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31 Cards in this Set

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The belief that men and women should be equal politically, economically, and socially.
"Me" Generation
Term used to describe the 1970's. Generation of people concerned chiefly with themselves.
An approach to foreign relations drafted by Richard Nixon to relax and ease tension between the United States, Soviet Union, and China.
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty - a plan to limit nuclear arms between the United States and Soviet Union.
Whip Inflation Now - Gerald Ford's plan to reduce inflation. Urged Americans to cut back on oil and gas consumption and to undertake other energy-conserving measures.
To formally charge a public official with misconduct in office.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - Nations that export large amounts of oil and regulate world market prices
Camp David Accords
Historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that Jimmy Carter helped negotiate.
Watergate Scandal
The Nixon administration's attempt to cover up its involvement in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and other illegal actions committed during Nixon's reelection campaign.
Persistent inflation combined with stagnant consumer demand and relatively high unemployment.
Executive Privelage
Principle stating that communications of the executive branch should remain confidential to protect national security
Love Canal
Neighborhood in New York that was declared a federal disaster area due to it sitting on top of a toxic waste dump. Over 800 families had to be evacuated with mounting health risks.
The Silent Majority
Unspecified large group of people in a country who do not express their opinions publicly. Popularized by Richard Nixon
Young college-educated adults who are employed in a well-paying profession and who live and work in or near a large city.
Reagan Doctrine
Ronald Reagan's policy of building up the military and supporting guerrilla groups who were fighting to overthrow Communist or pro-Soviet governments.
The policy of developing a lot of military power so that other countries will not attack your country.
Moral Majority
A political action group formed in the 1970s to further a conservative and religious agenda, including the allowance of prayer in schools and strict laws against abortion.
The economic polices of Ronald Reagan. Associated with the reduction of taxes and the promotion of unrestricted free-market activity.
Iran-Contra Scandal
Secret arrangement in the 1980s to provide funds to Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran.
Strategic Defense Initiative
Plan that called for the development of weapons that could intercept and destroy incoming missiles. Nicknamed "Star Wars"
A disease that weakens the immune system and causes death. An epidemic of AIDS occurred in the 1980s and was contracted by blood transfusions, bodily fluids, and shared needles.
Brady Bill
A bill that imposed a waiting period before people can buy handguns and requires gun dealers to run background checks on potential customers.
Live Aid
Live dual-concert in 1985 that helped fundraise for relief for the Ethiopian famine. Over 150,000 people attended and over 70 bands/artists performed.
Persian Gulf War
War in the early 1990s that involved the United States attacking Iraq after their invasion of Kuwait. The war ended with a U.S. victory and successful liberation of Kuwait.
a civil society program supported by the U.S. federal government, foundations, corporations, and other donors engaging adults in involved public service work with a goal of "helping others and meeting critical needs in the community."
Contract with America
Document released by the Republican party in 1994 that proposed 10 major changes including lowering taxes, welfare reform, tougher anti-crime laws, term limits for members of Congress, and a balanced budget amendment.
North American Free Trade Agreement - Eliminated tariffs between Canada, United States, and Mexico.
the use of violence by nongovernmental groups against civilians to achieve a political goal
Worldwide integration and development.
Bush v. Gore
Supreme Court decision that halted the recount of votes in Florida and resulted in George W. Bush winning the 2000 Presidential Election.
September 11, 2001, members of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda hijacked 4 planes, 2 of them were crashed into the World Trade Center Towers in New York City, 1 was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.