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75 Cards in this Set

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Meniscofemoral ligaments
Posterior horn of lateral meniscus to PCL: Humphrey anterior, Wrisberg posterior
Posteromedial corner
Semimembranosus, POL, oblique popliteal ligament
Posterolateral corner
Biceps, IT band, popliteus, popliteofibular ligaments, arcuate ligament, fabellofibular ligament
Medial Structures of Knee
Layer I: Sartorius and fascia. II: superficial MCL, POL, semimembranosus. III: Deep MCL, capsule
Lateral Structures of Knee
Layer I: IT band, biceps, fascia. II: Patellar retinaculum, PF ligament. III: arcuate ligament, fabellofibular ligament, capusle, LCL
ACL Bundles
Anteromedial: tight flexion/ Posteromedial: tight extension
Fairbanks Changes
Squaring of condyle, peak eminences, ridging, joint space narrowing
Pelligrini-Stieda lesion
Avulsion of medial femoral condyle= chronic MCL injury
Segund sign
Avulsion off lateral tibia= ACL
Success of meniscal repair
60%. 90% with ACL recon. 30% in ACL deficient knee
Imaging discoid meniscus
XR: squaring lateral femoral condyle, cupping lateral tibial plateau, hypolastic lateral intercondylar spine. MRI: three sagittal images with lateral meniscus
Wrisberg variant discoid meniscus
Deficient peripheral attachment: treat with capsulomeniscal repair
Outerbridge classification
I: softening. II: fissures <50%. III: Crabmeat changes >50%. IV: Exposed bone
Intercondylar eminence avulsion
I: <3mm. II: elevation of anterior 1/3-1/2. III: entire fragment displaced. IV: comminuted. (OR for III-IV)
Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome
traction apophysitis inferior pole of patella
Hamstring strain:
Location: Musculotendinous junction. Mechanism: Sprinting. RTP: >90% strength return
Rectus femoris strain
Acute: distally. Chronic:proximal
Piriformis Syndrome
Sciatic nerve entrapment at level of ischial tuberosity
Coxa sultans
Externa: IT band over greater trochanter. Interna: Iliopsoas tendon
Saphenous nerve entrapment
Hunter's canal or proximal leg: Sx: pain inferior and medial to knee
SPN entrapment
12cm proximal to lateral malleolus where exits fascia
DPN entrapment
inferior extensor retinaculum => anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome
Tibial nerve entrapment
flexor retinaculum => tarsal tunnel syndrome.
Distal tibial nerve entrapment
1st branch of lateral plantar nerve between AbdHL and QP
Medial plantar nerve entrapment
At knot of Henry (crossover from FDL and FHL)
Normal compartment pressures
<15 @ rest. <30 @ 1 minute. <20 @ 5 minutes
Ottawa ankle rules
Bony tenderness. Inability to bear weight
Snowboarder's fracture
Lateral process of talus. <2mm fragment: SLC x6wks. Larger fragments: ORIF
Ankle A/S portals +risks
Anterolateral: SPN. Anteromedial: Saphenous vein. Posteromedial: posterior tibial a./ tibial nerve. Anterocentral: dorsalis pedis/DPN
Humeral neck anatomy
30deg retroversion. Articular surface 130deg to shaft
Rotator interval
medial: lateral coracoid. Inferior: Subscap. Lateral: transverse humeral ligament. Imbrication=> decreases inferior and posterior translation. Release =>inc FF and ER
SC joint to ST joint motion
2:1 GH: ST motion (90 deg arm elevation makes 45deg ST elevation)
SC stabilizers
Posterior capsule primary restraint
limit inferior translation when adducted. Limit posterior translation when FF/ADD/IR
limits ER when adducted
primary restraint to AP/Post/Inf translation at 45-90 deg elevation
Grading shoulder instability
Grade 0: normal. 1: humeral head to glenoid rim. 2: over rim. 3: locks over glenoid rim
Putti-Platt procedure
Subscap advancement- decreases ER/DJD
Magnuson-Stack procedure
Subscap transfer to greater tuberosity: decreases ER
Boyd-Sisk procedure
Transfer biceps lateral/posterior: Non-anatomic
Bristow procedure
Transfer coracoid to inferior glenoid
Incidence of RTC tears
FT: 30% at 60yo and 60% at 70yo
Subscap tears findings
Increased ER, decreased liftoff. Fix if acute. Pec transfer if chronic
Subcoracoid impingement
Sx w/ FF and IR. Assoc with posterior capsular tightness. <7mm bet coracoid and humerus on CT= dx
SLAP grading
I: fraying. II: biceps anchor. III: bucket handle. IV: bucket extending into biceps. V: extends to anterior. VI: superior flap. VII: SLAP + capsule injury
Lat rupture
Pain/weakness with add/IR. Nonop tx unless high-demand athlete will allow full return to activities
AC separation grading
I: AC sprain. II: complete AC, intact CC. III: AC and CC IV: posterior. V: superior >100% displacement. VI: inferior
Adhesive capsulitis
RF: chest/breast surgery, immobilization, DM, thyroid disease. CHL and rotator interval are essential lesions. OR if unresolved at 12-16wks
Burners + RTP
1st time: Complete resolution. Multiple: RTP after normal C-spine XR.
