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266 Cards in this Set

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cell division
new cells arise from through the division of preexisting cells
2 types of cell division
mitosis and meiosis
sperm or egg cell produced by meiosis in animals
somatic cells
body cells formed by mitosis in animals

cells other than sperm and egg
division of the cytoplasm into two daughter cells
mitosis and meiosis are responsible for which fundamental attribute of life?
what is the purpose of mitosis and cytokinesis
growth, wound repair, reproduction
asexual reproduction
produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
single DNA double helix that is wrapped around proteins in a highly organized manner
one of the to identical strands composing a replicated chromosome that is connected at the centromere to the other strand
specialized region of the chromosome where the two sister chromatids are joined
sister chromatid
chromatids from the same chromosome that are connected to the centromere
4 phases of the cell cycle
M phase, G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase
synthesis phase (S phase)
part of interphase where replication of the DNA is separated from the chromosome copies
cell cycle
ordered sequence of events where eukaryotic cells replicate its chromosomes, creates 2 daughter cells, and undergoes division of the cytoplasm
G2 phase
gap between S phase and M phase

the cell prepares to divide by checking for errors in DNA replication, and multiplying important organelles like mitochondria.
G1 phase
gap that occurs after M phase but before S phase

the time cell grows in size and carries out normal functions
phases of interphase in the cell cycle
G1, S, G2
why are the gap phases necessary?
provide the time for parent cells to grow large enough and synthesize enough organelles that its daughter cells will be normal in size and function
division of replicated chromosomes and the formation of two daughter nuclei with identical chromosomes and genes
positively charged protein associated with DNA in the chromatin of eukaryotic cells
mainly histones that compose eukaryotic chromosomes
structure of chromatin
can be relaxed like in interphase or highly compact
5 stages of mitosis
prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
chromosomes condense and sister chromatids become visible. Centrosomes divide and migrate to opposite poles of the cells, forming a spindle of microtubules.
spindle apparatus
structure that pulls the chromosomes to the poles of the cell during mitosis and push the poles of the cell away from eacother
2 types of spindle apparatus
polar microtubules and kinetochore microtubules
polar microtubules
extend from each spindle and overlap one another in the middle of the cell
kinetochore microtubules
attach to the chromosome
contains 2 centrioles and serves as the microtubule organizing center for the spindle apparatus
one of two small cylinderical structures found within the centrosome
nuclear envelope disappears, spindle fibers from opposite poles attach to kinetochores of sister chromatids
attaches the kinetochore microtubule and each chromatid
Chromosomes align at the center of the cell, sister chromatids attach to spindle fibers.
metaphase plate
imaginary plate that the chromosomes line up along during metaphase
Spindle fibers shrink pulling sister chromatids of each chromosome apart from each other, towards opposite poles.
new nuclear envelopes form at opposite ends of the cell. Chromosomes stretch again to threadlike form.
what follows mitosis?
cell plate
double layer of new plasma membrane that appears in the middle of a dividing cell which ultimately divides the cytoplasm into 2 cells
cleavage furrow
pinching in of the plasma membrane that occurs as cytokinesis begins
the process of uniting sperm and egg
This happens only during the production of gametes. The purpose of meiosis is to divide the hereditary material in the nucleus by half, and to produce unique gametes
sex chromosome
the x chromosome that carries genes involved in determining the sex of an individual
any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
what chromosomes do females possess?
what chromosomes do males posses?
chromosomes that are similar in size, shape, and gene content
section of DNA that influences some hereditary trait in an individual
particular version of a gene
homologous chromosomes carry the same genes but may contain different ________
the number and type of chromosomes present
organisms that have 2 versions of each type of chromosome

have 2 alleles of each gene
organisms that contain just one of each type of chromosome

dont contain homologous chromosomes
haploid number
number of distinct types of chromosomes in a given cell

represented by the letter n
how is the number of complete chromosome sets indicated?
a number is placed before n

humans are 2n
number of complete chromosome sets present

haploid = 1
diploid = 2
species that have three or more of each type of chromosome in each cell
homologous replicated chromosomes that are joined together
non-sister chromatids
chromatids belonging to homologous chromosomes
how many cell divisions does meiosis consist of?
2 divisions of meiosis
meiosis 1 and meiosis 2
why is meiosis known as reduction division
the outcome of meiosis is a reduction in chromosome number
4 haploid daughter cells go to form egg cells and sperm cells
when 2 gametes fuse during fertilization...
a full compliment of chromosomes is restored
diploid cell that results from fertilization

