotic zone - food scarce
-Energy source: falling detritus ("marine snow") or hydrothermal vents (in some places)

Marine Benthic Zone + ... Vents

Aquatic Ecosystems

Ocean bottom - From low tide through open ocean
Community living on ocean floor = benthos
Hydrothermal vents - spots on ocean floor where hot gases and minerals escape from Earth's interior
-Producers = chemosynthetic prokaryotes that extract energy from sulfur compounds from vents

Marine - Estuaries

Estuary - area where streams and rivers met and empty into ocean water
-Fresh and salt water mix
Organisms deal with shifts in salinity, temperature, and tides
Rivers carry in nutrient-rich soil

Freshwater Stats + Standing vs. Moving

Aquatic Ecosystems

Covers less than 1% of planet
Less than 0.01% of its water
Standing water
Ponds and lakes
Moving water
Rivers and streams

Freshwater: Lakes and Ponds

Ponds - typically shallow enough for rooted plants
Lakes Zones: larger lakes - photic and aphotic zones
-Rooted plants grow in shallow, well lit waters near shore
-Phytoplankton, zooplankton in open water
-Benthic zone - bottom; invertebrates and decomposers

Freshwater: Rivers and Streams (What's it like at the source and downstream)

Flowing/moving water
Difference in river from source to downstream
-Source - cold water, shallow, faster moving nutrient poor, mostly algae
-Downstream - warmer water, deeper, slower, murkier, more phytoplankton, waterfowl, frogs


Aquatic Ecosystems

Wetland - ecosystem in which water covers the soil or is present at/near the surface for part of the year (ex. marsh, swamp, bog)
-Plants adapted to water saturated soil
Nutrient rich; high productivity
One of the most biologically diverse ecosystems
Prevents flooding, removes pollutants from water

Community Interactions: Interspecific Competition


Occurs when the niches of two populations overlap
-Competition btw different species
(-/-) relationship

Competitive Exclusion Principle


No two species can occupy the exact same niche in the exact same habitat at the exact same time
-One species will succeed over or displace the other



Interaction where one species (predator) kills and eats the other species (prey)
-Positive/negative (+/-) interaction
Predator-prey relationship drives natural selection of species adaptions



Interaction where one species eats plant parts or algae
(+/-) relationship
-Can be thought of as form of predation
A plant whose body parts have been eaten by an animal must expend energy to replace the loss
-Thus, numerous defenses against herbivores have evolved in plants

Symbiotic Relationship


Interaction where species live closely together (one species lives in or on the other)
Three main types of symbiotic relationships:
-Mutualism +/+
-Parasitism +/-
-Commensalism +/0


Both organisms benefit from interaction

(+/+) relationship

Parasitism and Pathogens

A parasite lives on or in a host from which it obtains nourishment

-ex. ticks, tapeworms, mosquitos, aphids

Disease causing microscopic parasites


One organism benefits, the other is unaffected

(+/0) relationship

Ecological Succession

Process of predictable changes to a community over time in response to a disturbance

-"rebuilding" of a community

Results from colonization by a variety of species, which are replaced by a succession of other species

Primary Succession

Community arising in a virtually lifeless area with no soil

-Forms in a previously unoccupied area

Examples of Primary Succession

Islands created by volcanos; land exposed by receding glacier
-Typically mosses and lichens
--Lichens - fungus and alga symbiotic relationship

Essential/Main Characteristic of Primary Succession

Soil building

Soil develops as: rocks breaks apart and organic matter from dead remains of pioneer species accumulates

Secondary Succession

Occurs when a disturbance destroys an existing community but leaves the soil intact

Examples of Secondary Succession

Ex. Fire damage, abandoned farmland
-Grasses may be first to re-inhabit, followed by shrubs, then trees

Climax Community

In both primary and secondary succession, the final, stable community


Disturbances are a prominent feature of most communities
-Events that damage biological communities
--Include natural disturbances: storms, fires, floods, droughts, overgrazing
--Human activity: forest clearing, ships sinking
-The types, frequency, and severity of disturbances vary from community to community

Invasive Species


Organisms that have been introduced into non-native habitats by human actions
-Establish themselves at the expense of native communities
-The absence of natural enemies often allows rapid population growth of invasive species
-Can severely disturb and devastate community

Population Density


the number of individuals of a species per unit area or volume

Dispersion Pattern

the way individuals are spaced within their area

Clumped Dispersion Pattern

Individuals are grouped in patches
Resources are often unequally distributed

Uniform Dispersion Pattern

Individuals equally spaced in the environment
Most likely interacting

Random Dispersion Pattern

Individuals are spaced in an unpredictable way

Life Tables

track survivorship, the chance of an individual in a given population surviving to various ages

Survivorship Curves

Plot survivorship as the proportion of individuals from an initial population that are alive at each age

3 Main Types of Survivorship Curves: Type I, II, III

K Selected Traits

Raise fewer offspring
Maintain relatively stable populations

R Selected Traits

Produce more offspring
Grow rapidly in unpredictable environments
Are opportunistic

Population Growth Depends On...

Number of births
Number of deaths
Number of individuals entering/leaving population
-Immigration - individuals entering population
-Emigration - individuals leaving population

Exponential Growth

Rate of population increase under ideal conditions
-Size increase by constant factor (r)
-Exponential Growth Model Equation, G = rN, in which:
--G is the growth rate of the population
--N is the population size
--r is the per capita (person) rate of increase

Logistic Growth

Idealized population growth that is slowed by limiting factors as the population size increases

G=rN [(K-N) ÷ K]
K stands for carrying capacity

Carrying Capacity

The maximum population size a particular environment can sustain

Density Dependent Factors

Result in declining births and increasing deaths as population density increases

-Space, food, intraspecific competition, disease, retreats for safety, predation

Density Independent Factors

Factors unrelated to population density

-Fires, storms, habitat destruction by human activity, seasonal changes in weather


study of the characteristics of the human population

Demographic Transition

Is the shift from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates
First death rate decreases, then birth rate decreases
Has lowered the rate of growth in developed countries

Age Structure

Proportion of individuals in different age groups
Affects future growth

Age Structure Diagram

Often used to predict population growth