Wright's Test
Extend, abduct, ER arm and rotate neck away--> thoracic outlet syndrome
Long thoracic nerve palsy
Medial scapular winging. Compression (backpack) or traction (weightlifters). Most resolve in 18mo. TL brace beneficial. Pec transfer for chronic palsy
Suprascapular nerve compression
Spinoglenoid cyst=> infraspinatus atrophy. Suprascapular notch => SS and IS
Quadrilateral space syndrome
Axillary nerve compression. Pain/paresthesia with overhead activity. Throwing athletes. Late cocking/acceleration worst. Arteriogram: compression of posterior humeral circumflex artery
Scapular winging
Medial: SA weakness. Lateral: Trapezius weakness. Rhomboid palsy: dorsal scapular nerve injury
Eden Lange procedure
lateral transfer of levator scapulae and rhomboids- for lateral winging
Lateral epicondylitis anatomic site
ECRL/ ECU origin
Tommy John procedure
UCL reconstruction with palmaris autograft- indicated for throwing athletes- allow for return to same level @ 1yr
Little leaguers elbow
stress fracture medial epicondyle
Pitcher's elbow
medial tension, lateral compression, posterior extension overload. RAD: posteromedial olecranon osteophytes, medial olecranon fossa chondromalacia.
Elbow A/S portals
Anterolateral: 1cm distal and anterior to lateral epicondyle: LACN. Anteromedial: 2cm distal and anterior to medial epicondyle: MACN/ median n. Posterolateral: 2cm prox to olecranon and lateral to triceps tendon
DeQuervain's tendons
Intersection syndrome
Crossover of APL/EPB and ECRL/ECRB compartments
Leddy classification
FDP avulsion. I: no bone- retract to palm. II: retract to PIPJ. III: large fragment- stuck at A4 pulley. Type I must be fixed within 1 week. Arthrodese if >3mo old for all
Sagittal band rupture
(boxer's knuckle) extension splinting for 4wks. Repair/reconstruct if chronic
Muscle types
I: slow twitch/aerobic. II: fast twitch/anaerobic. Fast contraction/relaxation. IIA- aerobic/anaerobic. IIB: anaerobic only.
Commotio cordis
cardiac contusion. Poor prognosis. Risk of sudden death
Fluid replacement
hypo-osmolar (<10%) increases absorption
increases water retnetion in cells, increases risk of dehydration/cramps
side effects anabolic steroids
liver dysfxn, HLP, CM, testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, alopecia
similar side effects as steroids plus gigantism and HTN
similar results/side effects as HGH
Physiologic diff of female athletes
higher body fat, lower max O2 consumption/CO/Hgb/muscular mass. More PF pain/ACL tear/stress fx
Female athlete triad
amennorhea, stress fractures, eating disorders
Organ damage blunt sports trauma
Kidney- boxing. Spleen- football
Blood in eye: associated with vitreous/retinal damage in 50%