1 haploid chromosome set from mother + 1 haploid chromosome set from father
when does meiosis begin
after chromosomes have been replicated during S phase
phases of meiosis 1
prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, telophase 1
physical pairing of 2 homologous chromosomes during prophase 1 of meiosis
x shaped structure formed during meiosis by crossing over between non sister chromatids
crossing over
exchange of segments of non-sister chromatids between a pair of homologous chromosomes that occurs during meiosis 1
prophase 1
Homologous chromosomes come together (synapsis), and exchange parts from each other’s sister chromatids (crossing over), which forms chiasma. Spindle fibers from opposite poles of the cell attach to each homolog
metaphase 1
pairs of homologous chromosomes move to the metaphase plate and line up
anaphase 1
homologs separate and begin moving to opposite sides of the cell
telophase 1
homologs finish moving to opposite sides of the cell, nuclear envelope may reappear in some species
results of meiosis 2
4 haploid cells, each with one chromosome of each type
purpose of meiosis 2
separate sister chromatids that are still attached
prophase 2
spindle apparatus forms

if a nuclear envelope formed at the end of meiosis, it breaks apart
metaphase 2
replicated chromosomes consisting of 2 sister chromatids are lined up at the metaphase plate
anaphase 2
sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell due to shrinking of spindle fibers
telophase 2
a nuclear envelope forms around each haploid set of chromosomes
differences between mitosis and meiosis
homologous chromosomes pair early in meiosis but do not pair during mitosis
synaptonemal complex
network of proteins that holds non sister chromatids together during synapsis in meiosis 1
asexual reproduction
producing offspring that does not involve the fusion of gametes

offspring are clones of parent
sexual reproduction
production of offspring through the fusion of gametes
each cell in your body contains how many chromosomes total?
DNA polymerase
any enzyme that catalyzes synthesis of DNA
which direction does DNA synthesis proceed and why?
always proceeds in the 5'-->3' direction because DNA polymerase can only add to the 3' end of the growing DNA chain
monomer that can polymerize to form DNA
structure of dNTP
consists of deoxyribose, a base (A, T, G, C), and three phosphate groups
when does a bubble form in a chromosome
when DNA is actively being synthesized
origin of replication
the site on a chromosome at which DNA replication begins
DNA replication is considered a _______ process
replication bubble
regions where bubbles appear on the double helix
DNA synthesis is bidirectional because
it occurs in both directions at the same time
replication fork
y shaped region where the parent-DNA double helix is split into two single strands which are then copied
enzyme that moves along the opening unzipping the double helix and expanding the replication bubble in both directions
single-strand DNA-binding proteins (SSBPs)
bind to the open region of the helix to keep the strands from joining again
enzyme that cuts DNA, allows it to unwind, and rejoins it ahead of the advancing replication fork
single stranded RNA molecule that base pairs with the 5' end of a DNA template strand and is elongated by DNA polymerase during DNA replication
why does DNA polymerase require a primer?
it provides a free 3' hydroxyl group that can combine with an incoming dNTP to form a phosphodiester bond
enzyme that synthesizes a short stretch of RNA to use as a primer during DNA replication
RNA polymerase
one of a class of enzymes that catalyze synthesis of RNA from ribonucleotides using a DNA template
leading strand
strand of DNA that is synthesized in the direction of helix opening

