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40 Cards in this Set

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St. Augustine
354-430 he was a very important christian writer. He wrote confessions and City of God. His theology was you must give up all to be a Christian.
Justinian Law Code
This law was made by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. He based this law after the Roman Law. Any gaps he filled himself. This law was divided ivy four parts. The codex, Novella, Digesta, and institutes.
The destruction of christian art. The thought was that you might worship the picture instead of God. A lot of art was destroyed here
He was born in Mecca. His parents died at 6. He was raised and protected by his uncle. He was a merchant and then a prophet. He was the proclaimer of Islam
This was a cubed tent that idols and gods were held in. It was a place where you must put down your weapon to enter and worship.
One of the holiest cities in Islam. This place was credited with the both place of islam. All Muslims are told to make a journey here.
The teachings of Muhammad put into a book by scribes. These are the guidelines of Islam
The official language of Islam. They thought God spoke Arabic
First crusade
A holy war brought on by the slaughter of a Christian church in Jerusalem. The crusaders went in and massacred allot of people even Christians
He was a very wise man . He was a general in the Islamic army. He took back Jerusalem. He burned Crusaders and let Christians stay
In southern Spain. The center for Islamic learning.
An emperor from the Byzantine empire. He thought he was like a real Roman. He isn't face
This great city was made by Constantine. It was know for its amazing defenses it became the Byzantines capital.
This is when the pope could do a group excommunication. He could excommunicate all of England.
This happened after the destabilization in Europe. The government broke up into smaller localized powers. The king would give land out to lords who would divide their land into pieces and give them to vassals. Vassals were knights who would be loyal to their lord.
This is where the manor is the center for agriculture. This was ruled by the lord and worked by serfs.
Islamic culture in the Middle Ages
It began with Baghdad in the center. This is one of the biggest empires yet. They took other cultures and flourished. In mid 800s they took control of Sicily.
Peasant life in the high Middle Ages.
The peasant was a worker for the lord of the manor. They didn't get much fresh meat but they got fed. They ultimately evolved into serfs which are peasants that couldn't leave. But not a slave.
Aristocracy in the high Middle Ages
This was the Lords and the Knights. It was the higher class of the mid evil age. You could either be a warrior or a priest.
This is a get out of purgatory free card. You must go on an errand for the priest. This was granted for a love one that was already in purgatory. This soon became corrupted
These men were writers and scribes who focused on learning. There main goal was to copy the Bible in Latin. These scribes founded the carloginian minuscule which is a Latin short hand.
Treaty of verdun
This treaty split Louis the pious kingdom in Carolingian empire. It was split 3 ways for his three sons. Loather got the middle and was main emperor. Charles the bald for the west and Lois the German in the east. This ended the civil war.
A tribal people the raided from a central location. They sacked most of Europe. They were from the Ukraine and settled in Hungary.
A highly opportunistic people group that raided from the north. They were non Christian and targeted monasteries because it was an easy target. Very brutal people
This was basically the Union for Middle Ages. It regulated trade and production. Also it has quality standards. There was the apprentice, the journeyman, and then the maser. Those are the steps of the guild.
It was the school of thought. It tries to bring reason to faith. They had a method of asking a question. Asking an expert and then consulting the elders
Schism of 1054
This is when the pope and the patriarch excommunicate each other. This was the official split in the church.
Ticket to hell .. Cut ties to the church
The job of naming bishops. The poor and king got into a fight of who had the right to do it. This was called the investiture controversy. The pope was then able to name them but the bishop had to be completely loyal to the king
The capital of the Byzantine empire
The capital of the Byzantine empire
Justinian's leading general
The capital of the Byzantine empire
Justinian's leading general
This was the city Muhammad and his followers go in what is called the hijrah
The capital of the Byzantine empire
Justinian's leading general
This was the city Muhammad and his followers go in what is called the hijrah
Charles martel
Defeats Muslim army at tours
The area of the lords land worked by serfs