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23 Cards in this Set

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What is another name for cell reproduction?

Cell Division

Fill in the blanks

When a cell experiences reproduction, or __________ ___________, it produces _______ _____________ _________ that are ____________ ____________ to each other and to the original _________ ________.

When a cell experiences reproduction it produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical to each other and to the original parent cell.

Before a parent cell splits into two it must _______________________________________ so that it can ______________________________.

Duplicate its chromosomes so that it can distribute one set of DNA to each of its daughter cells.

What is a chromosome?

The main gene carrying structure of a prokaryotic cell.

Ordinary cell division produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical. Name the three functions of this type of cell division.

Cell Replacement

Growth of an organism

Asexual reproduction of an organism

What is asexual reproduction?

The creation of genetically identical offspring by a single parent without the participation of gametes.

The type of cellular division that is responsible for asexual reproduction and the growth and maintenance of multi cellular organisms is


What is sexual reproduction?

The creation of genetically distinct offspring by the fusion of two haploid gametes, forming a diploid zygote.

Name the type of cell division in sexually reproducing organisms that is responsible for
Growth and maintenance_________________
Reproduction ___________________

Growth and maintenance = mitosis

Reproduction = meiosis

What is the material chromosomes are made up of? What is this material made up of?

Chromatin, which is made up of DNA and proteins.

At what point in a cell cycle can you see chromosomes under a light microscope?

When the cell is dividing.

What feature allows long molecules of DNA to fit into the tiny nucleus?

DNA is coiled.

Define the cell cycle

The ordered sequence of events that extends from the time a cell is first formed from a dividing parent cell until its own division into two cells.

In the eukaryotic cell cell cycle the cell spends most of its time in _______________ about ___% to be exact. This is a time where the cell _______________________ such as _____________ and _____________. State two other things that happen during interphase.

In the eukaryotic cell cell cycle the cell spends most of its time in interphase about 90% to be exact. This is a time where the cell preforms its normal functions within the organism such as growth and and metabolism.
Cell doubles everything in its cytoplasm

Cell grows in size

A duplicated chromosome consists of two sister ________ joined together at the ________.


What is the most important event that takes place during interphase? What stage does this occur in? What does the letter stand for

Chromosome duplication occuring in the S Phase. S stands for synthesis

During the G2 phase _____________________________________________.

The cell consists of two identical sister chromatids and the cell is preparing to divide.

The Mitotic M phase includes two stages. _________________ and ____________. It is the part of the cell cycle where _________________

Mitosis and cytokenesis
The cell is actually dividing

In the eukaryotic cell cycle during mitosis what is happpening.

the nucleus and all its contents (DUPLICATED CHROMOSOMES) divide and are evenly distributed forming two daughter nuclei.

In the eukaryotic cell cycle during cytokenesis what is happening.

the cytoplasm is divided in two

What are the two broadest divisions of the cell cycle? What two processes are involved in the actual duplication of the cell?

Interphase and mitotic m phase.
Mitosis and cytokenesis.

Describe the series of events that occur during mitosis including the cellular events and structural changes that occur during them.

1. Chromatin fibres coil, spindle forms, nuclear envelope breaks into pieces.
2. Chromosomes move towards center of the cell.

3. Centromeres line up

4. Sister chromatids seperate

5. Nuclear envelope forms, chromosomes uncoil and spindle dissapears.

Describe the series of events that occur during cytokenesis including the cellular events and structural changes that occur during them.

Cleavage furrow pinches the cell in two producing daughter cells.