synthesized continuously
lagging strand
DNA strand that is synthesized in the opposite direction of the replication fork
when does synthesis of the lagging strand start?
when primase synthesizes a short stretch of RNA that acts as a primer
okazaki fragments
make up the lagging strand in synthesized DNA
DNA ligase
enzyme that catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the adjacent okazaki fragments
multimolecular machine that copies DNA
proteins required in opening the helix
helicase, SSBP, topoisomerase
proteins required in leading strand sythensis
primase, DNA polymerase III, sliding clamp
sliding clamp
holds DNA polymerase in place during strand extension
proteins required in lagging strand synthesis
primase, DNA polymerase III, sliding clamp, DNA polymerase I, DNA ligase
DNA polymerase III
extends the leading strand or okazaki fragment
DNA polymerase I
removes the RNA primer and replaces it with DNA
region at the end of a linear chromosome that consist of short stretches of base that are repeated over and over
problems that arise during replication of telomeres
DNA unwinding completed, leading strand completed, lagging strand completed, lagging strand too short
catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from an RNA
somatic cells
not involved in gamete formation

normally lack temomerase
why do chromosomes shorten during replication
because the end of the lagging strand lacks a primer and cannot be synthesized
telomeres shorten in most cells except
gamete forming cells due to telomerase enzyme
how can DNA polymerase III proofread
if the wrong base is added during DNA synthesis it removes the mismatched base and then proceeds
mismatch repair
when mismatched bases are corrected after DNA synthesis is complete
thymine dimer
creates kinks in the secondary structure or DNA
nucleotide excision repair
enzyme complex checks DNA for damages constantly, if there is a damage it cuts off that area and makes a new strand to fill the gap, then DNA ligase joins the new DNA to the old DNA
carry info from DNA to the site of protein synthesis
central dogma
summarizes the flow of info in cells

DNA codes for RNA which codes for proteins
process of copying hereditary info in DNA to RNA

happens in the nucleus
converting in in the mRNA to proteins

happens in the ribosomes
determined by the sequence of bases in its DNA
product of the proteins it produces
exceptions to central dogma
some types of RNA arent translated to proteins, copying of DNA from mRNA
reverse transciptase
info flows from RNA to DNA
genetic code
rules that specify the relationship between a sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA and the sequence of amino acids in the protein
triplet code
3 base code provides enough messages to code all 20 amino acids
the group of 3 bases that specifies a particular amino acid
how many codons specify the 20 amino acids?
can more than one codon specify the same amino acid?
start codon

signals protein synthesis should begin at that point
stop codon

signals the protein is complete and the translation process ends
properties of genetic code
redundant, unambiguous, nearly universal, conservative
how many combinations of bases are there?
permanent change in an organisms DNA
2 types of mutations
point mutation, chromosome level mutation
point mutation
change in a single base pair in a DNA molecule
4 types of point mutation
silent mutation, replacement mutation, nonsense mutation, frameshift mutation
replacement mutation
change in nucleotide that changes amino acid specified by codon
consequences of replacement mutation
change in primary structure can be beneficial, neutral, or deleterious
silent mutation
change in nucleotide that does not change amino acid specified by codon
consequences of silent mutation
change in genotype but no change in phenotype
nonsense mutation
change in nucleotide that results in early stop codon
consequences of nonsense mutation
premature termination, usually deleterious
frameshift mutation
addition or deletion of a nucleotide
consequences of frameshift mutation
reading frame is shifted, usually deleterious
3 categories of mutation
beneficial, neutral, deleterious
addition or deletion of a chromosome

down syndrome
4 types of chromosome mutation
aneuploidy, polyploidy, inversions and translocation
cause chunks of chromosomes to break and rejoin in the inverted orientation
cause chunks of chromosomes to break and join anther chromosome
having more than 2 homologs for all the chromosomes
complete set of chromosomes in a cell
template strand
strand of DNA that is transcribed by RNA polymerase to create RNA
non-template/coding strand
its sequence matches the sequence of the RNA that is transcribed form the template strands and codes for a polypeptide
3 parts of a gene
promoter, transcribed region, terminator
RNA polymerase I
genes that code for most of the large RNA molecules found in ribosomes
RNA polymerase II
protein coding genes
RNA polymerase III
genes that code for tRNA for one of the small rRNAs found in ribosomes and for noncoding RNA
detachable protein subunit that must bind to the polymerase before transcription can begin
multipart enzyme consisting of a core enzyme along with other required sites
core enzyme
enzyme responsible for catalysis in a multi part holoenzyme
section of DNA where transcription begins
2 regions in the promoter that are important in prokaryotes
-10 region, -35 region
DNA that is located in the direction RNA polymerase moves during transcription
DNA located in the opposite direction that RNA polymerase moves during transcription
TATA box
short DNA sequence in many eukaryotic promoters about 30 base pairs upstream from the transcription start site
when does transcription begin in bacteria
when sigma binds to the -10 and -35 boxes
basal transcription factors
initiate eukaryotic transcription by binding to the appropriate promoter region in DNA
elongation phase
process of RNA lengthens during transcription
termination phase
when transcription ends when RNA polymerase reaches a transcription termination signal
RNA hairpin
causes the RNA strand to separate form the RNA polymerase, terminating transcription
primary transcript
in eukaryotes, a newly transcribed mRNA molecule that hasn't been processed
regions of eukaryotic genes that are part of the final mRNA
sections of genes that are not represented in the final mRNA product
process by which introns are removed from primary RNA transcripts and the remaining exons are connected together
specialized RNA that catalyzes splicing
function in splicing as components of spliceosomes
large complex assembly of snRNPs that catalyzes removal of introns form primary RNA transcripts
5' cap
protects the 5' end from damages and directs ribosomes toward the 5' end
poly(A) tail
added to the 3' end of mRNA, protects from damage

longer the tail, the longer the lifespan of the mRNA in the cytoplasm
RNA processing
term for any of the modifications, such as splicing, needed to convert a primary transcript into a mature RNA
____ is the site of protein synthesis in the cell
transcription and translation are connected in _____ but separate in ______
bacteria, eukaryotes
what has to be present for translation to occur
ribosomes, mRNA, amino acids, ATP, GTP
aminoacyl tRNA synthetases
catalyze the addition of amino acids to tRNA
aminoacyl tRNA
combination of a tRNA molecule covalently linked to an amino acid

act as interpreters in the translation process
transfers amino acids form the RNA to the growing end of a new polypeptide in translation
set of 3 ribonucleotides that forms base pairs with the mRNA codon
structure of tRNA
shaped like an upside-down L that vary at the anticodon and attached amino acids
how many tRNA are there
wobble hypothesis
nonstandard base pairing is acceptable in the 3rd position for tRNA
2 major substructures of ribosomes
large subunits, small subunits
small subunit
holds the mRNA in place during translation
large subunit
where peptide-bond formation takes place
3 sites of tRNA binding
A-site, P-site, E-site
holds an aminoacyl tRNA and carries an amino acid
holds the growing polypeptide chain
holds a tRNA that will leave the ribosome
1st step in protein synthesis in the ribsome
aminoacyl tRNA diffuses into the A site, the anticodon binds to a codon in mRNA
2nd step in protein synthesis in the ribosome
peptide bond forms between amino acid in the A site and the growing polypeptide in the P site
3rd step in protein synthesis in the ribosome
the ribosome moves ahead and all 3 tRNAs move one position down in the line
protein synthesis starts at the ____ end of a polypeptide and proceeds to the ____ end
amino, carboxyl
3 phases of protein synthesis
initiation, elongation, termination
ribosome binding site
in a bacterial mRNA molecule the sequence just upstream of the start codon to which a ribosome binds to initiate translation
initiation factors
class of proteins that assist ribosomes in binding to a mRNA molecule to being translation
translation initiation
mRNA binds to a small ribosomal subunit, the initiator aminoacyl tRNA bearing f-met binds to the start codon, the large ribosomal subunit binds
protein synthesis is catalyze by _____
process by which a ribosome moves down a mRNA molecule during translation
elongation factor
move the mRNA so that it ratchets through the ribosome in the 5' --> 3' direction
steps of elongation
arrival of aminoacyl tRNA, peptide bond formation, translocation
release factor
protein that can trigger termination of translation when a ribosome reaches a stop codon

fills the A site
steps of terminating translation
release factor binds to stop codon, polypeptide is released, ribosome subunits seperate
post-translational modification
series of steps that occur after termination to make the protein fully functional
molecular chaperones
proteins that speed up protein folding
gene expression
activating a gene to achieve the final purpose of that gene
protein --> activated protein

the arrow represents
post-translational modifications like folding, adding carb or lipid groups, phosphorylation
transcriptional control
cell would avoid making the mRNA for a particular

saves the most energy
post-translational control
regulation of gene expression by modifications of proteins after translation

rapid response
substrate in a reaction that stimulates the expression of a specific gene
2 ways transcription can be regulated
negative control, positive control
negative control
regulatory protein binds to DNA and shuts down transcription
positive control
regulatory protein binds to DNA and triggers transcription
any regulatory protein the inhibits transcription
set of coordinately regulated bacterial genes that are transcribed together into one mRNA
binding site for the repressor protein
allosteric regulation
regulation that causes the protein to change shape
catabolite repression
positive transcriptional control in which the end product of a catabolic pathway inhibits further transcription of the gene encoding an enzyme early in the pathway
protein that can bind to the cap binding site and faciliate binding of RNA polymerase and stimulating gene expression
CAP binding sight
DNA sequence upstream of certain prokaryotic operons to which catabolite activator proteins can bind, increasing gene transcription
molecule derived from ATP that is widely used by cells in signal transduction and transcriptional control
adenylyl cyclase
enzyme that can catalyze the formation of cAMP from ATP
differential gene expression
responsible for creating different cell types, arranging them into tissues, and coordinating their activity to form the multicelluar organism
6 levels of gene expression in eukaryotes
chromatin remodeling, transcription level, mRNA processing level, mRNA stability level, translation level, post-translational modification level
chromtin remodeling
process by which the DNA in chromatin is unwound form its associated proteins to allow transcription or replication
mRNA processing
changes the primary RNA transcript undergoes in the nucleus to become a mature mRNA molecule
positively charged protein associated with DNA in the chromatin of eukatyotic cells
repeating, beadlike unit of eukaryotic chromatin consisting of about 200 nucleotides of DNA wrapped twice around 8 histone proteins
addition of an acetyl group to a molecule
the addition of a methyl group to a molecule
histone acetyl transferases (HATs)
in eukaryotes, one of a class of enzymes that loosen chromatin structure by adding acetyl groups to histone proteins
histone deacetylase (HDAC)
in eukaryotes, one of a class of enzymes that recondense chromatin by removing an acetyl group from histone proteins
histone code
hypothesis that specific combinations of chemical modifications of histone proteins contain info that influences gene ecpression
epigenetic inheritance
pattern of inheritance involving differences in phenotype that are not due to changes in the nucleotide sequences of genes
TATA box
short DNA sequence in many eukaryotic promoters about 30 base pairs upstream from the transcription start site
TATA binding protein (TBP)
a protein that binds to the TATA box in eukaryotic promoters and is a component of the basal transcription complex
regulatory sequences
any segment of DNA that is involved in controlling transpiration of a specific gene by binding certain proteins
promoter-proximal elements
in eukaryotes, regulatory sequences in DNA that are close to a promoter and that can bind regulatory transcription factors
regulatory sequence in eukaryotic DNA that may be located far from the gene it controls or within introns of the gene
regulatory sequence in eukartyotic DNA to which repressor proteins can bind, inhibiting transcription of certain genes
regulatory transcription factors
proteins that bind to enhancers, silencers, or promoter-proximal elements
basal transcription factors
interact with the promoter and are not restricted to particular cell types
mediator complex
regulatory proteins that form a physical link between regulatory transpiration factors that are bound to DNA and the basal transcription complex
basal transcription complex
multi protein complex that assembles near the promoter of eukaryotic genes and initiates transcription
in eukaryotes, complex assembly of snRNPs that catalyzes removal of introns from primary RNA transcripts
alternative splicing
in eukaryotes, the splicing of primary RNA transcripts from a single gene in different ways to produce different mature mRNAs ans thus different polypeptides
RNA interference
degradation of an mRNA molecule or inhibition of its translation following its binding by a short RNA whose sequence is complementary to a portion of the mRNA
single stranded RNA associated with proteins in an RNA induced silencing complex
multi-molecular machine that destroys proteins that have been bound to ubiquitin